
eighty - two - "harper avery ceremony" - eighty - two

Anna walked off campus, into the parking lot, and spotted Colton's car. She got in, putting her backpack down by her feet, and buckled her seatbelt, "Hey."

"Hey." Colton greeted, starting the car, "How was your day?"

"A lot of book work. How was your day?"

"Work, work, and more work. Very uneventful."

"You know, you don't have to do this," Anna told him, "It's a long drive and you're probably tired."

"Look, it's not even that big of a deal. Trust me. I want to. It gives us a chance to talk to each other, get to know each other better," Colton reassured her.

"Well, what do you want to talk about?" Anna asked.

"Let's talk about how cute you look in those scrubs," Colton made her blush, "And how smoking you look with that new hair color."

"I set myself up for that, didn't I?"

"Totally." Colton headed towards the highway, "So, tell me how far you've got on Supernatural."

"Well, I'm barely finishing season six."

"Yeah, you've got a long way to go."

"How far are you in Sons of Anarchy?"

"Already on season five." Colton answered, "When are we gonna talk about these shows, anyway?"

"When we're finished with them. Once you finish SOA, you need to watch That 70's Show. I can't believe you've never even seen an episode."

"And you never watched Supernatural before."

"I told you. I watched the first two seasons before. Then, I just stopped. I'm gonna finish it though... if it ever ends."

"Why can't we just watch the shows together?" Colton asks.

"I'm not answering that," Anna chuckled, "You'll slip in some stupid Netflix and chill joke."

"Damn. You already know me too well." Colton grinned.

"My new nickname for you in Samuel Colt." Anna joked, laughing.

Colton drove her all the way home. When she went inside, she found Alex, Maggie, and Amelia. Apparently, Meredith and Riggs were on a plane that had to have a emergency landing. They all sat around, waiting for her to call.