
Chapter 105, the legendary... ... Tsundere ? ?

Machine Translation

There was a light knocking sound in the room, but no one dared to rush him. Suddenly...

Jin Di's phone on the table vibrated.

It was already an unwritten rule in the company to turn off his phone during a meeting.

Since Jin Di had become the CEO of the company, his phone had never once rung during a meeting.

This was the first time today!

Everyone thought that Jin Di would turn off his phone without even looking at it and continue to deal with official business. After all, this was Jin Di's usual style of handling things!

But, unexpectedly, Jin Di's eyes narrowed slightly as he reached out to pick up his phone a moment later.

Then, under everyone's watchful eyes, he unlocked his phone and opened the text message.

The eyes of all the shareholders and the reporting manager almost fell out of their sockets!

However, Jin Di acted as if he did not see it. He looked at the contents of the message and seriously thought about how to reply.

Zuo Aiai: "Thank you for your gift. However, Danil has already driven the car here. So you don't need to come and pick me up, right?"

He looked at it a few times and his face darkened. He had yet to reply.

Suddenly, another text message came in.

Zuo Aiai: "What I mean is, it wouldn't be good if I just left the car here. Why don't you send me the destination and I'll drive there myself?"

The meeting room was silent.

Jin Di did not change his expression. He tapped his fingertips lightly and typed two words.

"No need."

After sending the message, he looked up as if nothing had happened. With a sharp glance, everyone immediately withdrew their gazes at the same time...

With an expression that said, "I didn't see anything!!"

This time, CEO Jin nodded his head in satisfaction. He opened his thin lips slightly and spat out a word.



After Zuo Yunyun left, so did the crowd of miscellaneous people in the exhibition hall.

By the time she had finished arranging everything, it was almost lunchtime. She was worried about Jin Di's reply and wasn't in the mood to go to the cafeteria. She simply found a corner to buy a loaf of bread and chewed on it while thinking about how to reply to him.

After all, he was her financier, so she could not understand his thoughts. After pondering for a while, she tentatively replied.

"Do you mean that...I don't need to drive?"

She thought that she would receive a reply after a while, but she did not expect to hear a ding the moment she put down her phone!

She hurriedly picked up her phone, but in the end, Mr. Jin's reply was still concise.

One word!



She was speechless, so she did not beat around the bush and directly replied to him.

"Then why did you ask Danil to drive the car over?"

This time, she held the phone for a long time and did not get a reply.

The longer she waited, the more nervous she became. Could it be that she had offended him by speaking too harshly?

After waiting for ten minutes and still did not get a reply, her heart had already turned a thousand times. She was just short of lighting three incense sticks to pay her respects.

She threw the phone to the side and chewed on the bread as she thought about how terribly she would die tonight.

However, half an hour later...

The phone rang again, and she picked it up nervously.

But there were only three words on the screen:


She was dumbfounded.

After a long while, her forehead creased with consternation, and she thought speechlessly, could it be...that this was the legendary...Tsundere?

She was confused and didn't know how to reply to him.

Suddenly, another text message came in.

"Reporting an important case in the meeting, I didn't have time to look at my phone just now."

Was he actually trying to explain why he didn't reply to the text message??

[The recommended week is over 1,000. I love you guys so much.]

This paragraph was not counted in the number of words

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