
Comments of chapter undefined of Reborn in Twilight


You cannot accept criticism and only talk about your logic, showing aggression like a mad dog. You're a bad writer, your fanfiction won't survive 40 chapters like most of the novels on this site.


If I wanted to belittle you, I would write a low-rated review. And what I wrote was in the comments under the chapter, you are just aggressive, that's all.

Brainstorming:I started writing for me. When I ran out of good stories to read, I was like why not make my own. So it’s simple you don’t like what you read fine. Stop reading, but for you to insult me in the process of you dropping that’s not cool. I won’t respond kindly to that. How many books have I dropped since I found this app? More than hundred. Have discouraged any author or insulted in any way while doing so. Of course not, I Know he is a human, I know he has different ideas than me, views the world through his perspective and not mine. So instead of belittling his work before I drop and never come back to it again. I just drop and he will never know. That way he keeps his good Vibe and I don’t spread negativety in the world. You guys hit me with negativety and insults of course what you’ll get back is the same treatement.

This was disappointing, all that power and he still coudnt defeat 3 vamps, and you say it for drama and stuff in another comment, im out, good luck though i just dont enjoy forced drama and nerf to spice up a story


Damn so he gonna be vampire now? That’s actually cool man! When you thinking of posting another chapter?

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I truly like this story. But I could never understand, why so many authors put op tag so their mc could be beaten in the first fight? No offence, I'm still gonna wait for new chapters to read, just curious and bewildered.

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so are they gona find that theo ****ed up edward arm so to speak or it will be atributed to anger or something like that

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The MC isn't weak ok? No matter how you put it, the MC was just a normal person in his last life and never, I mean never been into fight with a vampire. He managed to injure edward yes, but he was caught off guard back then! The MC isn't that strong "Physically". What would you expect of him? They say anger clouds your judgement, this is what exactly the MC's been going through, he was threatened by using his family so he doesn't have the time to make strategies and stuff and just wanted to face those vampires. But obviously, "vampires" has super speed, and he only has storm's powers and whitebeard's fruit which still hasn't reach even 15% of its power because he's weak physically. And was caught off guard by being strangled to his neck. Good chapter author, update more please.

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Great chapter!! An extra chaos but reasonable. Those two vampires are always looking for a way to take their revenge on the volturi. (They even joined the cullens ragtag group to fight the volturi in canon even though their proposal is suicidal. They said yes even though they didn't know the talents of the group could offset the lack of numbers.) It wouldn't be a longshot to hire someone with clairvoyant talents to find a way or person to defeat the volturi. The mc didn't exist in canon, so they didn't find a human they can turn with enough talent to destroy the volturi. Now since their obsession for revenge is clouding their judgement, this situation became reasonable! Even the fact that the cullens were distracting him with questions could be a way to hinder him while someone else (Edythe cause she's fastest) solves the problem since they still have misgivings on letting him face vampires alone. Alice powers also fits because she might have seen that if the mc goes alone to confront them, he'll be left in pain on the ground thereby mistaking the situation as grimmer than it actually was. It also explains her premonitions conditions where she could only use it if someone decides on something.

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damm!!! excellent chapter, keep going man, just don´t mix in other universes, his powers will evolve or be the same?(after turnrd into a vampire)


I could Understand this fight if he just came to the world. So he was new to his powers. But he been training them and the vampires he where fighting seem trash. Dont know if u missed it but i disnt see them use any gifts. So he had hard time killing mobs.

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It would have been more significant if Rosalie turned him imo. Maybe she could still do it, or suck the venom out like edward did in the first movie? Thx for the chapter btw love the story and don't mind the haters!


he so fucking powerfull.. just let it all loose.. with strom power.. and he can kill all 3 of them.. why bother doing this.. ahahahha..

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You know you story is good. But the fact that he asked for all that power but still a normal human who got his ass handed to him. This fight at least was lame. But I am guessing he will become vampire and super op after that


now I'm really looking forward to the next chapter, too bad it will take longer to have more chapters, the curse of the reader lol.

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No no no no noooooo Making him a vampire is gonna be too cliche, every novel about twilight makes their mc a vampire, can't you just not follow the same line. Plssss am begging don't make him a vampire ok, maybe leave him human by some magic or make him a werewolf, even better, make him an hybrid, half wolf half vampire, human hybrid is way too cliche too

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Great chap author author i like the Detail in fight scene very creative im honna give this fic a 5 star rating keep going with this one its a great Story!!!


Thanks for the chapter, can't wait to see how much he's power's will grow after he becomes a vampire.


I will continue


I love this story can't wait to see more!!! 👍🏻


this was so Worth the wait thanks author-kun for the new chapter can't wait for the next one.


New chapter soon????