
Comments of chapter undefined of Supreme Magus


Here's a big problem about the personality of the brother. Personalities and emotions does not develop that way, the way you did it is too forced. They grew up in the same house, grew the same way, have the same loving parents, etc. So why did his personality turn that way? Care to explain? The spanking part is not counted.


Which is what im saying, he ate a lot more back then because he didnt have to share he was a lot less hungry when sharing with 1 other person thab sharing with 4

Uncle_Sam_3943:Just because they can eat 3 times a day doesnt mean they arent hungry.... a Bowl of rice can be considered a meal a small salad can be considered a meal..

i hate that authors force a villain everytime when they cant write something that make sense, since he is a kid author decided to make a villan out of his big brother. everyone act badly towards his big brother and he is actualy right with things he said (they shoudnt have made another baby while already had 4 and one of them been sick and need costant medical care plusthe mc definitly a leech, he is just an evil sprit that possesed the dead baby, and he pretent to be a genious while been an avarage person just using his past experience and his parent insist on taking care of his sister which is not geting any better while paying medical care for her and as he said when their parents die she will be a burden to her sibling, instead of understanding boys frustration and telling him in a nice way that they are a family etc. show him love and care , make him get along with his family they decide to beat him which is a small kid to the point of making him unable to walk for days) i bet he will also make it so that his brother even more of a villain and he will kill him becoming an hero for his family (someone who possesed a baby and killing the son of the parents actualy kid) and cure her sister with magic. i should have guess this is been a bad unoriginal novel from ass breathing meditation and core in his body and learning magic while been a baby just from been there when it cast, or from author forcing the car driver from acciant of his brother to act spoiled after got free and somehow with impossible odd coming across him while outside.


Is a 4 year old baby capable of such speech? And what about keeping a low profile?

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hahahaha "There was no need to hold the plate for me, but thanks. That was very kind of you." Certainly she is kind XD


Will the mc’s personality ever change? I mean, i like dark mc’s but this is not dark. This is just mental disorder, plain psycho, and a lunatic.


#1. MC is a false genius. A wolf in sheeps clothing. Because if he was a genius, he should of been a genius in his past life. But nope. He was ordinary person. It's literally comparing a grown adults intellect, who has a masters degree, to a little kid not even in 1st grades Intellect. And the mc is ok with that? Not very appealing. #2. Older brother is not a villain. He's just a kid, in body and mind. Kids say things all the time when they are angry but don't mean it. Beating a kid until they can't walk for days is worse than anything the MC's past dad had ever done to the mc. Surprised mc didn't have flash back to the days his past dad was beating him and his younger brother and start tripping out. Guess as long as it moves the plot forward or if he doesn't like that person, even if it's his own siblings, it doesn't matter to him? Or his animosity towards his past dad isn't all that big of a deal? And only uses it as an excuse or to justify himself when it's convenient for him or the plot? #3. If starvation is really that big of deal then the mc should be more understanding of how his older bro feels, considering his bro is older so has been feeling the hunger longer than him. #4. Why is the mc so much more attached to the females in his new family than his bro's? Considering the person closest to him in his past life was his bro... and at least he had some interactions with his father even tho he hated him... He had nothing with his mother. And he had no sisters. Guess the whole 'my younger bro has a great relationships with girls and with his gf, they were going to get married so I'm jealous' is still bugging him. Cause it seems he is only trying to get close to females. #5. So from what I've I've gather so far, the mc a spiteful, petty and narrow minded fully grown ***** in a kids body?? Whos holding a grudge agaisnt a little kid in a little kids body??? Why am i rooting for this guy???? I'm actually rooting for the older brother. Lol.


Wow, In this chapter I realized I would be no different from MC. In fact i think i`m even more selfish than him. So if there are people who is judging him, I have to say you guys are no saint too....

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Sick retarded brother you got there You should feed him this=💩💩💩💩💩


For everybody complaining about some science ****, this is a F*cking fantasy world, sure there are some connections that the author tried to do with magic and science but not everything is specified. Also, please remember that this is a goddamn novel and not everything can be covered, so if you want to read REAL science then go read a textbook or something, goddamn.

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It's a mini Goku. Great novel, well constructed grammar, especially in this site.

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Can't he tesch his sister the same inner technique as himself? Also is it really true the tail is all body hair? I never touch a squirrel body because I am afraid of getting bitten and getting some type of infection who knows where there teeth been.


If Lith taught his sister the breathing technique that improved his health, that should help her out. I wonder why he didn't think of that.




nice chap👍


thanks for the chapter


This is a story not real life why are you guys suggesting changes and all. I believe that this story is interesting if you think so just continue reading I don't mean any offence sorry if I was rude 😅


I don’t understand most of the critique here^^ He’s not a 3-year old. When dying he was older than his parents and quite a cynical personality. Yes, blowing his cover and all, but how often in our times are people telling most intimate things to complete strangers as if they were cofessing on the death bed? Even without a good reason to do so! The mc is just not stable yet and yes, hunger makes You crazy. I have to say, this story is not perfect, but shows one of the most realistic and sound openings. Btw, I dropped a lot of stories because of exactly this reason and cannot c that happening for this one yet.


bro you are trying too hard to make opal an asshat!


I’m loving this novel so far! It is amazing to see all the struggles he has and is going through and how he has overcome them all so far.

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Love mc's new teacher! Loving this novel!! Happy mc finally has food & when he's able to feed himself, can't wait till he shares w/ his family. Mayb Trista will get better w/ more nutrition?