
Comments of chapter undefined of The Mech Touch


It will help vex grow and even then, she shouldn’t be able go complete block glows out but maybe weaken it.

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A master moves their knight to Espace. Ves must counter with a Bishop to Kheaven.


Ves should've stood up for himself more, "The Hegemony isn't my State! I wanted to stay out of the war and remain neutral, but you idiots forced my hand!!!"......That said, Gavin really should've told Ves about Gloriana's unilateral decision to set-up an HQ in her dynasty's territory.

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also got to purchase my rtx 3070 from bestbuy today!

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Adapt or die.

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[Since he had crossed into Hexer-controlled space, there was no need to fear any hidden attacks from the CRC!] I know I would not be so confident if I we Ves. Everyone with access to portal feeds knows the Larkenson Clan split and half of the force is making a name for itself wiping out one pirate gang after the other in the Nyxian Gap. If the Sentinel Kingdom didn’t sensationalize it, the Merchant Shipping Companies in the area would. How difficult do you think it would be for the CRC to put a sizeable bounty on Ves Larkenson’s head. No need to try and sneak assassins deep behind enemy lines when Ves’s motivating countless pirates. One small push could unite them all to work together against a common enemy. Unfortunately for Ves, he can’t grow facial hair, so his bounty posters are definitely going to be de-faced… 🤡


So he now has two Master mech designers interested/directly involved with him. It began with groups of Senior mech designers to compete against him. Now they are getting Masters to get involved. Masters from the opposing side AND Hexer side. Poor Ves, he just wanted to maintain a low profile...


Her belief that she can bypass the influence of glows is simply false dream, neither CFA nor MTA have simple clue about Ves nor did his work get any attention of Five Scrolls. If she can do that means, she is above in this countering spirituality when compared to top three organizations in the universe.

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Ves at the end of the call

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Journeyman vs Master!!!


Maybe improved Neureal Link Interfaces, that supress Emotions


It must have something to do with that giant in the middle of the planet. By designing a mech to the same proportions of it and somehow linking it. It could over power the glow of his newly created mech.


Actually, with the new widespread interest, wouldn't the 5something compact(haven't been mentioned in a while) start taking notice?


Why does it seem like Ves, Larkinson family and Hexers are being countered from all possible ways? Exlor give some hope and make Ves a hero. He did a great service to third rate states in sand war, but he didn't get any credit for it, instead he was stabbed in back by his own country and self righteous cousin. [img=coins][img=faceslap][img=recommend][img=fp] Don't make Ves's life so miserable. https://tse2.mm.bing.net/th?id=OGC.16201c923baed2aef94ae6be1e859d90&pid=Api&rurl=https%3a%2f%2fmedia.giphy.com%2fmedia%2f11VrJR0acdEe9a%2fgiphy.gif&ehk=ENNnUjDqsGVAgavKCvuwhljoFygCH%2f7IIUxZoEv5PaE%3d

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The unknown is the scariest part of a threat from the capable opponent. So will she beable too counter not seeing it but Exlor could pull a fast one by slapping me upside the head.


Either she is bluffing or that she's thinking she knows how his glows work using her own understanding of what happened. The nerve for her to claim that she knows him for years when she barely conversed with him before. Ves' spiritual competency that are manifested into glows developed by his internal reflection and it would take open communication for her to really understand his glows. Heck, even Ves does not fully understand yet the full extent of his glows. Lastly, she won't be calling him if she was that confident to back her claim. The mech pilots that Ves intruded during his mastery sessions are more deserving to be called Ves' masters than her.


Counter his glow ? Maybe not. Counter in design schematics ? Highly possible. There should be a mind shielding tech using B-stone exotics


Master Willix who specializes in copying mech designs cant figure ves out. I don't think Master Olsen will be able to figure it out especially when she specializes in battle mechatronics. I don't think she has any idea what she is talking about. Also maybe it's just me but I also find it kind of scummy that Olsen is using her knowledge that she has of Ves when he was her apprentice to hurt him. Especially when she kicked him out as her apprentice and the coalition attacked him first. I just feel like there should be rules against a Master creating a mech in direct opposition to a former apprentice of theirs just because their state/they themselves want to screw over said apprentice. The good news is when people see that a mech designed by a master does nothing to Ves glows, his reputation will soar. Plus they had to send a master to beat a mech design designed by two journeyman so how sad is that.


There goes all my coins Saving my last few to buy privilege for next month to support the author in someway for the Monthly Win-win event


Thanks for the chapter!!


We'll just see about now won't we 😏 You may have more Qi, but he has finer control and access to other spirits