
Comments of chapter undefined of Mr. CEO Loves The Devilish Beauty

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I just love it that someone is finally questioning Jie's mother, and thanks for the daily updates for the past days 😍

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Too many third parties in one marriage

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Feel so annoyed reading this chapter. Such meddling and nosy family members. Didn’t even understand the entire picture and stuck their nose into things based off of what they interpreted. If i had such family members, I’d surely have to distance myself from them to avoid souring our relationship because what they’re doing is overstepping boundaries. Especially Jie’s mother. Like who’s mother are you? Reprimanding her own child without even trying to see everything in it’s entirety. She should feel ashamed. 😒

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Like I said, the extended family member and friends need to take a step back, look even his own mother needed a reminder to understand that her intervention only made things worse. There they are all sitting, arguing over how Jie is in the wrong but are not even aware that his daughter is in the hospital. My advice for Jie and Xu Mey is to have an in-depth and open talk, then move to a different place to put some distance between themselves and their friends. For freinds or family members to have this much say and control in their relationship is unhealthy.

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First be a mother to him if you cant even understand your son Even you met him so many years later coz being a mother is not only giving birth But also be with your child always coz if he stumbles while walking So that you can support him and listen to him give advise And rest he would do on his own.....he still feels that They Are strangers people nowdays think that If you are big enough you dont need Your parents love wrong you need that love Through your whole life

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Problems between couples should be solve by themselves... No third party is required... Others are just making it big by interfering in jie's and mey's life... Poor jie..😕 No one is there for him.. Only Ru is. Author can u updare more chapters... Can't wait.. 😛

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For once Xu Mey's birth mother said something right .. No one is even concerned about Jie instead they all gathered to calm Xu Mey... What rubbish... They're the reason she's so stupid and irrational.. They always support her whether she's right or wrong just to make her feel good. Someone needs to speak some sense into her thick skull.. Nonsense

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True dear Author. No one reprimanded her when she was doing wrong. Plus rt, Jie actually spoiled her to the point where she just got too comfortable and felt that as long as she was his, he was all good. In fact everyone around her spoiled her as well. Poor Jie is looking like a villain thanks to her. And now she's trying to correct them about it. I am glad She realizes that She was in the wrong too. She loves her kids true enough but she's not showing them. Showing is better than saying it. They need to be with her as well. Now that auntie also was right about Jie too. Who's there for Jie? His babies is what it seems.

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Though the extended family love her too much but still a line needs to be drawn to limit their interference in her life.

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Xu mey is muddled but it's good that she sorted out her thoughts and realised her mistakes. Jie is not saint but he at least tries to mend his mistakes. The communication gap and leniency in their relationship created a barrier between the two. Good that they realised it before spoiling everything. Two many opinions/mouths/outsiders in between couples only create more misunderstandings and spread the fire more.

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wow the way xu mey mother questioned he susu hatsoff....... I know frnds nd family members are good nd important..... but they don't have a common sense to not meddle with husband nd wife matters unless it serious one...... if they really love xumey dat much just kept dm with dem

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Now, I feel like that it's more of theirs (her family and friends) fault for always standing by her side and never telling her, that she was wrong and she can also be wrong... Their meddling is only going to a hurdle in her relationship with Jie... IT'S ANNOYING 😑

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please update at least 2 chapter can't wait to see everybody's reaction after knowing about Juan's hospitalization

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She should go to her husband n apologise to him n why they meddle in their family author 🙄🙄 so annoying 😡😡😡

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Jie and Mey should really take a break from all these family and things and sort out their own life properly maybe a bit of distancing from everyone will do good for them. Mey its good that you have woken up from you dream now Its time for Jie to be more vocal about his feelings and thoughts

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I believe now will be the moment when EVERYONE including Mey will find out that in an argument not always 1 is right( Mey) and 1 is always Wrong(Jie) ..It's just BOTH are LOOSERS

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Can we get an update soon? I'm really anxious to see her reaction when she hears that her daughter had been admitted to the hospital.

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everyone s thought that its ah jie fault

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next update please 🥺🥺🥺

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I agree with you author. xiu doing without realizing, others encouraging her in a way by being on her side and Jie not discussing with her but keeping it bolted inside .....a lack of communication