
one hundred and four - "i know all about zola's kitchen" - one hundred and four

Staying at home all day and stuck in the house 24/7 was doing a lot more to Anna than she'd like to admit. Even though she considers herself an introvert, the lack of human interaction and scenery was starting to mess with her head. All this "resting" that was disguised as "recovering" was truly doing more worse than good. She lost count of how many times she read through her medical textbooks and brushed up on her terminology. She was bored. So... utterly bored. She's tired of staring at the four walls of her bedroom. There's only so much tv she can binge before it loses it's appeal. Besides, all her favorite shows were getting cancelled left and right anyway. She clears off her bed and carefully walks down the hall, catching Amelia's attention as she comes down the stairs, "Anna, you feeling okay? Do you need something?"

"Yeah. I need out of this damn house." She passes by her and Link, heading for the back door. She takes a deep breath and inhales the fresh air. She settles outside, sitting down on the grass, and enjoys the feeling of the sun on her skin.

Her slightly improved mood is gone when her phone dings and she receives a frantic text from Maggie. She explains that Winston was talking to her while driving and was pulled over by the police who then made him hang up their call. Anna responds, letting her know she'll tell everyone what's going on. She prays Winston is okay.