
Comments of chapter undefined of Dark Lord Dumbledore


reborn as harry? Ugh, no thanks, I'm out.

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I kinda agree. Dumbledore abandoned Harry Potter and put him in a abusive household. He didn't even bother to check up on him or help him. Dumbledore also raised Harry to die for the sake of 'the greater good'! If Harry wasn't willing to die for others, I'm pretty sure Dumbledore would have killed him himself, to get rid of the last horcrux.

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Here I am, nice start hope exposing Dumbledore for a dark lord comes after 4th year so that harry can have some time to mature and become stronger to oppose fight Dumbledore. One suggestion make harry learn occlumency and legilimency. Rather than blocking Dumbledore from reading harry mind, show him false information and passively control Dumbledore. And please save Sirius he is good or you can really make Sirius and dark wizard.


I mean **** Dumbledore, but the real Dark Lord has to be Nicholas Flamel. This "allegedly"over 600 year old immortal mother****er that mastered a branch of magic that literally no one knows anything about is probably just sitting back and watching their society get completely ****ed time and again for the shits and giggles.

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Dumbles being evil? Is the same thing as water is wet.

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I like the story already because Dumbledore is the reason why after growing up I never read or even saw the hp movies again (in truth soon after reading the last book of the series) together with Harry Potter being a little retarded doormat (despite not hating him using as justification that abuses and the early traumas and near death experiences have ruined his mind, in my mind lol)... The only thing I am. Asking myself (considering the bull**** that are discovered to be possible with magic in particular after the grind elwald war books) why should he die? Between the philosopher stone and other means he should be able to grant himself eternal youth and eternal natural lifespan (can only die if killed and the likes) at least

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Can I just say, the first time I read the title, I thought it said Dank Lord Dumbledor.

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I’d still try the whole move to Australia thing or, influence and rule the muggle world from the shadows. Some of the wizard powers would make that super easy before technology becomes too advanced. Love the start.

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Shit.. I gave power stones to your other fic. From tomorrow I'll make sure they come here.

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@Chado_Sama After his death he gets 1 reasonable wish if he did a good job? That could be the transition into a follow up book where he wishes to be reborn in the Potterverse again... but this time in the past and Australia like he originally wanted! But this time he would already be very skilled in all things magical due to book 1, so it should be child's play to build a magical empire encompassing the whole continent Australia and eventually ascending to a R.O.B. himself 😄

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Yep, occlumency and legilimency are bada$$. But evolve them to professorX lv telepthy and mind fu cking!!! But perfect cheat way to gain this knowledge is due to little Harry is 15 months old, he should be able to talk well enough so call a fu cking POTTER ELF!!! tipsy will help young master!!! Books from either Potter Family Vault in Gringotts or from his manor will help any plot holes. as for controling dumbles Professor X his a$$ however you want. But make Harry first day of school take eaither partial control as blood heir of Griffindor or full control. Witches mostly dont have rights so only slitherin and griffendor would have ownership of the castle. That way any spying can be dealt with. Last Idea i have right now is send in the Elf army from the potter lands to kidnap and detain all death eaters right away. Clean up the world and this will screw with dumbles for a long time. He will never think of house elfs are the ones doing the kidnapping.


Yup the police can't blame truck-kun it's always the driver's fault..... 😂😂😂😂😂


I agree dumbledorw is not as pure as he is portrait in the orig. But also not a dark lord himself. Maybe very dark gray baut no real dark lord. Cse he at least gave harry the posibility to survive until 17 by living by his "fam."


I would willingly go to the naruto-verse, Only for the shadow clone jutsu. However I would prefer going into that verse after getting power in a different verse first.


Punish Dumbledork and the idiotic dursleys make them suffer


Why were these chapters reuploaded

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That was an excellent start. No free wishes. Excellent goal, that is, to complete ROB's mission to get a Wish.

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Wonder which girl or girls he will get with at the end. Harem or not doesn't matter to me just some romance is nice not a lot. Looking forward to see how the story goes.


Finally someone who shares my view on Dumbledore! There are too many things which make him at best a completely incompetent fool which may or may not have caught Alzheimer's disease, and at worst a very skilled actor that is in fact a Dark Lord hiding in broad daylight. - He was in love with Grindelwald. And their philosophy and end goal wasn’t even the issue / root of their argument as far as I know. - He may or may not have accidentally killed his own sister. - He caused Lord Voldemort by doing absolute nothing to help a abused child (Tom) and ignoring his pleading. - Maybe he abused Tom even himself behind closed doors? I mean... Tom had the right gender to awaken his interest if you know what I mean 😟 - He is a mind reader and can establish magical oaths and you want me to believe he didn't know that Peter Pettigrew was a traitor? - He sent the Potters in a pretty much defenseless hut, probably casting the Fidelius Charm himself and appointed Peter Pettigrew as the secret keeper because he knew the truth. And don't forget that he conveniently borrowed THE Invisible Cloak at the same time. - He left baby Harry in the deepest winter on a door step with just a letter. How **** has one to be to do THAT? - He never checked once up on Harry to know he was abused as ****? Harry lived in a broom closed under the stairs, never got a single birthday present, just got too big hand-me-downs, he may or may not have had to cook for his family since before he even started school and got too little to eat himself, he was forbidden from doing good at school, got chased and bullied by Dudley and his gang, etc. - To the previous point, he let it all be monitored by the squib Arabella Figg. Either his spy was extremely incompetent or he completely ignored all the abuse. - He knew Harry had a Horcrux in his scar, but he didn't even try to search for a solution in all ~15 years. He set Harry up to die from the very beginning. (Oftentimes in fanfictions the solution is provided by the goblins in the form of a ritual to transfer the Horcrux and I totally agree that this is a plausible possibility.) - He placed Fluffy in a school full of children? He lured Voldemort in a school full of children? He didn't know Trolls were in the school (and where they are) even though he should be in control of the school wards? - He didn't know that a Basilisk roamt around? A 12/13 year old girl figured that out! And conveniently he wasn't in school when Ginny was kidnapped and it came to the showdown. - How did the diary even get in school? He should be in control of the school wards -.- - Why would he even hire/employ people like Lockhart? Or the ghost Binns? Or Snape? It looks like he actively sabotages the education of whole generations. - He didn't know Peter Pettigrew was in the castle? For years? Again, he is in control of the school wards. - He didn't know Sirius was innocent? He couldn't help? Again, he is a mind reader. And he is the Chief Warlock of the Wizengamot. The whole Sirius debacle is laughable. - Sirius was throw in prison without trial even though he was innocent, but nearly all Death Eaters got off scot free? Again, Dumbledore is and was the goddamn Chief Warlock of the Wizengamot. - Strange that Dumbledore keeps just 1 of each around: 1 spy, 1 (part)-goblin, 1 (part)-giant and especially just 1 werewolf. It looks to me like he is very biased and racist, just having 1 of each to milk the maximum amount of benefits and polish his public image. I think he even votes for stricter werewolf laws in the Wizengamot himself. - He sent Harry back to the Dursleys each year. - He forbade Harrys friends from contacting him the whole summer after he saw someone die (Cedric or Sirius? I am not sure just now.) - He never taught Harry anything magic related at all to defend himself. All he did was show Harry a looooot of memories and tell a looooooong story about a boy named Tom. Great help *sarcasm* I could probably name a lot more poi


Ah i feel so much perfection just from the first chapter!


do far this is the exact type of Harry Potter story I've always been looking for I've read the books watch the movies and there's so many potholes and stuff that just doesn't make no logical sense and Dumbledore is a huge one.