
Comments of chapter undefined of Infinite Mana in the Apocalypse


Great chapter, I’m just curious about Osmont Bloodline since all of his aspects were quintessentially Baptized will his bloodline also advance beyond the stage of Zenith?


Boundary of Quintessence: The best features of other boundaries from defeated enemies will be refined and combined to support in creating and advancing the strongest boundary.


Quintessential Boundary of Fealty Any being under Noah that has sworn fealty, and has a boundary, will add a percentage of aeonic multiplier to Noah based on the tier and rank of that boundary. Any rank or tier reached by a subordinate, if greater than Noah's own, forcefully raises Noah's own boundary rank or tier to match. New boundaries can be learned in this fashion without any effort on Noah's part.


Awesome as always! Thanks for the chapter!


I have an idea for a Fourth Boundary Layer of Loot if you haven't finalized it yet. If you have, I think it will work for later boundaries. Fourth Boundary Layer of LOOT: All Quintessential Treasure Caches received from defeated enemies are increased a tier. All loot acquired from existences targeted by the Boundary of LOOT is increased in quality and quantity to match this effect. Simple, but worthy of the accomplishment of reaching this Boundary. This also synergizes exceptionally well with the 3rd Boundary Layer.


if the 4th layer of LOOT is not already created, I would make it so that when a powerful ancestral descendent is killed and a rare treasure cache is received, I would put in the possibility to gain a 75% or 50% chance for a 25% understanding of one of the ancestral descendents Boundaries. I would also include the possibility to gain an understanding in an entirely new Boundary within the rare treasure cache. maybe boundary enhancers could get introduced? I know it's not detailed but it's what I could come up with.


Boundary of Quintessence: Debuffs enemy Boundaries by x% depending on number of upgraded Boundaries through the first Layer passive


stacks on stacks



See this! I just gifted the story: Ice cola


Boundary of Dictum Emperor: he will gain the ability to not only look into beings and happenings all around like a reader would read a book, he will also gain 2 abilities- the ability to read “footnotes” with hints and knowledge created by the fabric of reality and whatever beyond it, it will also suggest things like ‘what could have been’ and reasons for why it is the case. The 2nd ability could be it will have the ability to always be passively active in “audiobook” form.


Boundary of Grind - enemies whose boundaries are more advanced than Noah, will be ground slowly. It’s like a defensive shell, that also desimates anything it touches. Downside is no loot or absorption, but when you can’t kill or need to protect or simply destroy an attribute, an attack, or a boundary layer - use the boundary of grind. At the same time, if you use any skill, attack, boundary, etc etc - the attribute of grind will multiply your efficiency and expertise by a factor of “X” Lastly, any enemy marked by the boundary of grind - will need 10x more effort to advance in anything - need to grind more.


See this! I just gifted the story: Ice cola


One obvious boundary of loot would be looting other boundaries. The only issue/setback is how it would be too OP so it would likely be set to only get the first boundary no matter what. Although maybe you can have all looted boundaries set as either at the lowest level boundary, the same boundary level as the lowest you currently have (unless the looted boundary is already below the lowest level), or have it so that you can loot boundaries once a week/month and the boundary can’t exceed the level of the boundary of loot and can only be obtained at 1st boundary or the lowest boundary level you own.


Ecriture of Boundless Extremities Noah's lemniscate soul construct of infinite systems cries out in protest to the bounds of extremity! The infinite forge flares with indignation! The infinite cycles of body advancements flexes in response! The infinite dream erupts within hitherto untapped expanses of mind Noah's burdgeoning origin aligns to a new center not previously revealed, like one toroid field inside another, and growing together to slowly become one. Noah's aspects are resonating with whatever lies outside reality, until extremity itself. The Heart of reality is aligning with Noah more completely, and the borders of all realities are coming together to restore the original unbound reality. The construct of the gourmandizing reality is harmonizing with Noah's origin and it's craving extremity itself!