
Comments of chapter undefined of Marvel's Mutant Gamer (Being rewritten)


I think this is genius and the author deserves a handshake and a compliment.


I actually don't want the party system. Let the MC be unique. There is no need to give other people Gamer powers.


I would say no to party.. it's not worth it and mc should he unique.. now if he makes a team with Peter they can create their own company and gears for their squad... also would he cool if the squad is not that big, maybe 5-6 people at max, ofc they can work with other people but those in the group should be the only once to know about his powers


Please don't This is HIS ability. Seeing it on other people always bothered me. I mean they have their own abilities as well, let the mc have something different than them


I vote for no system party


Please do a party system. Its all good as long as you dont make others become stronger as far as the mc but still make them strong enough that they don't drag him down. Well just like *The Gamer*šŸ‘šŸ»


No party system.


I'd prefer no party system. Let's say he did, then how would this work if, say, Rogue touched him and gained his ability? Would she also be able to have a party system? That's a whole can of worms right there.


no party system. if you really wanna give them it will only show them their status no skills, or learning ability you can give them observe skill as default but it will only show lv name and title


No party system please....let him be unique!! Make him learn Tree and water walking like in Naruto Thx for the chapter!!


Id say no to a party system His system and abilities are already complex and powerful enough But again thats just my opinion As long as you keep your quality of writing up I dont think it really matters either way

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How?! I Fucking came as soon as the chap was posted!!! I lost my first streak!!! YOU DAM BASTARDS !!!


no part system. thanks for the chapter


IĀ“m against the party system. Let him be unique. But this story is amazing and I will love either decision. Thank you so much for this amazing story.


Make party system activate at lvl 50. Make it a Limited Party system. things exclusive to the gamer can not be shared. Gamers body, Gamers Mind, method of skill acquisition, inventory, and Skills should not be shared. Make it so that party chat is possible, dependant on the Gamers Telepathy level to make the Gamer the Hub for the chatting. Things like Group Name, Character Name, Level, Stats, Mini Map (a higher function of Party chat, that requires higher end Telepathy skill level), Equipment listing with power compatibility check, Limited Leveling and stat assignment. What I mean by limited leveling and stat assignment would be... Leveling up to gain stat points, but unlike the gamer they won't be able to assign their free stat points but can train those free stat points into their normal stats. Lets say that they have 15 free stat points or maybe we can call their free stats as potential stat points. You train the free stat or potential points and gain easier growth with the stats through training. So while they can train and gain stats normally, perhaps they can control when they activate the Free Potential or stats on and off. On for easier growth, Off for normal training growth. While he can not share Skill Book, they can still have their own skills that have their own skill level, showing how well they have master over them. One thing that knowing their stats would bring is the direction of their training and swho which stats have best coefficient with their skills. Shared exp for those within 10 levels of the character levels. This is how I would do it. This way the party system is more of a utility system then a power system. Nice chapter.


No party system dude Seriously...šŸ˜±šŸ˜±šŸ˜±šŸ˜±


no party system pls.. Everyone has their own powers, it should be enough


I personally think there's nothing wrong with having a party system and as you said it will be nerfed so the mc will still be unique

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WOW, I just finished the last chapter and now, I have a new one... great service


the party system can function as a mmo for communication purposes, monitor the location (sharing the minimap), the party's hp / mp. Maybe make mobs drop items when party members kill mobs and the mc gets xp from the party. Xp may work differently for members of the mc party. Rather than leveling up like the MC or XP they get, they can increase the allies' talent but they still need to train to level up. Sorry for any mistake, I wrote with Google translator.

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Dude!!! I was just commenting last chapter about waiting for the next, then BAM! You,sir, are awesome.