
Chapter 106 Miss Zuo, you're really lucky!

Machine Translation

She never would have guessed that a man as high and mighty as Jin Di would explain anything to her.

Moreover, his domineering tone didn't even sound like an explanation at all.

Not knowing how to respond to him, she decided she simply wouldn't say anything and directly put her phone back into her clothes. It wasn't long until 1:00.

She got up, grabbed the key, and went to the art warehouse...

She locked the door and was about to walk out when she saw Danil waiting for her outside the exhibition hall.

She nodded at him. "Mr. Jin is here?"

Danil smiled politely. "Mr. Jin has been waiting at the main entrance of the school for quite a while."

She immediately went back to the exhibition hall to pick up her things and followed him out.

After leaving the exhibition hall, Danil suddenly asked her, "Miss Zuo, do you like the car?"

She hadn't seen the car...she didn't even know what it looked like yet, how could she know whether she liked it or not?

She just hummed. After a while, she added, "I quite like it."

Danil must have sensed that she wasn't in a good mood, so he added another sentence.

"Actually, did CEO Jin say anything wrong yesterday? Anything to make you unhappy?"

She frowned. Suddenly, a thought appeared in her mind...

Last night at the hospital entrance, he'd spoken to her in such a gloomy manner. Could that be considered unhappy? Why did she feel that he was the one who was even more unhappy?

"CEO Jin has never had any female friends, so he's not very good at these sorts of things. Please don't take any offense, Miss Zuo..."

She hummed in acknowledgment, a little absent-minded.

Danil, on the other hand, continued to explain dutifully...

"Speaking of which, this morning, I saw a photo posted of Miss Zuo on the internet. It was attached to a piece of news saying that you're together with CEO Jin, but that you have to walk to school because you're not favored. I only showed it to CEO Jin to take a look. Without saying anything else, he directly asked me to drive this limited-edition Lamborghini over to you."

"It was because the housekeeper said that when you arrived at the garage this morning, you stopped to take a second look at it. The housekeeper said she thought you might like it."

She had never thought that things would turn out like this. When she thought of the three words he had sent her, she suddenly could not speak...so he had thought this much about what she wanted behind the scenes?

On the way out of the University, she walked past the parking lot.

She took a look and sure enough, it was indeed the limited-edition Lamborghini that she had wanted so much back in high school.

She was shocked, so she didn't speak. But Danil thought that she had not heard him and felt very anxious in his heart.

"Back then, CEO Jin spent a lot of money to bid for this car to be custom-made! Miss Zuo, CEO Jin deliberately asked me to drive the car over for you to display your status here at the University."

Her voice was a little bitter. "I... I know."

Danil's expression softened and he smiled. "Miss Zuo, it's good that you know. To be honest, Miss Zuo, you're really blessed!"

Was this considered a blessing?

Perhaps in their eyes, it was...

But when Jin Di was giving her so much, how could she ever afford to pay him back?

In the end, they would have to go their separate ways...she...she really did not want to owe him so much...

In the end, just like how she felt like she owed Chen Ziyi back then, she felt that she owed Jin Di psychologically...she could not let it go.


This paragraph was not counted in words

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