
Comments of chapter undefined of Monster Integration


It's official Michael Zaar is a simp. His father was second best to a female and so is he, pathetic. This just goes to show like father like son. I hope he finds a toxic masculine male to set him straight. So that he can find the right woman. Also I really want to ask this question. Is this whole planet full of simp, weak, subservient, moist, gameless males. Who do not seek to lead, conquer, protect, and provide for women. Because I have seen a lot of strong women but not alot of strong masculine men. P.S. Michael should break up with Mira right now and stop being simp manipulated by Beautiful women. Step your game up.


I'm actually happy for Micheal at this moment, yeah this sucks and makes me want to stop reading the story but Micheal is constantly being held back by the people around him. Having a girlfriend was just another variable, his goal is the top of the universe he has been training hard for his goal and Mira clearly hasn't as she was looking at other relationships and has a inherited bloodline. The relationship was bound to break off because of the difference in goals, I wish it was done in a better way. I truly think that the personality of this Mc came from how he was brought up in society, he is not ready to offend people and that is his biggest weakness, heck even when he tried not to offend people they go offended thus it made the Mc not as overbearing in social situations as compared to fighting situations where he shows his true ability to be overbearing


imma be honest you, I think this break up thing is so stupid. The first time Michelle broke up with Rachel it was okay as there were a few reasons for it(sky saber bs) and the long distance. But this break up is so stupid no foreshadowing and no sense in why to do it. I would have much rather you kill off Mira as it would be more realistic and could further Michaels character development. If your not going to that romance seriously then don't add it to the plot. I understand I'm not the author of this story and I have no right to tell the author what to write but I am hoping my comment will work as constructive criticism. I do not hate this story, just find this plot point disappointing


I think it is just ridiculous i mean Michael had two girlfriends and they both broke up the same way. Why? like there is already very little romance and Author doesnt show the girls that i sometimes forget they exist. Wdym she found someone else? Then what is Michael doing? it is already very repetitive that i skip fighting scenes and the only different thing is him meeting his girlfriend. Man just stick with one gf. Idk show things from her perspective or something. Him breaking up with his girlfriends very casually is just irritating. Even tho he needed mental support when he was down the only one who havent answered his calls was his **** girlfriend and Michael just accepted it and broke up.


How many more women will he breakup with 😂😂


The tales of Michael Zar the simp


Man I just can't wait for micheal to finally get at least leader class strength and start standing up for himself, it feels like for a couple hundred chapters he's been living in fear, he's hiding Ashlynn's abilities because Grimm will go after her because of how many miracle fruits she ate he's hiding himself because of the bounty and he's hiding all the titan/abomination stuff for god knows what reasons from everyone. Micheal really needs something else to drive him other than just getting stronger for the sake of strength. Healing his mother and beating back Grimm monsters are good reasons, but they're still lackluster because what happens after those are done, just some another threat? The MC just feels way too reactive. Thank you for listening to my TEDtalk


I will be dropping this story for now, I have followed this guy from almost the beginning but my love for this story has shrunk severely, maybe I'll come back to this story once the Mc finds his ambition again, he had a few ambitions at the beginning and middle portion of this story but it seems like he has lost his personal ambition. if someone can correct me on this, but I believe the Mc's current ambition is to become a headmaster of a school? I know there is a war coming and he trains for it alot but he has never made mention on if he wants to win the war, idk maybe it's just me but I feel like this Mc has lost his fighting spirit in this novel and that he is just getting stronger to get stronger, that's kinda boring to me. maybe this changes in the future and he gets his unrelenting drive back but for now I'm done with this story


how is this his problem now? she moved on, now her problems are her problems and not his.


my guess was right


Waiting for the Professor to be his gf and wife, if not we rioting


Do I dislike what's going on, yes, but I think the author has plans for a new female lead. I dont remember, her name she spent slot of time with her in the ruin with Michael as Jonas. Plus I think she's pet of the tower which is said to be the best when it comes to treatment of people not from Supremes/organizations in general so possible Meet up there?




okay, to everyone calling Michael a simp... i hear you. i really do, but that's not quite it. to the ones saying this was written by a feminist, not a chance. there isn't enough man hating and scapegoating for that. this reads more as though it was done by someone who doesn't know enough about relationships to understand them, or a nice guy.


I feel like the only reason I keep on reading is to know just how more awful the author could make this novel that had such potential in the beginning


I don’t plan On reading anymore after this.







if your not going to "take"*


Gracias - Thanks