
Comments of chapter undefined of Endless Path : Infinite Cosmos

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A+ on the rant, please try and ignore the shit heads

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people are complaining that he's not killing all his enemies? like I get that most other novels have those enemies come back and actually pose a bigger problem for the mc but with Vahn by the time they decide to come back dude is just gonna blink at them to knock them out if he doesn't get one of his billion wives to take them out as training again

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Some Good Doggo Ryun for you

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Thank ye fer the chapy! Hmm.....now I really want to see a character called Chad Thundercock XD. But in all seriousness, I like Vahn as a character because he is complex. He's probably the most complex character I have read about in a novel 1800 plus chapters long. I guess people are too used to reading about wuxia characters killing anyone they see to not appreciate the fact that wanting to kill at all is actually a problem and not something normal within a character. Yes Vahn has killed before, but as the author has said...he never enjoyed it even in the early chapters. The only thing that gave him solace was the belief in the cycle of reincarnation and even then it was never really a justification. Vahn is not a murderhobo XD. Keep on writing my dude and don't bother with the more bloodthirsty member of your following. In any case.....I need a novel with Chad Thundercock as an MC now XD

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Thanks for the chapter :3 Artoria

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Thanks for the chapter! Sorry to hear there have been so many thoughtless comments, Vahn is my favorite character out of any that I've read or seen in my 31 years of life and I read a lot. Unlike other characters Vahn puts a lot of thought into his actions and is always trying to do what he believes to be best, not just for himself but also for others, his enemies included. In the same position Vahn is what I would aspire to be like, he's a genuine good person who helps those around him selflessly because he himself understands suffering and wants to save lives rather than take them!

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Thanks for the chapter, And I really agree with the last part. Many good novel dropped because of that I wonder why they always make opinions outside of content even to the point of insulting the author. if you don't like it why not leave without hurtful words. Sorry for bad grammar using machine translator

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The se idiots are comparing Vahn to normal MC’s they are forgetting that even if the enemy’s he lets live come back somehow gaining heaven defying power in the process. Vahn is a being that literally cannot be 'killed'. Dont pay attention to the fools and keep giving us great chapters ein - sama.

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I`ve read a lot of wuxia novels and I am always baffled how families and sects can survive for any decent period of tile when there is always a young master tempting fate around, that drags his family and/or sect into ruin. also most mc's in wuxia novels are straight up murder hobos claiming to be saints.

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Heck, Vahn generally only resorts to killing when he's not able to find some other workable, better solution. Yes, some people just need to die, but that list is really not a large one when you have the sort of abilities and resources Vahn is able to throw around. Really, the only people he should feel any absolute need to kill are the ones who refuse to even attempt to be decent people even if he were to give them everything they require to live a decent life. He's not out to be the multiverse's god of murderhobos.

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*eating popcorn intensifies* Ein-Sama, can I watch the world burn for a moment? The Profane Zone is a cess pool of scum. However, I like how Vahn handled the situation. He didn’t just let them off, if they try to pull the same stuff again they will get their punishment. Though from another point of view, how about the victims still alive that they destroyed the lives of to satisfy their twisted desires? How about those who died because of a ****ed up system? Then again who decides and provides justice for them? Who has the qualifications to do so if not a literal god? As a college student I am taking a ethics course right now and even with the course 3/4th of the way complete not even I would be able to answer that. However, this is my analysis of the situation using what I studied in college so far. Lets start with obligations, also known as restriction we place on our lives. Vahn’s obligation as a Emperor is to his people, but these aren’t his people, at least not yet. However, Vahn’s obligation as a morale person won’t let him stand idly by and watch a mockery of sentient life and free will continue to exist, which is why he is compelled to act in stead of a useless King (Jahad, I am referring to Jahad) and wants to put a end to it. Vahn also seems to have a obligation to cheerish all life, otherwise he wouldn’t feel so depressed and remorseful over killing others, even if they deserve it. Finding a middle ground for the two conflicting obligations is an example of weighing the obligations and using the Relative Importance method to decide their fate. He couldn’t just let them go and continue their atrocities but taking anothers life is no easy burden to carry either. Giving them another chance but this time with real consequences for their actions was the best method and middle ground between putting a end to the situation and cheerishing all life. People who are genuinely upset about Vahn’s actions have become accustomed to the fact that it is a story and most stories especially chinese novels on this site/app depict massacres as a righteous thing to do. But, in real life that simply wouldn’t be the case. In most cases they will be arrested and be forced behind bars to reflect and learn from their actions in hopes they will become a better person once outside. Unfortunately, this doesn’t work very well in real life either due to the corruption and perversion of the legal and justice system in most countries. But let’s not get into that. I mention this because I want to make the point that the reason people are so much in favor of reading massacres of bad guys is because they have lost faith in the justice system in the real world either conciously or subconciously. So, when they begin reading stories and novels they feel a satisfaction when a criminal gets what is coming to them in a most brutal way. Is it a ethical or correct way of thinking? Most likely not. It borders too far on absolutism that the criminals can’t change for the better and therefore should be removed permanently. A morally ethical person must always remain inbetween absolutism and relativism to be able to make a sound and moral judgement call. Vahn depicted this by not out right killing the criminals but giving them a chance to be better people but also making it known any action outside of being a good person will have consequences. Does this avenge or right the wrongs done to the victims both alive and dead? Honestly, that is for the individuals to decide. They will most likely disagree, but allowing them revenge won’t heal their suffering either. At most it will give them a hollow satisfaction and nothing else to live for unless they can pick themselves up and move on. This is why justice is so difficult to decide. On one hand some of the criminals were forced into the situation to do bad things, and on another some willingly embraced it. What the world would give to have a judge that can read the egos of people to make sound judgements is immea

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Those people mightve blitz through the chapters and probably forgot the character development. For ones who really read through your story properly would be content with how you developed it so far. I have started following this novel since it was still around Chapter 100. For ever hater, there will be 5 supporters so keep it up man!


Don't worry, Ein-sama. Your novel/fanfic or whatever is one of the most well constructed i have ever read. Continue working on this piece of art, because you got a lot of fans among us. Thanks for the chapter~ (=゚ω゚)

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Well that rant was great and certainly something that needed to be said. If others have something to say at least know what you're talking about.

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This novel is great and the plot is well hought. Just ignore the haters cuz haters always gonna hate

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"Write your own fanfic if you're not satisfied with Ein's work, at the very least you can put the concept/template that you want for the mc in your own novel." "there are plenty of medium available to use to write one after all." "so repeat after me since I doubt anyone of Prime culprits will understand in one go...." "have some Ideas for the mc?" "Write you own. its free and less grief for the people who are perfectly content with how the story is." "Ein controls the metaphorical Pen that makes the novel how it is. I really doubt Anyone can pull off this level good material from the selfish bunch who only wants to read Michael Bay materials.

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Thanks for the chapter!

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Thanks for the chapter.

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Nice chapter, Exeptional rant 👌

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Thanks for the chapter.