
one hundred and six - "shut up, i'm your person" - one hundred and six

"Happy Thanksgiving!"

The front door of the beautifully decorated two story home flung open before she even got her luggage out of the Uber. She smiled, thanked the driver, suitcase in hand, backpack hanging off her shoulder, admiring the festive holiday decorations which adorned the lawn. Anna smiled, engulfed by Addison's arms in a tight hug as she rushed down the driveway to greet her, "Happy Thanksgiving."

"I can't believe you're actually here!" Addison kissed her cheek, hands clasped together with a beaming smile, "How was your flight?"

"Good. Slept most of the way. You have a really nice house. Although..." Anna glanced at the other homes along the street, "You seem to be the only one with the Christmas decorations out already."

"It's our first holiday together in how many years," Addison waved her hand, "I thought we could also celebrate Christmas together while you're visiting."