

Azriel Light was a lonely teenager who lived out of his death parents inheritance, since they left quite a lot for him to last a long time. On one late night scrolling through the web, he found an article on a VRMMO called [Divine Arts Online]. However, they didn’t seem to be much information on it. Regardless, Azriel bought it. Upon entering the game, many realized that what profession you get in game, you can use it to the same degree as in the game. But many people only ended up with one or two arts. Yet when Azriel looked at the number of arts he had, he was only left… With an infinity symbol. [Welcome To Divine Arts Online!] ……. ….. , it may be dropped if it doesn’t do well. The cover isn't mine. You can DM to take it down if your the creator. SenDie#4002

ThirdSen · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
2 Chs

A World Of Divine Arts

Azriel scrolled through his computer in his medium sized, white walled bedroom.

The lights were currently turned off, and the sounds of a mouse clicking resounded often.

His fingers dragged the mouse multiple times before coming to a sudden stop.

"VRMMO game?" He said in a confused voice. "This is probably the first one since 'Genesis' then…"

"Cool I guess. But it might be some fake rumor everyone is spreading." He said before smiling lightly. "Oh well, I will just read it."

He then proceeded to read about the VR game, 'Divine Arts Online.'

The description was very brief, and lacked many needed information. He was surprised it wasn't taken down yet.

His eyes landed on the day it was released to public and was surprised that it was just a few hours ago!

"Divinity is the sky." He read the quote on the cover and shook his head.

'King of cringe if you ask me.'

He pondered for a bit and gazed at the sales tab. '10.000!'

Ten thousand people had bought this unknown game. And it was just in a few hours! He was wondering whether he was lacking some information.

He gambled a bit and clicked on the buy tab and watched as a notification appeared saying:

[You have purchased Divine Arts Online!]

He used one account for everything, so his address was already mentioned.

After the click sound had passed, he yawned before saying in a sleepy tone. "I guess it's time for bed…"

He then walked over to his soft and comfortable looking bed amidst the darkness of his room, before plopping down on it like a corpse.

And soon, his mind went blank, as he had fallen asleep.

The next day, he woke up without a hitch and walked over to his kitchen. It was small, but enough for Azriel, since he didn't really like a lot of money to begin with.

All he needed were the necessities and some occasional treats for himself.

He made quick work of an egg, and some bacon on the side…

Maybe he lied to himself. After all, since the apocalypse, meat was a rarity only the high class could still enjoy.

Normal families could at most afford it twice a month.

He quickly stuffed his food, and was about to read his favorite light novel before he heard a knock at the door.

So without wasting time, he went to his apartment door and opened it, surprised at the sight of a delivery man.

"Package for Azriel Light." The delivery man said in a stoic voice. He wore the usual blue outfit, and had brown hair.

"That's me." He said although confused.

"Sign here." The delivery man added, before allowing Azriel to sign everything before taking his leave.

Leaving a small brown box in Azriel's grasp.

He closed the door behind him, as he walked in and put it on his bedroom desk.

"Now what do we have here?" He said before suddenly remembering. "Ah! The VR game. Tch, I forgot already, damn was I tired."

"But for a VR game set, it's rather small…" he said sweeping his sight all over the box.

He slowly opened it and was surprised to pull out a small object.

It was the size of his full, 19 year old palm. It was in the shape of a kite, with some small thin black extensions, at the right, left, up and down areas.

"What the fuck is this? Is this really a CR set!? Have I been scammed!?!" He cried out.

He ruffled his hand inside the box and pulled out a piece of paper.

"Alas, a guide." However, there wasn't much on it. "Place this on your forehead, and position yourself in a comfortable position to avoid body pains. Once that's down, say 'Divinity' and enter the world of Divine Arts."

Azriel moved to his bed and did all he was told except for the last step.

Upon placing it on his forehead earlier, the extensions latched themselves onto his forehead. Even though, he was shocked and alarmed, it did not provide any sort of pain. In fact, it brought a soothing and warm feeling to his body, which was much enjoyable.

Azriel took a deep breath before saying a cool manner.

"Divinity!" His voice resounded before the set lit up. 'Boy did I feel cool saying tha-'

He couldn't finish his sentence before his mind went blank.

He felt his mind warping before he snapped his eyes open into a place. It was void of anything whatsoever. Only a white space with seemingly no end.

A few seconds later, a small slime appeared infront of him before the white space, was suddenly turned into a library.

"Hi! I am Remuru, it's time to fill your character!" Remuru said in a cheerful voice. "Now, the name you want to be addressed by!"

Azriel was just marveled in the few seconds that had past. First of all, he was deeply shocked at how realistic the game was.

It was just the same as in real life, with some minute details. Like a 1:1 scale.

He brought his attention to the moment before saying. "Azrael."

It was the username he had been using for years now. Because it sounded like his name, will also not being it.

"Will you like to change your appearance a bit? Only a little though!" Remuru added in a stern yet in the same cheerful voice.

"Hmm." As Azriel thought, a mirror appeared before him showing how he looks.

His white hair with black tips was shiny and clean, making a outstanding effect with his void black eyes.

Soon later, he finally decided what to do.

He changed his hair to full black and kept his eye colour. He avoided changing much and left the rest as they were.

"Great! Now all you need to know is that to access your status, either wave your index and middle finger upward in unison, or just say status!"

Azriel followed by waving his fingers and a blue screen manifested. He waved his hand down and it disappeared as if it never existed.

"Now, you will be transported to a random continent! Each continent is filled with different cultures and ethics!"

Remuru continued to say, before finally concluding it.

"Now Player Azrael, the rest is for you to explore and no about the world, goodbye!"

The space crumbled as if it never existed and he was thrown into a pitch black abyss, before an array of multicolored lights blinded him!

''Damn did that feel cool!"

"I don't know but, I felt something strange about him." Remuru said, looking up at the roof of the library.

And suddenly, another person appeared.

"Hi! I am Remuru, it's time to fill your character! Now, the name you want to be addressed by!"