
Comments of chapter undefined of The Adventure of Fenrisúlfr


Hello how are you doing... I'm here for an explanation of why you dropped such a glorious story, you had everything, and the mega crossover you invented in this story is WOW... day 1 waiting for you to answer me... thank you.


if it's due to lack of time, editor, lack of ideas, you have our followers to help you. personally I tell you, you can put you in contact with me


Welcome back king.

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also when he completes his island Gaia should appear in from of him an bless the land he should also make space runes to expand the island he should also go hunting for things for his house acromantula silk for bed sheats pillows cloths an other things an he should start planing on making his house ring make it that it it keeps like a memory of each person who wears it in it so each wearer of it can get knowelge from each of the predecessor so no knowlege will ever be lost an any spells his decendent creat will be stored an have a ring that's connected to it so when he goes to explore with his wife there decendants will always be able to contact him he should also collect seads of any plant or tree that will go extinct like the white oak from vampire diarys so can plant them on his island he should get some owls an train them like the ones in harry potter send letters an a a black cat in some myths black cats were good luck for witches an it can kill mouses an is said to have magical abilitys so it could be one of his next familiars he should also start creating more spells for attack like an area effect one for multiple energy's an he should start learning ligilemancy where he can sence emoting an curface thoughts an he can use it to help train his wife an the children in oculamsy buy using it but he don't have to make it painful like Snape did to harry an he should find a way to bridge to multiple rune languages together to make more powerful rune schemes an other things


Just as good as i remember 😊👍

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A suggestion. Hes the king of wolves it would be appropriate for him to have a wolf familiar. Maybe have it get enhanced by odins blessing as well and become a dire wolf?



but yeah nice to have u back without chapters


Welcome back there elzik, and hopefully we see some great chapters as well


Has this been dropped or are you taking a break to figure out the future plot?


I cant believe your back and I love your story because it is one of my favorite on this site but I if it is not to much to ask can you tell us your upload scheduled. What I mean by upload schedule is if you update it once a week or once a month so I know what to expect.

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I think one of the children should want to be able to enchant so he should be able to get a couple books of the basics in some in areas of magic so they can study an reaserch to build there knowledge in which ever field they want to choose from he should also start studying runes that would be good in smithing like a magical purifying flame to make the metal more pure made using runes saying purifying flames that can also be use in a rituals than can cleans the body making people have more potential in there body an cleans it of all bad stuff in the body I can't remember what it's called it happens in cultivating world an one that can purfy dark magic objects an places an make something to make salt from sea water so his island so it is more self-sufficient an with the storage room you should have blood wards so only he an his wife may enter an go around collecting more gems an metals ro store cause he is going to need it for the goblins they like money an upgrade they way he makes paper an books so they can store there knowlege into cause his book was good for when he made it with out all the right equipment build a port an a boat on the island so they can go out an fish make one of the none magical kids lean blacksmithing an also he he should learn apparition from the elves so he can teleporting him self he will heal so he should be able to learn it also make a amulet that will allow the muggle kids onto the island with out an trouble he should also make a green house for plants so make spells that can be used to make perfect glass for it one for shaping it he should also find out if there is any places he can buy magical things they may guard there knowlege but they have to have a way to make money or else the houses would never be rich


I'm so happy your back with us Elzik!



excellent chapter


I don't know if you got burned out or not. But you're really good writer. But I think you put too much detail in the background of your story. And you kind of like lost interest in writing up to cannon timeline.


Because of where you are right now I don’t know if you want to use the Tessa and Silas arc or the hollow from the originals Arc The being that was split into five who cursed people into werewolves and technically since The main character is the original wolf his bow for technically be linked to the teen wolf wolves while the original vampire diaries wolves are technically cursed wolves due to that link if you know what I’m saying. Either he encounters the hollow before it becomes the hollow and curses these people into werewolves or she finds out about the cursed werewolves and learns about the hollow and it’s one of like the biggest things he’s going to have to face. Now the Tessa and Silas arc is weird because after that is the original vampires and Tessa is technically an anti-villain so would she be the main characters villain in your story? Just because of her need for revenge, creation of the hunters, the cure and being indirectly responsible for the cults of Silas going after him for worship or power by sacrifice. And then I guess regular adventures from there until it hits the regular plot of the vampire diaries and then he has his input and instead of going from Beacon hills and Mystic Falls just move everyone from Beacon to Mystic Falls and have them be childhood friends and I guess to make things more interesting if he’s not in a relationship still or even if he is still in a relationship use magic to De-age themselves and lock up certain memories so life isn’t boring and they can experience life again differently with no memories they basically are we learning their magic skills but having an instinct and somewhat a guide leading up towards them getting their full memories and abilities back in a climax after Scott becomes a alpha and right before the hollow returns memories and full abilities will be regained. And if you’re gonna use the wizarding world of Harry Potter I like how you’re using it right now the separating worlds of magic etc. maybe once they get a certain age once they de age like in Harry Potter they get different Grimm wars and access to Diagon alley and told of magic schools and to keep it a secret from people who don’t know about the magical world. Until the stuff with Scott Stiles and Jeremy in the woods and and then Elena and the gang when they find out about vampires unless you do it in reverse I don’t know what you gonna do about Bonnie because she has a lot of potential and a lot of people downplay her.


Ah I bet you on a new adventures eh, sigh


Hello how are you doing... I'm here for an explanation of why you dropped such a glorious story, you had everything, and the mega crossover you invented in this story is WOW... Day 4 waiting for you to answer me... thank you.


Are you ever coming back or is this story dropped? I just want to know because it was a wonderful story full of potential.


Lol one chapter after 5 months then gone for another month