
1 Burning Phoenix

(Book 1) The Burning Phoenix is a tale of magic, knights, lost and growing up. Axx is a young boy with two very popular knight parents that are never home. He lives in a world with magic with a unknown history he feels lost with everything around him. Read this story as he grows up in a world of magic while he tries to find a home! The first book in The Tale Of Magzics series of this epic tale. Please pick apart my book! Aqua Midnight Total words:about 26,559

AquaMidnight · Fantasy
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30 Chs

Chapter 8~ Axx And The Hard Journey To Knight's Academy

After I walk outside of the castle, I stop and I take a deep breath. "It feels like I am finally free!" I think as I grab my letter in my backpack. On the back of the letter, I can see tiny little dots that show me the way. It is almost like a GPS. I try to ask for directions, as I show them the map, but everyone looks at me like I am crazy.

"No one must be able to see it other than future knights." I think as I am struck in awe by the magic in the map.

Many people do not even know where Knight's Academy is. On my way to Knights Academy, I pass the Sun Kingdom, and I take a deep breath and let it out as I emerge from the Sun Kingdom, finally feeling at peace as I know I will not be back here for a long time. "Hopefully I will never be back!" I think as my mind becomes black from pain. I shake my head as I slowly walk to the first checkpoint.

At the first checkpoint, the dots behind me disappear. I find berries and clean water about a quarter of the way. I eat a lot since I have not eaten in days and have no idea when I will again.

In the middle of the woods, I relax for a few minutes. My brain swirls at what has happened. "I am on my way to Knight's Academy. I feel raw." I think as I shake my head as I must continue walking as I must not fall asleep, no matter how much I want it to be so. I can feel my eyes start to close. I shake my head to clear the tiredness away. It does not work, but I must continue.

I look at the map to see the second checkpoint. "It is a bit far, as the woods seem to go on forever. My legs feel like they are about to collapse underneath me with each step I take." I shake my head again, as I must not think of the pain.

My feet hit the ground. It is almost calming to my raw mind. It makes sure I can not think of what they did.

I do not know how many days I have been walking. All I know is that my stomach is trying to eat itself. I see the second checkpoint coming up. I feel cold as I walk into a chilly area, unlike anything I have felt before.

I grab a few berries on my way out of the woods as I finally pass the second checkpoint.

I sway from exhaustion and hunger. I eat a few berries as I see where the third checkpoint is. I have never seen this area before. It looks like a cave, but there are no caves in Magzics. I feel confused as I follow the dots to the next checkpoint.

I know if I do not make it soon. My legs will not be able to carry me much longer. My legs wobble with each step I take. I still press on even when every part of my body screams in pain. I feel weak, but there is nothing I can do about it. People have died going on this trip. For many of us, this trip is the only key to survival.

"Even if I frezzzzeee to deeeeath I willll tryyyy myyyy hardddest tooo makkkeee itt," I say as I shiver to death. My teeth chatter so hard that my jaw feels sore.

"I know I must be in a different kingdom as it is like I am in an ice age in a different world. It is snowing and blowing so hard that I have an inner chill that I can not seem to shake." I think with a determination to keep moving.

I quickly walk, trying to keep warm. "Nothing works. I feel despair as I feel I will soon freeze to death."

"Whatever is out there, hear this prayer to keep me safe on this journey. Please, I beg of you, do not let me freeze to death. I still have so much to offer this world." I think in desperation.

Someone must have heard my prayer as I quickly arrive near the cave. I can see a little girl giggling as she plays alone with aqua hair. I go into the cave before she can spot me. I look down at the map to see Knight's Academy coming up.

"Thank goodness I am almost there," I say as I wince from the dryness in my mouth.

I sigh as I feel some warmth coming from the cave. I smile as I realize I just passed checkpoint 3. "Yay, my journey is almost complete!" I think in relief.

Inside the cave, I blindly walk along the cave while stumbling, trying to find the final checkpoint. I shiver from the cold as I walk deeper into the cave. It is very dark in the cave, and I can not see anything inches away.

Something far away illuminates the path. I squint my eyes, but I see nothing. I continue walking towards the light to see a secret door glowing brightly in yellow light. I open the door in shock as I see the land before me. I see the main building in the distance. I shut the door, "Least I made it..." as my eyes roll back in my head as I pass out on the lash warm ground.

I wake up to see myself in a comfortable bed. I look around to see myself in a dormitory with four other beds. "Welcome to Knights Academy! You passed out as soon as you opened the door. Many people do as it is a long journey to change our lives. I am Cal, and as the oldest here, I must welcome everyone. The years here will be hard on you. If you do not pass all the tests, you will be kicked out! Good luck! " He says with a sneer as he walks away from the bed.

<span><i>"I did it! I made it here! I can feel my destiny already starting!" I think as everything changes around me. "I do not know how many months it took me to get here. All I know is that I will do my hardest to do everything I can to be at the top!</i></span>" I think with determination.