
Comments of chapter undefined of Supreme Magus

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When I am reading this chapter about teleportation,I was reminded of the scene from the TV series 'Big Bang Theory ' where one day Sheldon tells Leonard about 'This is the problem with teleportation?', in the series Sheldon says exactly same theory as author that by teleporting we kill the current Sheldon and create an exact copy clone of Sheldon,here when others either ponder about the topic or ignore the topic, I was laughing about thinking the reply that Leaonard gave to Sheldon that since the created clone of Sheldon is same as original Sheldon then that is a problem😂😂😂😂😂


I remember a Star Trek NG episode where Captain Picard, during an emergency, experienced a transporter malfunction causing him to have the body of his 12-year-old self while his mind and actions remain the same as his character.

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I love how Lith still maintains that he has only a small amount of talent as compared to so many other MCs who consider themselves geniuses....

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Wew, SHIP OF THESEUS paradox there.... Paradox that raises the question of whether an object that has had all of its components replaced remains fundamentally the same object..... This chapter is truly amazing... I prefer event horizon than teleport when it comes to lith "true magic" of dimension later.....

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Disappointed in Lith here. He's been having it easy for many years, and been itching for learning and a challenge. Now, he considers dropping a subject that over half passes, to not damage his grades, which he last chapter wishes had been slightly lower. The teacher even said it has nothing that cannot be overcome with hard work and practice, but he's half-given up, despite already being able to do better than triple-casting. Also, while True Magic may not be as useful as it is in healing, I can't see how it won't still give him an edge. And sensibility? He's been practicing magic since he was 0, while maybe not a strongpoint, how can it be worse than the average student's? Thanks for the chapter though

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For people who want to check out "The Prestige" be warned its a dark dark movie ... dont get fooled by all the magic tricks

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Thank you for the chapter

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Great chapter looks like worm holes ! I know there are souls in this world setting but is there in our own universe ? Yes, teleportation means deconstruction of a body for a friction of time for macro world but what is consciousness ? What is being alive ? The answer might seem frightening to some but we're just a biological computer, composed of just information. Information of our experience with observation and learning, information of how our genes works. theoretically you can bring someone alive from tens of thousands years ago, and it would be the same person because no information is lost in universe :) So would teleportation could kill us ?

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"Is that event horizon?" - what? Ehh? Why? O.o

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Thanks for the chapter, well its a opportunity to let others see the genius behind lol


this magic and science coexist


The only problem that I had is that he called it an event horizon, which is the scientific name for a black hole, alongside a singularity, I think the author meant to call it an Einstein-Rosen bridge, commonly known as a wormhole. The difference being that an event horizon, we don't really know what causes them, but they're just a supermassive well of gravity that crush everything that comes in contact with them, and sucks it into it's core, (I personally theorise, that they're the aftermath of a collapsed star; because the gravity at the core of a star is hundreds of times stronger, and that the outer layers suppress it, that when the star has a supernova, that ttor backlash of the massive release of energy causetto star to implode creating a blackhole. Or that blackholes are what create stars over hundreds of thousands, or millions of years, by attracting particles and crushing anything that comes near it into space particles, that eventually they condense into matter, due to being subjected to so much pressure, and eventually they enter the 4th stage of matter, aka: plasma due to an unknown process.) But we have seen them, and have proof that they exist. While with an Einstein-Rosen bridge, we've never actually seen one, it's only a theorized happening that coincides with Einstein's theory of relativity, and a mathematical equation that says that it's a possible happening. And while yes it is highly possible, asides from that there is no real substance other than theories and math equations stating that they are possible. But asides from that little inconsistency, I think everything else is very interesting, and well written for the most part. I'm really enjoying reading this story


I call BS that Dimensional magic doesn't require a **** ton of mana to use. What happened it to it being sciencey? Opening a wormhole, even a tiny one, would take such an incredibly stupid amount of energy to even make, forget keeping it open!

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*throws javelin with power stones on it*

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Wow, what long debates! These focuses are intriguing

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I thought his main goal was learning a lot of magic, since he realized resources from the school (books) and learning forgemastering is very valuable. Those things won't disappear simply because he can't ace dimension magic right away, which he, btw, doesn't know yet, since he hasn't even tried. Maybe I don't know how high-achievers and hard-working people functions (I'm certainly not one), but I just don't think that they'd be some who gives up before even trying. And hard work really is what has gotten Lith to where he is (along with being lucky and finding his mana core and improving it) In regards to grades, he's seemed more afraid of getting above an A and standing out too much, rather than getting a grade below it; he didn't even want to go at first, so why he's so focused on grades suddenly seems weird (yes, ensures better protection for his family, but the Queen has already marked him as important due to the mock-exam and his contributions to healing-magic, I don't believe failing to use Blink right away changes that) Lith is in a weird state for me, where he on one hand realizes he's worth a lot (to the point of being cocky about it) to the school and kingdom (highly praised by Manohar fx, and he has only shown a small bit of his capabilities in healing-innovation), but on the other he's quite pessimistic and undervalues his magic-capabilities, which confuses and annoys me about him. I thought he'd have developed more towards confidence over the last 12 years (especially in regards to magic) with a loving family and Solus as backup, rather than become less sure of himself (saying puberty is the cause could possibly be medically correct, can't remember it being that bad back then myself, but even if so, it still bothers me as a reader to read a character regress, even if it's potentially warranted, though exaggerated) I'm no longer sure where I'm going with all this. You're the author, and as long as you have plans for where you're going with your character developments, then this just feels like I'm complaining for the sake of complaining. I really do like the universe you've built up, the characters surrounding Lith (especially Solus) and the magic. I'll refrain from commenting on Lith negatively in the coming chapters, I'm not sure it would be very constructive. Thanks for the story (and taking the time to read this, if anyone managed to get that far)

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TLDR blink is the fancy term for wormhole... Nice

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Nice one.👍👍👍👍. Final he hits a wall. hahahahaha

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Thanks for the chapter

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Thanks for the chapter.

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Ah, matter/energy conversion, the reason McCoy hated transporters