
Comments of chapter undefined of Supreme Magus


Honestly, I don't like this development. Not because I want Lith to be special, but because I don't see any logic in this narrative. Mogar said that she was fair, that's why she gave Dereck, someone who never lived in Mogar, a chance. But aparently she just changed the lineage of an entire family without asking for their permission. So how is this considered fair? I've always thought that what she meant was that she directed Dereck's soul to Lith's dead body, a member of a family that carried a recessive lost mutation. And that Dereck's abomination side was the one responsible for regaining that bloodline, just like Xenagross regained her dragon side after becoming an abomination. It's an explanation that makes sense and there's already a precedent. This, for me, is a plothole that lowers the novel's score (just like a few recent developments). But whatever.


I think I hate this 'Morgar has been planning this for a long time' narrative the most, because it means that the planet is playing puppet master. If you have the planet, the closest concept to God in the novel, manipulating people, what can you even do? Lith was an abomination, Mogar gave him the chance to become something different, but he could still become an Eldritch. In his family's case, they were normal humans but Mogar decided to play mad scientist and now they are something else. If the planet turned you into a lion, would you call that "fair"? So the father of all demons means: I modified all these humans because of you, and that is why you have this title. If Meln doesn't become a demon, it would be even stranger. Lith healing Tista shouldn't be enough for him to turn her into a demon. And then you would have to accept the possibility that Lith could turn everyone in the friend group into a demon. I mentioned plothole because it goes against everything that has been said about Mogar so far. So unless the plot twist is Mogar a manipulator, I see no sense in the narrative. And if that is the case, then I don't like the narrative xD

DarkProphet:I don't see there being a plot hole as such. It's I use many of us had assumptions that were c.early wrong. We know Mogar is fair and did something to cross bloodlines to create a vessel for Lith. What's not clear is how long she's been planning this and exactly what role the pillar plays. Does awakening and reaching blue core constitute the only part required or does the pillar do more than just nurture? We will only know for sure if Orpal/Melbourne evolves. Also if he doesn't get the pillar and gets a week or unstable evolution we then know the pillar is more than just energy to nurture.

Tista’s the first regular Demon! Excited to see what she can do!!!


somebody call grandma for gifts


if tista can evolve than orphal will too :o


Father of demons has given birth to his first demon!


Anyone else find it interesting that Tista’s elements are Water and Light, the exact opposite of Lith’s Fire and Darkness


LoL, imagine Lith saying I dub thee Blue Demon. Now raise my Demon. Let's go kill some bad guys for fun.


can we just celebrate that something didn't go south and everything turned out relatively okay for once 🤣🤣🤣


to be honest. i think the eyes were the intentions of mogar. a father of demons is of course going to look much different and be more than the ones below him. its likely Mogar wanted you to have the eyes as you are the personification of destruction. destruction being all walks of life, elements and matter alike.


Tista finally evolved! I can't wait to see her abilities. Also, so much for wanting to stay human, her instincts kicked in as soon as she evolved 😂


Fairy Queen . So, Nana had dragon’s eyes and knew all along about they nature


So their family line shares the trait, They are going to be wanted by everyone


Last week crying and now all excited like a kid in Christmas wanting to know more about Tista. I'm really looking forward to Salark reaction when she meet her.


Well there's still liths other sister and mom/dad to evolve and we get a whole set of demons 🤣😂


So according to this logic Meln also became a demon?


They should actually call grandma and grandpa, not for gifts, but because they can more easily tell Tista what to watch out for and help her adapt. Then again, Faluel probably knows Enough to help too.


Great chapters, Legion! Amazing progression of the story line. A single and ready to mingle Jerni is scary af though. Thats going to be an insane arc of this story. Also, Thru….this is going to be very interesting going forward.




So why is Tista a Demon aswell? Shes older than Lith, so her bloodline shouldnt have been alter when Mogar added the pheonix and dragon parts to Lith to stabilize his abomination nature. I dont get the logic here. Id understand if the relatives that came after were affected.


Welcome the Blue Demon, Tista!


Liths family is lucky this guy doesn't exist😅😂