
seventy - five - "hospital financial statement" - seventy - five

Carrying groceries from the car into the kitchen, Anna discovered a few boxes at the bottom of the stairs. She heard someone moving around upstairs and dropped her bags on the kitchen floor. She went to the stairs, seeing Amelia jogging down them, several purses packed with her belongings on each arm.

"What's going on?" Anna asked, "Spending time with Owen or...?"

"I'm moving, actually." Amelia replied, obviously ticked off.

"What?" Anna repeated, "Why?"

"Ask Meredith." Amelia opened the front door, picking up a box and carrying it to her car.

Anna stood there, unable to stop herself from rolling her eyes, and went back to the kitchen. She started putting groceries away, and by the time she was done, all of Amelia's stuff was gone... and so was she.

Anna sat down on the livingroom couch, grabbing the remote and turning on the tv, mumbling, "Like living with two teenagers."

The next day, Anna was called by Dr. Bailey after Meredith was attacked by a patient. She rushed to the hospital, not expecting to see Meredith in the shape that she was. Her injuries were bad.

"She can't hear?" Anna repeated, looking at Dr. Webber and Dr. Bailey.

"No." Miranda said, "She can't."

"And her jaw's wired shut? So, she can't talk?" Anna asked, staring at Meredith's bruised and bandaged face through the window while standing in the hall.

"How long is her recovery time?"

"Six weeks." Dr. Webber said.

"Wow." Anna said, "Bailey and Zola- they're already gonna be asking about her when I go home. What do I say? What do I tell them?"

"I'd tell them that she's resting..." Dr. Bailey said, "Because she doesn't feel well. If they have questions, you can always call us. I can talk to them. I can come over tonight if-"

"No, no. If you or Dr. Webber come over, they'll know something's wrong. I'll... I'll find a way to tell them."

"She's just waking up. Do you want to see her?" Dr. Webber asks.

"No. She's probably in so much pain, she just wants some sleep." Anna sighed, looking at her swollen face, "I'll see her tomorrow. But, if she can hear, will you tell her that I stopped by?"

"Of course." Miranda smiles.

"Anna, are you going to be okay by yourself at the house?" Richard asks, worrying.

"Yeah. Yeah, I'll be okay. Tell Maggie, she doesn't need to come home early." Anna thanked them for the update, turning, "Amelia- I haven't seen her since yesterday. Did she come to work today?"