
Comments of chapter undefined of Beauty and the Beasts


I usually only post funny comments or cute things. But first Rape is okay with Curtis and now its okay for Winston. I don't care how intoxicated a person is, I don't care the back story and I don't care if the victim finds a way to rationalize it.


Not exactly how I'd imagine they'd mate, but Winston being driven not only by the hallucination sting of the scorpion tribes leader and the mix of the flowers being in peak bloom, I can't hold him accountable for his actions. He would never intentionally hurt Bai, all he does all he is and wants to be is her protector and keep her safe. Both will be traumatized about this some way or another. Winston will blame himself and guilt will probably eat at him. Bai is injured, doesn't blame Winston and even has appreciation for the white tiger. Curtis's mark was made out of procession, hence the placement like a shackle on Bai's foot. Parker's mark on her chest is due to the love they have and grew with time and experience. His is placed closest to her heart. Winston's park is on her shoulder, similar position that one will get a tribal tattoo. Symbol of protection and honor. The relationship they had prior to mating as well as Bai's feeling towards her. She knows and knew he didn't do this action in his right mental state. I find the symbolism quite beautiful.

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Dreams of White Tresses

Dreams of White Tresses



Curtis sized can of: Whoop that ass‼️


I agree with a lot of the comments, Curtis and now Winston basically forced their spousal mark on her the only legitimate one is Parker which is why I like him the most. I sort of knew that BQQ would do this since it is what she does forgives and finds explanations to what happened to her. Still love the story and will continue to read.


I really don't think they should've hid what happened from Parker and Curtis... Might come back to bite them in the future... But its good that both Qingqing and Winston are both fine now :'(


literally held my breath this whole chapter


Reading this chapter is both ironically sad and happy.. I'm happy that atlast Winston is finally part of Bai Qingqing's family, the efforts, we expected is there. It is paid in a hard and cold sense as he became one of her mates in such cruel way of event. I don't know why but I felt that Author-sama is some kinda had a grudge against tigers..(T*T) huhuhu..Of all the males in the story, Winston is the most mature, responsible, humble, kind, loyal, trustworthy, respectful, polite, caring, protective, sincere, and loving of all. He's an image of a good mate even he described as what they say as ugly. But it never to my imagination as I read this novel in such for he is always good and beautiful just like his noble heart. But having him and painted him in such cruel means, as RAPE, is totally heartbreaking. It might sounds like "it is fine as long as he is now Qingqing's mate". But the reality is "IT IS NOT FINE, IT IS NEVER OKAY". His most treasured, protected, and beloved woman was in pained and hurt because of what happenend and it pained me that this noble male is treated such way. (T.T)


Curtis is the danger noodle, I hope Winston is going to be okay after being punished by them.


Curtis Didnt ever rape qingqing! He bit her on her chest and that is how she Got his spousal mark the *** its self came later and was consenual. Winston is another matter but she really didnt fight back. which she could have her sps is a 5 stripe beastman she could have summoned his strength and shoved winston off or punched him so he would wake up if she really wanted too. Yes im aware he forced himself on her but she also Didnt reject it! And i dont recall her ever telling him no or to stop and get off of her.


if curtis hoon tha fight , don't know what happan?


See this! I just gifted the story: Potion


I hate this app. Fast passes are already hard to get free and when I tried to use it, it said Network connection error and took my fast pass but kept the chapter locked and now I can't read anymore. I'm sick of this. Does anyone know another app to read this story?






See this! I just gifted the story: Balloon