
Comments of chapter undefined of BEING AN EMPEROR IN STAR WARS


Like the novel but there is no way I would enter the Star Wars universe with the same level of tech as everyone else. I would definitely wish for tech at least 1000 generations ahead. To others my tech should be so advanced it seems like magic. Also I would definitely have to get gate or portal tech no way am I flying everywhere


Please don't drop it and keep up the good work Thanks


Dude dude hold up.... 5000 HK-47!!!!!! Might as well burn the whole clone army

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continue pls

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Thank you for the chapter


this is a small scene to clarify some things about the concept of alien, since its original meaning went to hell because of mediocre fiction interplanetary adeuana: official: next ??? : Hello officer: hello, you were born here ??? : yes, I'm local, went to visit a planet on business officer: show me your ID ??? : here it is official: well, it is correct, it can happen, the following alex: it's me officer: were you born here ??? alex: this planet was not born official: ok the registration of aliens usually costs alex: i'm not alien officer: you were born here alex: no officer: then you're alien alex: but i am human officer: tell me what planet you are from alex: from the earth official: that is to say you are not from this planet alex: that's right official: then if you are not from this planet, you are an alien alex: but i am ..... officer: come into my office and let's talk to explain Alex and the officer decide to go to an office: ronxon (official): by the way my name is ronxon alex: delighted ronxon: well now I'm going to ask you a question if an asian comes to Japan, they ask him if he was born in Japan, then he says he was not born in Japan and when they classify him as a foreigner, the Asian states that he is not a foreigner because he is Asian, now Imagine that when he goes to the United States of America he is classified as a foreigner, because he was not born in that country, the guy continues to insist that he is not a foreigner because he is Asian, tell me what your reaction is Alex: I think it's stupid, since it is not your ethnic group, it is not what is taken into account when saying whether you are a foreigner or not, but rather whether you were born in that country or not born in that country. raxon: in your case the same thing happens, your race or species is not taken into account to say if you are an alien or not, if you arrive at a planet in which you were not born, it does not matter what race or species you are, you are an alien, if you come to a planet where if you were born no matter what race or species you are, you will be local, because you were born on that planet, I do not discriminate against you because of your race, the type that entered before you, was a human born in rakhan and it is not alien, not because it is of the human race but because it was simply born on this planet nobody begins to be an alien or stops being an alien due to the fact of being of one or the other species, neither Begins or ceases to be an alien due to being of one race or another





Is this being updated


where's the net chapter






Thanks and plz moooooorrrrreee


since not really much happened


an ok chapter