
Comments of chapter undefined of Infinite Mana in the Apocalypse


The author would like to recommend that you remove the lyrics from the cover photos. It is difficult to find fonts, combinations for an animated or created character. This will make the reader curious to click! I would also like to recommend that you form a partnership with Awespec, the work will be obvious... You two authors are incredible and have the ability to create even films and anime... You will and can change the web novel industry... Lastly, your work is not first because the 450 chapters were boring and slow. However, after reaching 500 chapters, the work becomes glorious and perfect. So I wonder why I hated the first 450 chapters so much? The answer was simple: I DIDN'T HAVE PATIENCE, and i'am dumb. Resume: GLORIOUS WORK WITH POTENTIAL :D INFINITE


6 chapters of buildup for that, I enjoy the story and all. The world building, the characters and everything but the pace has slowed a significant amount, the chapters are shorter and full of more filler as well.


this is where he gets a massive power boost and something never done in the records of extremity. someone oh hasn't even touched apex destroying a apex lifeform utterly. what Tyrannical beauty this is. Let all know why they showed bow down



See this! I just gifted the story: Ice cola


Awesome as always! Thanks for the chapters!


See this! I just gifted the story: Ice cola