
Comments of chapter undefined of The Great Demon System


Do people even behave like that

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I always give myself at least 10 chapters before i decide to read that novel or no, it's only 5 chapters and you guys acting like it's more than 20 chapters or so. While i do agree that mc naiveness makes me angry sometimes but the writing is good and author explained a few things in the last few chapters so it's not that bad. There a lot of worse novels and trust me this one of the good ones, so stick around guys!

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I thought it was logical that he was like this because of necklace during these 5 chapters everything was about it after he put it he became calm all bad emotions drifted away, he was angry only when someone tried to take it from him. It was all written so why most of you can't understand it? Or I'm wrong, author?


Most retarded mc that could have been created, you literally are ruinikg your own book by putting people thought 6 chapters of this. All this could have been done in 1 chapter and then I would had had 5 chapters to hopefully like it

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Who the hell would act like those scums? So unrealistic.

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Please be sure to torture and kill this mofo in the future please, i thought that when moby said that the necklace is a momento from his parents then then that mofo would actually have some remorse but boy how wrong i was. Maybe im getting naive as moby is ;( Also nice to see that Abby is not bad as i think she is

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I don't even know what to say. These first few chapters are trash.


My honest opinion : Bad bad bad build up. Abandoned all logic, all sense of Humanity just to deliver this stupid plot? While having a one page origin with wishes and then that backstory has no impact on the story is lazy and bad its better than this. It is clear the story lacks logic because the author lacks it, starting a story with bad plot, bad story that either makes people angey and drop or shows who has no taste is not logical. It was already pointed out that his bad emotions being blocked should not have had any influence on his brain function, yet you went with it. This just tells you wrote without thinking clearly of the impact of each plot.

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Ok first things first My vamp sys had a book and the guy tried everything but blood which wuz stupid of him THIS 1 ACTUALLY HAS A REASON Y HE DIDNT GET HIS SYSTEM TILL NOW Like who would want to break a memento, amazing reasoning author 👍👍👍 Luv it

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I dont know what it is, but the sentence structure feels really strange

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this is basically a fake version of my vampire system👎🏾


6. Freaking. Chapters. Of. Trash. Traaaaash. One or two chapters of this okay i can deal with it an then give the better chapters a chance, but by 3 or 4 i had the urge to throw it in the trash. Certain aspects might be okay but i can't even read it because the MC is so damn DUMB. Like christ almighty! I get you were making the necklace have an effect on him an what not but Jesus, did you really have to make him the epitome of stupidity?!

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how did this novel get into top 10... the 1st few chapters are horrible

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Are you kidding me, these kids are way to gruesome it's like they tortured many poor souls before.

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so... what I really wanna know is, which came first vvampire system or demon system... cause so far besides names there are wayyyy too many parallels or for this to be an accident. I'm too lazy to check but would not be surprised if the author was like, I'm writing a story how about I just copy almost everything and write another


okay I'm not sure who's more stupid. moby, who has the iq of an ant, and decided to follow them or these random kids that wanted the necklace and we're complaining like dumbasses while they could've just held him down and took it off. he only decided to do that at the end bru wtf😐


Theres no way society would function like this.... take it this way in this world everyone in power is a deforestation supporter and not a single one is a nature lover... impossible right? CAUSE IT IS


almost copy/paste from vampire system til now :/ does not look encouraging

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Kinda cliche but still a solid start with a twist that I appreciate. The edgy kids screaming when his mind was clearly under the influence of the necklace, smh. Looking forward to reading more. Thanks for the chapter!