
Comments of chapter undefined of Marvel's Mutant Gamer (Being rewritten)


thx for the ch

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Love the story mate, keep it up. I hope you can make him proactive and go after essex :)

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The chapter is very good. I like to see that MC won't hesitate to kill if someone threats his family or close ones. Original gamer wasn't even halfway that cool


She will get over killing people are trying to kill them right she was brainwashed by xavier telling killing is not a good thing which i can understand but people who come with intent to kill you its a whole different story i get that its her first kill so its probably very traumatic for her


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is it possible to increase chapter uploads


Where’s the Promised pizza?


I suggest u dump that stats into wisdom so that mc will become a genius or as smarts as the author needs him to be.... The mad mutant need to be put down fast cuz if is not solve more **** like this will happen....


Thanks for the chapter. There is better way to kill the clone after learning mirror dimension, such as making city grinder in mirror dimension like ancient one do in Steven strange movies or sending to limbo for meeting with the Limbo spiderman, so jean wouldn't see what happen afterwards. After all the MC already read or observed them and knowing the key points or their goal which is "capture jean, kill boyfriend" and lastly "clone". Connection all clue resulting to cloning jean, conquering the earth with jean/Phoenix clone army and taking jean as wife.


thanks for the chappy-chan..... i would like to recommend using pov for jean to get her view... as she is a main character counter part.... so it is good..... hope you consider this other than using narration..... just my opinion.... and your writing is awesome so don't be offended....😎😎


am I the only one who thinks that clones are people? Like sure some are sorta shadow clone like beings. But, most clones are people. How does replicating someone elses dna make them not people?


Clone lives matter bruh

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Madagascar 2 was released in 2008 so the story I suppose now happens in 2008, there is little left for the events of the marvel cinematic universe to occur


does that mean you think all clones aren't human?

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Thanks for the chapter👍


Well I fear for x-23 and any other “clones” as they may have been grown differently but there are a few “clones” In marvel, Ben Riley, Kaine Parker, some versions of Jessica drew, Madelyne Prior and atleast a couple Charles Xavier such as “X”. So writing off “clones” all as non-human and as such kill on site worthy if there villians or against them at the time...is worrying. Marvel proves at least a few times clones can move passed any “programming” because in the end in marvel clones all have souls and human free will to become there own person...not automaton procedure...but well in marvel automatons every so often have souls and freedom to think and become there own persons too so meh. So I worry he’s jumping the gun too quick especially with how powerful he is. Fate needs to teach him some responsibility is needed with such power. But maybe that’s just me...then again he’s a **** with unlimited potential, and rapid growth...it’s gonna be hard to teach him.


Dunno why paragraph comment isn't working for me today but... How about asking Yao help on making something like a necklace with enchantments that creates a barrier while putting the wearer to sleep and teleports them to Kamal-Taj if attacked by someone? Surely a guardian on earth such as her would not mind considering his potential and helping prevent anything that would turn him into a vengeful villain who is one day capable of destroying the planet she protects. Same case with the cloning madman, should atleast let her know that the "Phoenix" is being targeted by someone who may have intentions of creating an army of clones with Phoenix powers (Extremely Powerful Telepath with each one being capable of leveling cities at least) Though Introduction of the madman and his fakemen is a good and also bad first nemesis for the mc. Hopefully his mutant gamer abilities couldn't be gained by clones, last time I read some novel with OCs having same powers as MC didn't go well. Thanks for the chap, also don't force yourself and take your time. Nothing is more worse than an unmotivated writer just writing something because of reasons. You're doing just fine despite some minor stuff. So relax, let inspirations and ideas for your story come naturally while you do other stuff.


Author if you read this.This is Ideea for the future.Do you remember how the Reality Stone is sealed in a hidden realm?,I guess Svartalfheim.You can make so that the mc gets a quest to find it,during Thor:Dark World events,it would be their group Time Gem.Upon aquiring,The Game System can open a new branch of Magic Skills for mc,the First Would be Reality Sense:In a certain areaxInt,the mc can sense across dimensions. or Transmatter Transportation:By erasing himself in one place and Writing himself in another place Mc can teleport.


why can't u create scan magic or tracking better yet just ask agna to search essexx


Thank You For The Chapter Mr Author


Don't stress about the chapter release rate fallingstar. Its already fast enough. Feel free to take a break if you need it. I would rather have slower releases than a burned out author. Screw people who want more. They should be thankful for what you are doing and shut it. Even if it comes from a place of genuinely enjoying your work, asking you to stress yourself is not only selfish, but down right rude.