
12 Relics of the Tower

A world of chaos and greed, a world where backstabbing was common, a world where the king watched from above with amusement. The Administrator of the Tower watched with boredom as all of this happened. However one day he found someone from another world. After reading the memories of that person the Administrator became interested in a game called Fire Emblem Three Houses that the person had played while he was still alive. Seeing this the Administrator decided to relieve his boredom and cause a little bit of chaos. (This is a tower of God fan fic mixed with Fire Emblem three houses)

Ellenad · Anime & Comics
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16 Chs

We all have a Dark Side

I unsheathed my sword and walked forward slowly.

"What even was the reason for doing all this?" I asked.

"Oh, this? We are making a base for a branch family of the mighty Arie family in the Outer Tower. Your village just so happened to be on the spot where we wanted to build. Hey, at least your lives will benefit something important so stay still and die." He drew his sword and lunged at me.

I sidestepped and watched him barrel past me and as he went by I elbowed him in the head knocking him out.

"How dare you!" His subordinates yelled.

They all ran at me aiming to kill. I parried one and slashed his neck. I then dodged the strike of another and ran my sword right through him. They were too slow, too predictable, too easy. I slew two more of them and they fell as corpses. The other two watched with fear on their eyes as their comrades fell before them before turning back and running. They think their getting away, laughable. I dropped my sword and grabbed my bow. I nocked an arrow in my bow and fired at the first one. The arrow struck him in the head and he died.

His friends noticed him fall and tried to run faster only to trip and fall. He flipped over and he cried out.

"Please, I didn't touch her! I didn't do it! So have mercy!"

"I am sure you didn't give it to the people you killed." I said as I nocked another arrow.

"Please, NOO-"

His cry was cut short as there was now an arrow lodged in his chest and it pierced his heart.

I stared at the bodies before during back to their leader. I knocked him unconscious for a reason, he can't die a quick death.

*Leader POV*

Huh, where am I? I was about to kill that kid… OH YEAH! He knocked me out. Where is he? I looked at my surrounding it seemed like I was in the middle of the woods. It was then I looked down and wanted to scream. I was missing all my limbs, both my arms and legs. Why couldn't I feel anything from them? I should be in pain right now. Then a voice spoke up.

"So you're finally awake. It's about time, I used a special plant to nullify your pain but it should be coming back anyyy second now." It was the kid from before as he stepped out from behind me.

"What are yo-. AHHHHHHHHHHHH!" I started to talk but then pain filled my entire body. I gritted my teeth and my eyes bulged as pain took over. At this point I couldn't concentrate on anything else.

"You probably can't hear me anymore but I've hunted in these woods for years and I memorized the wolves's hunting areas. Any minute now they should come here and they enjoy feasting on injured prey as they don't even need to work for it. Have a good time!"

I heard the sound of footsteps that faded after a little while. Then a few minutes later I heard a rustling sounds in a nearby bush. A wolf popped out and it noticed me. It howled and soon more of its kind approached.

"Please no, Please, NOOOO!"

*Byleth POV*

I stared up at the moon after walking for about ten minutes. Sothis floated behind me in silence.

"Did I really just do that? Did I really just feed a man to the wolves. I can handle killing but I can't believe I went that far." I said to myself in disbelief.

'Everyone has a dark side. It does not matter who. Every does and it tends to come out when we lose what we cared for. However what's important now is protecting what you still have left. That's what matters and perhaps you can prevent something like this from happening to other people." Sothis spoke.

Another minute passed in silence before I spoke again.

"Thank you Sothis, now I need to get my act together. My sister is still alive and waiting at the shooting range after all. Let's go."

Sothis nodded before vanishing once again.

I ran in the direction of the shooting range and when I reached the shooting range I was relieved to see all three of them there.

"What took you so long? I'm hungry! Can we go back and eat now?" Elana asked.

"What's with the smoke in the distance? Is there a massive fire? Are we safe here?" Nathaniel asked.

A sad look came on my face when I heard Elana's question. Then I started to talk.

"Listen, all three of you. Your parents are…"

I didn't want them to have to hear this but they need to.

"We aren't going back to the village, we are getting as far away from here as we can."

"Huh??? Why are we leaving?" Elana asked.

"Some very bad people have come and they made mom and dad disappear forever. They did it to everyone in the village. If we don't hurry up they will make sure we disappear too."

I killed a good amount of them but if they wanted to build a base then there is no way there was only a small amount of them. My guess is I got lucky and missed most of them.

"What do you mean they have disappeared? Mom and dad are eating back home right? Right?!?" Elana started to cry.

"Mom and Dad are dead, I'm so sorry Elana." I replied wishing I had anything else to say.

Elana cried and I wish I could give her time but we have to move.

"All three of you, follow me. We are going away. On a long journey into the woods. Once we get a decent distance I will find some food for us to eat. Let's go."

We set off into the forest as the moon shone overhead and a village burned in the distance.