
Comments of chapter undefined of Supreme Pharmacist System


The author will probably never read these comments. But I still think it's a weird asian thing to have women with bad personalities and good looks, and act like they're a catch. I'm fine with some personality .. .but some of these are demented. I've seen it a lot in Korean dramas too, when I watched those years ago.


Yeah but usually those kind of girls have equally stuck up bfs too or the protagonist breaks up with them. But here if this follows the pattern of nearly every similar novels, the author is going to show her so called 'cute' side and the mc will think she is not that bad at all. I honestly don't get this. True she may not be the wicked witch of the West like the lab senior girl. But she is pretty bad on her own...

DesertRat:Stuck up rich girl is common in US fiction/media too High maintenence GF, cliques in HS, mean girls, etc

Pls author don't ruin the novel for me, why do you add these annoying btches in your novel? Do you think they are cute? Are a masochist?


I really hope that the next female that is introduced isnt an entitled b!tch that expects you to worship the ground she steps on