
Comments of chapter undefined of The Mech Touch


Great chapter as always, author! I can always count on you to give me that thrill that I love Now, I wonder if Master Willix is hiding somewhere by the Larkinson fleet 🤔


Slim chances, as mentioned in a previous chapter she was at the MTA sector hq welcoming Ketis as a journeyman mech designer so she shouldn't be close to the Larkinson fleet; however the MTA has some crazy tech so after giving Ketis the tour she might have bolted towards where the clan is to keep an eye on Ves.

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ANNOUNCEMENT: DESIGN SPIRIT CONTEST! The Mech Touch has reached 3000 chapters, and that means another CONTEST! This event centers around creating new design spirits that can exert a profound influence on mechs and mech pilots. Contest Rules Suggest any ORIGINAL design spirit that partners with Ves and empowers his future mech designs in interesting ways. Backstory is important. Make sure that it explains and provides context to the special abilities that a design spirit can bestow to mechs under its care. You can suggest both natural design spirits (dead humans and aliens) or artificial design spirits (created by Ves by mixing spiritual ingredients). You must allocate the strengths of your design spirit according to a point system. You have 10 POINTS in total which you can allocate to the following categories: -Intelligence (?/10) -Adaptability (?/10) -Ability Diversity (?/10) -Ability Power (?/10) 5 points in any category is already strong. Make sure the description of your design spirit matches your point allocation or it will be disqualified. IMPORTANT! -Design spirits must be one of the following: human, alien, exobeast or spiritual product created by Ves based on distinct ingredients. If you choose the latter, then briefly explain the key ingredients. -You can edit, remove and resubmit your design spirit submissions AT ANY POINT in the places below. I will provide a brief opinion of every submission every couple of days so you know how to improve your design spirit. I will only fully evaluate every submission after the deadline has passed. -I will do my best to implement any winning submissions in The Mech Touch within 1000 chapters after selection. -DO NOT PLAGIARIZE OTHER ANIMES, BOOKS, TV SHOWS OR MOVIES! IF YOU CANNOT COME UP WITH SOMETHING ORIGINAL, DON'T BOTHER PARTICIPATING! SUBMISSION DETAILS This contest will run for 3 weeks from 18:00 CET, September 16 2021 to 18:00 CET October 7 2021. You can submit 4 unique design spirits in total, 1 in each of the following 4 places: -The comments of Chapter 2958 on Webnovel.com -The comments of Chapter 3000 on Webnovel.com -The #event-submissions channel on The Mech Touch's Unofficial Discord server -The Instagram post for this contest at my personal account account: @mlduong SELECTION On October 10 21:00 CET I will determine the results of this contest live on TMT's Unofficial Discord Server. -I will select 1 to 3 submissions by quality -I will select 1 submission by lottery

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Ves acting like he had nothing to do with the situation


I bet mommy will pop in to take the serums away by next week!

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Abacus Ves once again goes into the black market himself against the wishes of all his advisors to look for spiritual items and there he finds a damaged commander sandman crystal that someone got a hold of from the war. When he he looks into it there he finds a tiny and weak damaged spiritual fragment still inhabiting it though without a conscience. He quickly buys it from the vendor after making him lower the price as much as possible before taking it back into his ship. After experimenting a bit on it he decides to use it to create his new Photo God since the uniqueness of the sandmen might create an interesting end product After nourishing it and giving it life Ves creates a new design spirit which he ends up giving it the name Abacus. The spirits personality is cold, quiet, and calm like a machine but it does respect Ves as the one that gave him life Once inhabiting a mech, Abacuses will make its pilot cold and calculating like a machine while making his enemies feel uncomfortable as if being completely naked and without any secrets in front of the mech. The spirit power is being able to temporarily overwork the pilots brain buffing their calculating abilities allowing them to easily see his enemies mechs weaknesses and strengths while also being able to quickly make strategies adapting better to the battlefield. Ves calls this ability Overclocking. Because of the Sandmen's special racial ability instead of using up Abacuses spirit power in return of using the mechs ability it instead eats at the mechs power supply taking away some of the pressure on the newly born design spirit. This spirit is very strong for a support based mech that commands from the back but also decently useful during fights not allowing his pilots to get too emotional. Alien Design Spirit -Intelligence 5/10 -adaptability 3/10 -diversity 1/10 -power 1/10

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Congratulations Exlor on reaching your 3000 chapter milestone. when I read chapter 1, I was totally impressed. After your first event contest, I was drawn like a moth to your flame. At chapter 3000, I am gobsmacked, new cover (amazing!), new event contest (inspiring) and volume of your work probably exceeds the great literary giant William Shakespeare’s 37 plays. Will you reach 10,000 chapters? That’s a little more than 6 and a half years from now. Any spoilers on what we might expect from the miracle couple and the Larkenson Clan at that time?

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The new art looks awesome, especially with Ves and his mad leader face !

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Cycle Serpent - (Entry for Chapter 2958) Design spirit Ouroboros is a design spirit created by Ves once he receives a single fang of a cycle serpent from the system golden lottery ticket. The cycle serpent, is an ambush predator in the imaginary realm, with high intelligence and cunning, it thrive by consuming energies and ambushing other entities in the imaginary realm. Its high intelligence and cunning enable it to decide when to attack, when to hide, and when to run away. The cycle serpent also has a venom that infect spirituality, weakening the other spiritual entity until the serpent is able to overpower it in combat. The venom is not able to threaten an infected spiritual life, but it continuously weakens them until the cycle serpent is able to directly finish the weakened prey or when the cycle serpent dies. The moment the cycle serpent dies, it explodes violently, hopefully eliminating its attacked and spreading its eggs far and wide. Thus this serpent life cycle is started by the death of its predecessor. As a design spirit grown from a single fang of a cycle serpent, it has the following attributes. Intelligence (5/10) Adaptability (3/10) Ability Diversity (1/10) Ability Power (1/10) Intelligence (5/10) As a beast, it has supreme intelligence compared to the rest of its kind. It could monitor and influence its mech pilot thought and emotion, thus making this design spirit an ideal design spirit if you need to monitor and influence your own forces. Any mech pilot influenced by this design spirit would find themselves smarter and wiser inside and outside of the battlefield. Mech pilots would find themselves better able to understand and carry out battle plans ordered by their captains and generals. Adaptability (3/10) This design spirit is adaptable and able to be utilised in combat situation and outside combat. The increased intelligence is useful inside and outside of combat. While its combat ability is limited to spiritual venom, it does not stop the fact that expert pilots could also be affected by this spiritual venom. Downside is that the mech have to be in close range to an expert pilot which may be the last thing that mech pilot would do, but the venom will continually affect and weaken the enemy mech pilot since the design spirit itself is still alive. Ability Diversity (1/10) Technically the only ability this design spirit have is to make mech pilot smarter. The venom is situational and not really ideal to carry out. And while it could multiply when the design spirit is somehow killed, it won’t be the same design spirit and its spawn need to grow again before it can reach the original design spirit level of power. Ability Power (1/10) This design spirit is more geared towards a support role and have no direct ability to affect the battlefield, but it has a big role in battlefield preparation and carrying out the plans made by their generals.


Won't the bio expert that help him be a problem? Idk why I feel that that girl will bring problems

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Vulcan- God of Dwarves, Mechs and Craftsmen Intelligence: 3/10 Adaptability: 2/10 Ability Diversity: 3/10 Ability Power: 2/10 [Smiling Samuel Star Sector, within the no travel zone of the Fermi Star Cluster] “Patriarch!”, Journeyman Orin Aaden raced to embrace his Clan Patriarch. Waddled under the 4G gravity of the Forge’s foundry, at the core of one of the few second class, capital carriers the Vulcan Empire possessed that was fully manned by a crew hand picked by Venerable Rion Aaden. As a founding member of DRM, Desala Resistance Movement, and a national hero, Rion had considerable political influence. Sadly the DJM, Dwarven Justice Movement pushing old timers like himself and his ideals to the sidelines. Some of his unlucky followers, and worshipers of the human image of Vulcan faced injustice and persecution. “Was your mission successful? Did you receive enough MTA merits to reach your goal to take the Forge to the Red Dwarf Galaxy and find a new home for our Vulcan Clan?”, inquired Orin. “That I did and more. I met that human Mech Designer you are such a fan of, Ves Larkenson.”, the Elder Dwarf stated casually. “Vulcan‘s Hammer, how is this possible!”, Orin bellowed in surprise. “Not only that, follow me to the Feasting Hall, I have a gift from him to show you. The craftsman should be done placing it.” the Patriarch waddling as he lead the way to the crawler. [The Forge’s Feasting Hall- A mech sized humanoid statue of smiling Vulcan was on display. Dwarven shield 🛡 in one hand, dwarven hammer 🔨 in the other. Flowing cape with the DRM motto hanging off its shoulders and a dwarven drinking horn on a golden lariat tipped and trickling a golden liquid into a large chalice. Orin asked in amazement, “Is this a glow I am feeling? It’s so complex, I feel from the hammer ‘perfection in every strike’, the shield ‘determination to push forward’, and the cape ‘inspires freedom’. All of Vulcan, the God of Dwarves blessings that lead us to revolt, stand proud and excel at craftsmanship” “There’s more.”, dipping his drinking horn into the chalice and handing it over to Orin to sample. “This… but… how? Ambrosia! No Ambrosia Gold! Our Clan’s secret recipe given to us by Vulcan himself. How is it possible that Ves Larkenson knows how to brew it?”, Orin asked in wonder. Patriarch Aaden replied, “Interesting question you can ask him when The Forge catches up with his fleet and we petition him to join his Golden Skull Alliance. Also ask why we must offer nutrients packs to a statue?” Orin snickers, “As a Journeyman Mech Designer I can tell you it’s not divinely inspired. It maintains the biomechanical organs that brews the Ambrosia and other life like features. If you want to maintain the magic of the statue, you might want to keep that to yourself. It’s a Mech Designer trade secret.”

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Bandit through and through


Cat Lady AI, Intelligence: 2/10 Adaptability: 2/10 Ability Diversity: 2/10 Ability Power: 4/10. Using his knowledge of project void calamity Ves wants to make a design spirit that can manage his FTL advanced drive. Using the information that the MTA has distributed about the wonderous mini drives. Ves hopes to make an alternative to a minidrive fueled by phase water by engineering a design spirit to mimic the function of phase water. By making a drive controlled by the ships AI cat and using Lady Aisling Curvers design seed as the bridge, then super charging the product with phasewater and universal life serum Ves will create the Cat Lady AI (place holder name). Abilities: Can connect to and bookmark Quantum entanglement nodes, grows in power the more nodes she contacts, she can sense if enemies are following though the same node to chase the Larkinson clan. This has tremendous synergy if paired with project Void calamity. Mech ability: Speculation only - early game: deep space connection to main fleet - mid game: can connect to locale node using mech as a medium - late game: acts as minidrive This is the strongest synergy I can think of using what Ves has on hand. Plus I feel that Ves will have a distinct lack of females haunting his ship XD.

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Nemo - (Entry for Chapter 2958) A spiritual product which fuses a mutated spirellian spike fish and fragments of two design seeds. Spiritual Ingredients The spirellian spike fish (Chapter 234) have tough spikes that enable extradimensional communication (substitute material in quantum entanglement nodes), swim in unison in a coordinated fashion, and with large enough numbers, can communicate over several light years by pooling their power together. The mutated individual would be genetically defective and thus would have to replicate these abilities through spiritual means. The fragments of the design seeds are from Aisling Curver (neural interconnectivity) and Moltar Ringer (signal disruption)(Chapter 2198). Speciality Nemo is designed to facilitate large-scale synchronised and coordinated movement and positioning of friendly troops through a large-scale spiritual / neural network and to impair the enemy's ability to do the same by disabling their communications. Its triggered ability generates a large spiritual pulse that jams signals (friend and foe alike), though leaves the network unaffected. For obvious reasons, more sophisticated technology is harder to disrupt. Aesthetic The design spirit's form is a mute young male mermaid with silver scales and fins and silver spikes sticking out all over his body. Its young appearance links to its status as a spiritual product and lack of offensive abilities whilst its muteness links to its properties of signal disruption and disabling communication. The name of the design spirit is a homage to the Nautilus of the Deep (Captain Nemo), where Ves first encountered this particular species of fish. In addition, Nemo means "no-one" which is suitable for a design spirit orientated around augmenting groups rather than individual mechs. Purpose Its primary role would be to serve as a design Spirit for the mechs of the Living Sentinels, which emphasis more of a "quantity over quality" approach and would develop alongside Casella Ingvar, who seems to be developing around leadership. Stats Intelligence: 3 Adaptability: 2 Ability Diversity: 2 Ability Power: 3

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Cerberus Intelligence: 2 adaptability: 4 ability diversity:2 ability power: 2 Cerberus is a triple headed spiritual chimeric spirit. Each head belongs to an individual spirit, but their spiritual cores are joined and fused in a feedback loop that results in a power generator whose total output sum is greater than that of the individual parts when they were originally separate. Cerberus's component spirits are joined by a dominant trait they all share, making them highly compatible and cooperative with each other... all of them are derived from spirits with strong ties to the family unit, the pack, and the class. Similar to how Ves used to shatter and amalgamate spiritual matter together, Ves will be spiritually engineering the separate entities, but rather than shatter and recreate, Ves will learn how to isolate and bond similar portions of separate spirits together, which allows for them to combine their power into one titanic force, but also keep them focused on their primary directive. the individual spirits will still maintain a modified conscience, and possess knowledge and experience from their original solitary forms. Cerberus can redirect and focus all of it's power to a single spirit for a limited time, changing Cerberus's primary property to a supercharged version of the chosen component spirits secondary property. this effectively gives the mechs under Cerberus the ability to benefit from 4 different distinct glows/activated abilities. Cerberus's first component spirit is the Frost Wolf Fenrir, an exobeast of an ice world, a pack leader, and a member of a dominant apex species. the Fenrirs dedication to the pack is expressed by its hunter instinct, though different from zeigra, Fenrir hunts to provide for the young. Cerberus's second component spirit is the Void Cetapod Ergaroh, a member of an extremely elusive space bound whale like exobeast species, known to feed on certain types of star radiation, and able to slip in and out of real space. Ergarohs dedication to family is expressed through communication and the passing of knowledge and wisdom, as the most notable trait of this species is it's ability to transmit low frequency communications through layers of subreality across vast distances. Different from Goldie's ability to innately sense the condition and presence of other members of the clan, Ergaroh can gift abstract sensations, coherent memories, and even deep inspirations, allowing one to wordlessly project a remote memory or experience to another person connected to Ergaroh. Cerberus's Third component spirit is the hive queen Trixisati, of the hive based insectoid exobeast species Dominus Apidaesius. This particular exobeast species is famous for escaping from captivity and overrunning the entirety of the planet they originated from... Trixisati however powerful her control over her species may have been, was largely immobile and was taken aboard a shuttle that smuggled her and a few other queens off planet moments before the MTA scoured the planet of all her species. Trixisati falls into Ves's hands when he happens upon the wreckage of a shuttle, her containment unit is the last one remaining. Trixisatis species is defined by its hunger, propagation, and accelerated growth. Trixisati in particular is driven to nurture for the young to get them self sufficient as soon as possible. when the 3 are combined into Cerberus, the primary aura grants tripled situational awareness, as though all of a persons normal blind spots are now being observed intently. it becomes exceptionally difficult to surprise or outmaneuver a pilot under this influence, and in normal circumstances, multitasking becomes much easier. synergizes well with the Superior Mother, as 3 is a multiple of 6, and the benefits often cover for the brash headstrong confidence exhibited by those that follow the superior mother. when Cerberus concentrates power to Fenrirs head, the aura shifts to a primal, but noble force of will, intimi

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Congratz on 3k chapters Exlor! Design spirit idea: Double Chimeric Dragon. There's a bit of context here first, as this should be a 2 design spirits in one, and it would be tied into a small Swordmaiden training arc as follows: Ketis and Dise talk to Ves about going to a planet that has multiple exobeasts so that the new Swordmaidens can take the traditional examination, ofc they will do this with a safety net so that they don't lose new recruits but the ones that succeed will become elite Swordmaidens and the others will remain as ordinary Swordmaidens. On the planet, Ves decides to use the Aspect of Transcendence on some of the Exobeasts and is mostly unsuccessful until a mutated "insert planet name" dragon develops a spiritual attribute, actually two spiritual attributes as the mutation of the dragon (prior to being exposed to AT) is that it has two heads, and each head will have its own spiritual attribute. The double-headed dragon however if very feral and doesn't listen to Ves (maybe a downside of using the aspect?); so Ketis and Dise suggest as an additional examination for the most promising recruits of the Swordmaidens that have already slain their exobeasts with ease to kill the dragon. The dragons' heads are very different, one looks healthy and is much larger and the other one is shriveled and much smaller; the large head has excellent positioning in battle and controls the body as if it sees through its opponent moves while the small head doesn't do much except once every few minutes releases a very powerful slim beam that can cut through most defenses, even though Unyielding alloy. The most gifted of the new Swordmaiden recruits take the challenge to slay the beast and Ves harvests the two spiritual fragments, but he ends up with a conundrum, the two fragments deteriorate when not together, so although they are two different fragments they cannot be used separately. Fragment 1: Judgement of the Meek - once every 30 minutes add a powerful spiritually charged energy to an attack causing its power to multiply by a few orders (2nd class attacks can pierce through 1st class defenses); the magnitude of the improvement in power is directly proportional with the difference between the target and the attacker Fragment 2: Eternity - allows the user to improve their reaction time by several orders, every 1 minute the user can feel as if the world around them slows down to a crawl, while their thought process remains normal (in actuality the opposite happens, the thought process of the user accelerates tremendously and they can strategize or hit windows of opportunity with pin-point accuracy.) The design spirit would be perfect for Davia Stark's expert mech as it fits with her philosophy of hitting above her level and "Eternity" would be incredibly useful to a long-range sniper pilot like her. Honestly, I would like for the two spirits to have their own ratings, but I've included a mutual rating for both if it's too much to have separate ratings; I've considered adaptability as the ability of the pilot to adapt the ability to their own uses whilst ability diversity as the ability of the design spirit to encompass different modules of the mech (ex: Judgement of the Meek can be added to all kind of ranged weapons as well as melee weapons but it does only one thing so it has a score of 0 in adaptability and 3 in ability diversity) Judgment of the Meek (conditional, the Ability power scales from 1 to 7 based on the difference between target and attacker) Intelligence (0/10) Adaptability (0/10) Ability Diversity (3/10) Ability Power (7/10) Eternity Intelligence (5/10) Adaptability (5/10) Ability Diversity (0/10) Ability Power (0/10) Both Fragments as one: Intelligence (3/10) Adaptability (2/10) Ability Diversity (2/10) Ability Power (3/10)

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🙈🙉🙊no master Willix my vacation on the planet was relaxing nothing happen🤞

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Thanks for the chapters! Ves is escaping after another misdeed.

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[Design spirit]: The Warhead Matriarch [Backstory]: The Crown Uprising took a turn for the worse! Just when the Golden Skull Alliance thought that they were safe from these terrorists. Millions upon millions of cosmic exobeasts ranging from various species and sizes from who knows where suddenly emerged from hyperspace and attacked many colonies and space fleets across the galaxy! Some of the stronger exobeasts even processed weird power or warship-level bioweapons! Colonies with MTA forces stationed nearby are still better off but the wandering fleet are the most unlucky, most of them don’t even possess enough mechs to resist! The Golden Skull Alliance was also attacked by a group of cosmic exobeasts, but what’s remarkable to Ves was that leader of the exobeasts is rapidly outputting/breeding some kind of sperm/fish-like bio-missiles that seems to have a mind of their own as they keep dodging incoming interception and flew around in a very effective formation as it self destruct and incur large damage to his fleet! In the end, Ves managed to capture the Warhead Matriarch’s spirit intact before it self-destructed using Joshua’s Superior Mother's ultimate death ray. The massive exobeasts remain also contains some rare exotics that is useful to the fleet too. [Abilities]: -Tactician Aura(passive): The glow makes the pilot more focused and aware of changes on the battlefield, no side effect on enemies like Crystal Lord. -Node: Make a empty node on a missile, allowing a clone of itself or other spirit to transfer its thoughts and ability onto the missile (glow and targeting abilities that are unaffected by ECM) [Stats breakdown]: -Intelligence (4/10): High intelligence, allowing her to control a lot of Bio-missiles in a variety of tactics effectively. -Adaptability (3/10): The Warhead Matriarch can control multiple types of missiles effectively without problems. -Ability diversity (1/10): Low diversity, It uses creativity to make the most use of its ability. -Ability power (2/10): Average power, make up for it with high intelligence.

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Xeloa-Eztli Qilanxo is the mother, the shield of samar, and the sacred god that make Rosa and Dise to make the first step into demigods. Both of then develop a protective nature like big lizard, but they a have a style that more that defend the member of their units, has the objetive of destroy the enemy treat. At the request of Gloriana; Ves try to make Qilanxo work better with the offesive capabilities of the 2 experts. And Ves try to make that without harming their conection to sacred god (because on their prime mech Quilanxo donate spiritual energy for he mechs), has a way that the develop of support they attacks and even the battle formations of those 2. Ves try to create a new special feature for Quilanxo that allow use her skills on a offensive fashion, for that add part of Sharpie, Zeigra and even the aspect of damnation Superior Mother, but to balance a little of Blinky, And to avoid hurting Quilanxo use a dosis of the new life serum to help Quilanxo to develop this new capability. But in his attempt the patriarch ended up creating a new spirit "Xeloa-Eztli", or the correct thing would be to say twins daugthers of Qilanxo. Their names Xeloa and Eztli, these twins are essentially the same spirit, with the same body and characteristics but styles for the corresponding expert (The same tool use on a different form). Like the sacred goods of Aeon Corona VII develop a body for the gravity of the super earth, with similar capabilities like their mother but on a more attacking fashion, instead of defensive barriers they develop offensive energies fields similar to expert that help them to accelerate, and pierce or hurt enemy sacred gods like Dise and Rosa would do as their opposite similars. Xeloa-Eztli is a sacred god with expirencies base on the knowledge Qilanxo (From htere come the name, Ves dont give it). And on the same way that Janzzi is the true rider of Qilanxo, Rosa and Dise would become the real riders of the claws of the Qilanxo. At birth Qilanxo roared of joy with all her might, that all those with spiritual potential in the fleet react, and try to get what have happen. The sacred gods have reborn and rise again ready for battles to come, a new galaxy to explore and with new riders worthy of then into a new future. Intelligence 2 (Not dumb, but trust on the rider) Adaptibility 2 (Desing simply for their respective experts) Ability diversity 3 (Like Qilanxo is to Janzzi, but for the respective pilot) Ability power 3 (The serum give a good ammount of power) Note to Exlor: I dont know if this are the correct stats but feel free to change if are not right with the idea, or the needs of the novel in case of being select.