
Comments of chapter undefined of My Vampire System


As I don't buy coins, and am reading multiple web novels, please do not be dispirited when I only vote for your novel once a week. Thank You for writing such interesting chapters, and flushing out the side characters with the main character. It makes the Novel much more interesting, plus it makes me (us) wonder if there might be other novels(novelist collaboration) about the other characters as well?


The end of the chapter was so cliche that it hurt


What I don't understand, and others have said he before, is why so many people leave so many 'this is bad' style comments and don't elaborate, I mean, can you at least leave like, half a paragraph or something on how to improve? It gets on my nerves seeing so many negative comments without any half-decent advice on how to improve. Of course there are obviously people who do leave those kind of comments, but not many. . .


To all the people complaining about the reviews it's not that the story is horrible its that the author is making the same mistake that the majority of writers make. Using tired over used cliches and making the MC alot more stupid then he should be because of 'reasons'. For an orphan that pretty much raised himself for 6 years he seems to have zero common sense. Doesn't check the area before secret testing. Doesn't think a military facility might have cameras everywhere. Doesn't test his new system abilities. Yes the thought putting someone else's blood in my mouth is disgusting as hell but I'd try to do it ONLY because I need to know if I have vampire abilities because there are alot of negatives I REALLY need to think about if I do end up being a vampire and I need to know so I can prepare and plan so I'm not caught by surprise if those things become an issue. This thought process is just common sense especially if your life might be on the line.


I actually hate everyone commenting here.. there’s so much negativity for an honestly pretty good story. Sorry author :/


boring story


The MC is indeed an idiot. That is not a criticism but a fact. Just like saying the grass if green when it is green. So I don't really understand why there are people out there who seem annoyed that people are calling out the MC's idiocy when they are merely pointing out a true fact. Just because the MC is an idiot doesn't mean the story is bad. In fact, I'm actually enjoying the story so far.


He had no need to test the hypothesis at all. Just his previous scores were enough to come to the same conclusion.


This chapter was utterly boring and idiotic. It has a ton of horrible and utterly overused clichés; stupid reasoning, impossible coincidences, appalling romantic beginnings and just overall horrible tropes! I seriously worry for the MC's intellect at this point! His dense and imbecilic brain would form a black hole if you're not careful! Why this story is so highly rated, I don't understand at this point. I like vampires, always have, but this is just an insult to the genre so far! Like, how far can you honestly go, before you have to question your own writing quality? Do you honestly, really, enjoy making such an idiotic MC, author? And then there's just the super convenient girl, who just so happened to be training at this exact time, who just so happened to have seen the MC's previous test, and who juuust so happens to peek at the MC's new test. You can only go so far with coincidences. As Ian Fleming said; Once is happenstance. Twice is coincidence. Three times is enemy action. I know authors have to connect their characters along their stories for character development, and plot progression, but is it really too much to ask for some clever writing? Why do so many authors feel the need to force plot points so often, when so many readers strongly object? Sigh, rant over. The character just seems imbecilic to me so far, and the forced plot points are annoying. 0.5/5 chapter.


To everyone who's being a toxic, please go away. You dont know how much it takes to write a story. You just made someone's day felt like ****. Please go to other story. If you keep commenting about how dumb mc is just search for clever mc, problem solved. Fkin society!


Yeah, I can't handle the cliches and the sudden changes in the story. I'm dropping this novel. How did this novel even get first place in the spirit stone list.


I thought due to what was said in the beginning and when the military gave him the free skill book that the Mc wouldn’t so readily trust the military or there tech and remember he has a watch on his arm that I’m sure is relaying his location


thanks for the chapter


Read more, hate less.


Thx for the chap




Thanks for the chapter


I usually don’t badmouth on stories. It’s a bad habit and should be scrutinized. If you have feedback than state it, if u don’t like it than drop it. You don’t have to badmouth the author work to drop a novel




nice chap👍


thanks for the chapter