
Comments of chapter undefined of Gael's Naughty Angel: A Mafia Prince Romance

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I need more chapters!!

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Poor Angela...what an ordeal she has been through at the brutal hands of Evan. She is a victim but I assume this is why her Dad has difficulty accepting that his little girl has been defiled & why her relatives are distant, possibly viewing her as ruined goods. The chapter title is just perfect....shards of glass slicing her open...great metaphor. Shows the pain she is in & she clearly hasn’t dealt with the emotional impact of this assault. The not knowing exactly what Evan did but not wanting to know; while others have seen it & talk about her - this must be torturous for her. Being able to trust a man again & be intimate must be a massive issue for her yet she followed her heart with Gael. Gael is so protective & his angry outburst upon seeing the video, shows how much he cares. So he came back because he wanted to protect her from Evan but didn’t plan to get too involved because of this arranged marriage with the Morrellis....but clearly, he couldn’t deny his feelings for Angela & actually wants to be with her. Like he said, he hasn’t done anything to make life easy, he has made choices because he wants her. When he eventually tells her he’s in love with her, I’m going to melt! They really needed this talk...will Gael keep his promise? I honestly believe that he will try until Evan makes an appearance, which he surely will (and that cousin of hers has probably dropped her in it with her address) & does something to Angela. Then Gael will show no mercy!

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GaEl- you can promise to her that you won't lay a hand on him... but Gio caN 😜🤣

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I like the progress.....communication is vital for a successful relationship. Hoping they can be fully committed to each other. Thanks Gael for having our Angela's back..... Kindly warn Evan's to dare not touch Gael's babe🤣🤣🤣🥵🤪

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Sure, violence isn’t always the answer, but will she be able to say the same thing when he comes after her once again? The law can barely be used to restrain him, so what does she hope will happen? He won’t stop hounding her until he’s physically forced to do so. Say Gael doesn’t kill him, but I hope the guy is at least crippled, he deserves that much. 🤷‍♂️😒

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I like the talkIng.....I also like that Gael didn’t promise NO violence, but promised he’d TRY to not use violence. I guarantee if that slimeball Evan shows his face anywhere close to Angel and Gael is around there may not be a killing but I’m almost sure there will be a little violence!! Bahahaha.......

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im glad they talk things out although there are still some lingering problems on the side hope it all ends well💪

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Wow Evan is on SICK POS. He wants to control her so badly but literally already showed her to the entire underworld. Im fine with Gaels methods. I also undrrstand why ang just wants to bury it deep into her past.

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Evan needs to go down. I can't imagine the ordeal Angel has to go through... Charlie must have been so guilty since Evan's father is/was a friend.

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There's no telling what will happen in the near future as Evan is not willing to quit his maniac tendencies. Even as they speak, he could be plotting his come back and ways to torture her again. So I doubt Gael will let it slide this time round. Also, yeah Violence ain't the answer but something needs to be done to teach that idiot a lesson he'll never forget. Clearly, Evan thinks Angela is all alone and has no one to stand up for her since even her family did nothing about it then. Gael should do something to stop this maniac. He really should. Dude might be a pyscho, but Gael sure can be evil too. Meanwhile, i love that they've talked about it and cleared that bit too. So can we travel now?? 😝😝😜 I mean, we need to meet Gael's papa Anj.

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Gasp! I cannot believe they finally had the talk... or that Lyra is a complete dweeb for being cool with Evan and relaying all of Angelas details to him... this will be interesting!

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I love the communication 🥰😍😘but we are not keeping this Evan promise...torture it is🤷🏽‍♀️

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Maybe HE doesnt have to donut himself, I am sure there are many who are in their “organization” who can handle it for him. Evan deserves everything Gael wants to do.

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Nixxxie? No new chapters?

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Oh please!.....give an update! I have no updates from the 4 books I’m reading!!! 😭😭😭

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See this! I just gifted the story: Balloon

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See this! I just gifted the story: Balloon

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See this! I just gifted the story: Balloon