
sixty - six - "B.C.B: Booty Call Bailey" - sixty - six

Cristina was officially leaving to take over Burke's hospital in Switzerland and taking Shane with her, Arizona and Callie struggled with the idea of getting a surrogate, Amelia was officially working at the hospital and staying in Seattle, and Meredith dropped a bomb about not wanting to leave to D.C... and that wasn't even the worst of it yet. It was the beginning of the week and everyone's lives were going to be changed by one person, a new face, Dr. Pierce, who was taking over for Cristina.

Maggie sat in the cafeteria, looking around for a place to sit, before interrupting Amelia and Richard. As Richard talked, she stared at Derek and Meredith sitting down eating with their daughter, Zola. She just met them... and was surprised to find out that they adopted a black african orphan. She heard Amelia talking about her nephew and figured they had another child together. Sure enough, she saw Derek carrying a little white baby from the daycare one afternoon.

"You're staring." Richard told her.

"I know." Maggie sighed, her thoughts washed away as she watched a young woman approach Derek and Meredith's table. She spoke with them, hugging Dr. Shepherd, and picked up Zola.

"That's Anna. She's Derek's daughter," Richard answered, as Maggie continued her spying.

"Meredith's a stepmother?" Maggie whispered to herself.

Maggie watched Anna carry Zola before stopping when Dr. Yang approached her. They smiled at each other, hugging, before Cristina walked to Derek and Meredith.

"Is everyone around here related to each other like some big family?" She asked, finally pulling her eyes away from them.

She was a sister. She was an aunt. And she was working in a hospital her biological mother was named after and left a legacy behind in. This had been a week.

"I thought Cristina being gone would feel... different." Anna said, stabbing her fork into her salad.

"She left me her shares to the hospital." Alex revealed, "I think I'm gonna interview for her seat on the board."


"Yeah. Jo's been helping me with a speech."

"So, you're staying here?"

"I kinda have to if I get the spot." Alex shrugged, "It's between me and Dr. Bailey. What?"

"Nothing. I didn't say anything."

"You made a face."

"I didn't make a face."

"You don't think I can get it?"