
Comments of chapter undefined of The Oracle Paths


So she's bipolar or something. Am i supposed to care after what she's done? If person with mental illness kills/maims someone, should i pity her/him or is it because she has vag? Imagine if in place of Ruby was a guy. Straight up stepping stone for mc lol.


This chapter was surprisingly.... empty?

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Ruby literally leaves him for dead after he nearly sacrificies his life for her, then she rips his treasures out of his chest. Jake accepts a whispered, “Pardon” for that. Yea, ok


Ok I hope author wont make Jake just accept it and work with them in future... would be sad and disappointing... might ruin Jake for me 😓


Looking forward to the time where new earth goverment can only beg for jake's help


okay so, if I sound salty is because I am , the last chapters may have been "uneventful" but at least something interesting happened, in this chapter all we we got is that ruby is a bitch and everyone around her is oblivious to that, and that would be okay as a subplot but as a hole chapter it's kinda meh almost bad, if in this chapter they went to the islands to see how they work after that the chapter would have been great already, all I ask is if you HAVE to make an entire chapter to conversation at least answer something plot related, i didn't even had to be about ruby well anyway hopping that something happens in the next chap


I can't wait for Jake to go in on Ruby and tell her how weak and pathetic she is. I hope he blows her away in the 3rd ordeal.


If they are burning bridges that easily somewhere it will hurt the earth goverment and make it collapse. They cant just make everyone they slightly offended an enemy.


Till now we have seen, two hateful female characters which is very rare in web novels other than those with female leads... Lu Yan and Ruby. No matter how the backstory turns out, I can forgive Lu Yan because she was just selfish but not evil. Ruby went pass my botton line. So if Jake treats Ruby the same as he treated Lu Yan(even though he was not particularly kind to her 😅), I would be seriously disappointed


would have been nice to see Jake say something like "I liked you better when you were ugly and twisted outside but beautiful inside. Now you switched to ugly and twisted inside and pretty on the outside. Now fuvk off."


I understand if they compensate him, but this insincere sorry sounds like provocation, I really hate her as much as Lu Yan.


It’s crazy how we first thought that she was innocent and pure, which may have been an act, and now she’s able to ruthlessly injure(and possibly kill) the MC without feeling any guilt🤭 I do get that her past or environment should have something to do with her actions and mindset, to which I hope the author reveals with a satisfactory explantion for us readers soon


I think this novel need to be a little bit of pace up or increase the number of chapters release. @Ark


Would've liked more anger, but meh.


Ok I Just hope that the author won't end it like that, since All of us know that jake is the type that return a betryle by ten folds


Thanks for the author's not at the end, yes I hate her now, I hope that now Jake won't do this Oracle quests that involves Ruby, he was really ****ed by her this time, losing all the soul stones.


Hmmm... How should i say it... My comment may be hated and criticized a lot later but i have to say it. Why dont we think that whatever Ruby is doing has been due to her bi polar nature and her oracle ai and the shadow guide influencing her. It was not mentioned for nothing that Ruby was Jake's soul mate, it may not be meant in a romantic way but something like a trusted person or an important friend. It may be possible that she stole Jake's red soulstones because she knew what might happen in the end after inserting the soulstones so if Jake had tried it later on he would have similarly failed the trial but by taking his soulstones now he had a broader view of what he could do. That's why he chose to go for the green force field and even try making and may even succeed in completely forming his aether core. As we all saw in the first ordeal that Ruby already had a very high Spirit body level at that time(as she was already able to use telekinesis, i am just assuming and i may be wrong) but she might have sensed that Jake had already tried making his aether core(or her oracle ai/shadow guide pointed it) so that was used as a final push for him. Once again i may be wrong about all this and she might actaully turn out to be a manipulative BITCH... But still it might be related due to how she rgained her physique/body back to normal(may have been due to bloodline) but then Jake's previous interaction with her on earth would be for nothing and i dont think an author who could think up of such a comolex world and still develop it in such a good way would would just throw the previous interactions to trash. For those wondering why i wasted such an awful lot of time trying to write this comment is because i read the previous comments and seriously i dont want others to leave this such a good novel just because of some thriller(super long one if i had to say as even i became a bit irritated at some point) so dont just leave a book on a whim because u dont understand/cant think much about a plot. Dont spam the reply as i dont have the time nor the mind to check them


Throughout this whole chapter I just wanted for Jake to call Ruby pathetic and leave but I guess not.


I don't care for explanation or her POV that b*** needs to die no questions asked only then can we look for explanation and if there was a hidden mastermind we kill them too !


I AM DISAPPOINTED!!!! where's the Rest of the chapter surely this isn't all