
thirteen - "my person" - thirteen

Right now, in this moment, after all the sudden chaos, Anna didn't care about any law. The ER was packed, blood trails stained the floors, and the medical staff was scrambling. She rushed in, looking around, hurrying towards the trauma rooms. She peeked in through the blinds, before noticing Dr. Bailey and Dr. Webber working on Dr. Burke who was covered in blood.

"Anna?" Dr. Webber was about to complain, but Dr. Bailey stopped him, "Anna, Dr. Shepherd's not answering his pager. You need to find him."

"He's in the OR still." Anna said.

"Run in there. Tell him it's 911." Dr. Bailey instructed her, "Tell him it's Burke."

Anna turned back around and ran through the panicked crowds as fast as she could. She sprinted through the main floor, running up the stairwell, knowing that waiting for the elevator could be life or death for Dr. Burke.

"Dad!" Anna ran into the OR, panting, stopping in front of the sinks, knocking on the window frantically.

"Anna?" Derek asked, scrub nurses and everyone staring at her, confused, "Someone please find out what my daughter wants, now!"

One of the scrub nurses went to check, but Anna just yelled at her dad through the open OR room door, "Dad! It's Dr. Burke! He was shot! Dr. Bailey and the Chief need you in trauma 1!"

In seconds, Dr. Shepherd was instructing someone else to close for him and running alongside his daughter.

Anna stood around, outside the OR, when Dr. Bailey came out.

"How's Dr. Burke?" Anna asked.

"He's stable, right now. We won't know how much damage is done until surgery." Dr. Bailey told her softly, "Have you seen-?"

"Seen who?"

"Where is Cristina? Where are where are all of the suck-ups? My interns. My ass-kissing, surgery-hungry, competitive suck-ups. Where are they? Why aren't they here? Why aren't they here sucking up? You know something." Dr. Bailey looked around.

Anna followed behind her, "Saw them awhile ago. I think they all disappeared together."

"Uh huh." Dr. Bailey opened up a door, and Anna stood behind her, peeking in to find George, Cristina, Izzie, and Meredith.

"You fools better have a good explanation for this. Step away from the patient. Step away from the patient!"

"I can't. I have to pump his heart."