
Comments of chapter undefined of The Oracle Paths


i would say keep it as it is. the only thing that gets me riled up is the lack of empathy Jake shows towards his friends hes trying to help. or any sort of anger towards the people he wants to defeat. idk if it has to do with his bloodline or not but it makes Jake seem less likeable with his nonchalant emotions. like yeah cool you realize all these things that Kyle didn't and kept a cool head to assess the situation but empathize with kyle a little bit and get agnry with him. It's like me as a reader my blood is boiling because of the situation but Jake is over there cool headed and indifferent and he's supposed to be the MC? Kyle is more likeable than Jake at this point in the book for me.


Keep it hyper realistic. If you try to appeal to the immature audience you're current fanbase won't like the novel as much. Trying to change the vibe of a novel halfway through is a poisoned chalice. There are gains and losses. But the fact is your current formula is already highly successful, if you divert away from it you risk losing the essence of why people started reading your novel and with that your original fanbase will start to shift away due to disillusionment. People say you should do what you want because it's your story but they're not the ones who are being paid to write. You may have dropped down the power rankings the week following the chapters but you came back up again afterwards because the story worked. Don't bother toning it down. The realism turns off those who want to escape from their reality with wish fulfillment but attracts those who want to experience stories that actually feel real.


My 2 cents on the author's comment.. it's your story ark write it how you want. I am thoroughly enjoying it!


Write it exactly how you want. Realistic shows How much of a difference it is between good and bad And in between. The book is about surviving in a harsh world. I dO hope it rise up in power! It deserves it!!


i am fine with whatever just do not go in hiatus 😂


I like your descriptioms of what the slaves are going through. It is, in my opinion, highly realistic for something like that to happen in the world you created. After all, thanks to the Oracle and it's slave contracts, these slavers don't have to fear a rebellion of their slaves, no matter what they do. They can do what they want and get away with it. Not to mention that the entire culture of the Nawai? is based on raping their women...


You're not glorifying it or trying to play it like it's a good thing to happen, you're showing it to us to let our disgust against our antagonists build. I'd say keep at it, it's something that actively happens even in our world and simply turning a blind eye to it to paint a pretty picture seems in stark contrast to the story being told. I just hope our MC eventually gets the chance to take a swing at them and win ;)


Just put a notice at the beginning of chapters that contain this type of content, so you can continue to write your story at ease. I think this is enough.


people are so afraid of some negative parts of history, that they prefer to negate or ban it's existence than learn about it


I think it is perfect like it is right now. the gore and cruel act make it for mature readers, so it depend of what audience you want to reach. But if i would like to read story for kids, i wouldnt be here and thats fine like that.


Personally I think you should keep it as is. I like how you aren’t holding back and showing the truely despicable side of humanity. No matter which choice you make, some people aren’t going to be happy. Since that’s the case, I’d say keep it the same or at least write what you want. If you aren’t happy with what you’re writing, it’ll show, so may as well do what you want.


I have to go with real-world. Don't back down on the darker subjects, writing is an expression of art and should not be "glossed over" because there are some things that do, or could, happen, realistically, everyday somewhere in the world. The people that are offended want to turn a blind eye to the cruelty that goes on every day. Don't get me wrong, I read Solo Leveling, it's good, I like it. But this book. Your book. It's based off of an offshoot of our reality, and the darker side of human nature is a part of that reality too.


I'm one of those who don't like to read scenes like that, I feel bad, however I know some people prefer the story that way (more realistic), I suggest you put a notice at the beginning that contains scenes for 18+, so we can keep following the story except for the chapters with the warning (and you would keep both audiences as loyal readers). It's just an idea, I hope I helped


Vote for realism and details. It is what gives life to a book, (if it does not feel like reading a story of Dysney). If someone gives complaints, simply put in the title of the chapter an asterisk or a +18, and those who have the thinnest skin, who skip the chapter and ready, to everyone's taste.


my stomach churns every time u mention maeve but i would still like u to keep ur style


So far this novel is in my top 3 and i read +/- 30 novels from start to end and next 30 I droped. Personally I like the more realistic, cruel and mature style where MC can finds himself in hard situations not only fighting but also in "normal life" (if you can call it still normal on this planet/universe). There are dozens of other novel where MC simply bludoze through every obstalce and on some point it get schematic and boring. I think you should stay true to yourself and write what you want in style you feel comfortable. You can't please everyone and in my opinion it would be great mistake to even try. And for those who got offended I thkink they forgot that live can be pretty brutal and devastating or they simply live their whole life under umbrella. It's great story. 👌


there is too much history for all. It lacks real mature story, which shows life as it is without shaking it off


Keep with the gore it feels better for this type of story, as the current world isn't much better in some places.


All those YA readers will at some point grow up and start searching for something a bit more adult. You don't have to be explicit but keeping the universe you create dark and somewhat "realistic" will serve you well for the longevity of the story even if it makes it a bit less popular immediately. More importantly - if you stop writing the story you want to write and "sell out" for the clicks you will one day be bored with your own story and turn into just another 9-5 drone churning out the awful mediocrity that permeates this site. Try to find some happy medium as much as possible but ultimately stay true to yourself. Just a piece of advise from someone who "sold out" a long time ago and for next to nothing...


Keep it real.... I like how real it is which makes me think what would I do if it was me in that kinda apocalyptic messed up scenario tbh. If ww3 ever happened I would imagine it to be worse than what u depicted.


It would be quite weird if there were only well mannered people in such a large and diverse environment like the gigantic planet talk less of the entire Mirror universe. I expect and would love to see more of these differences not only extremely cruel individuals but also extremely kind, cunning, altruistic, smart and dumb individuals or aliens. It gives more color to the story from what I've seen of your work already. Toning down the gruesomeness would make the story like The Legendary Mechanic which I did enjoy but I couldn't help but think that every alien species in the novel was just a typical human with a different appearance. It made their behavior easier to understand but it made the depicted universe monotonous.