
*Re-writing* NARUTO: DUAL KAMUI in a cultivation world

Every century, The cultivation world is caught up in a turmoil when the heavenly crown emerges. Follow the young man wearing a white mask and a purple kimono, Welding gunbai in his left hand and chains on his other, with his sharingan and wood style, he traverse the worlds unrivalled

Rgendamushrooms123 · Anime & Comics
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57 Chs

The System Arrives

*Ding: System Activated*

Arthur was too shocked to comprehend what was going on, initially he thought that the giant wolf was some sort of mutated beast but after seeing that thing, he no longer believed that he was on earth, 'Have I transmigrated into a different world? ' Arthur stood there in daze.

*Yes* the system replied.

before Arthur could react the system replied 'I am your system and you are now in the world of heavens glave'

Hearing the word system , Arthur couldn't hold back his tears anymore and started crying, he was an avid fan of anime back on earth so of course he knew about the fabled system. He thought that he was gonna die but with the system, he could survive in this new world, tears started rolling off his face as he sigh in relieve for the first time after arriving in this world.

'What can you do? ' Arthur asked

*The system can do anything the host wants but there are limitations, u need points to access the system's functions and abilities*

'What types of abilities can i get? ' Arthur asked excitedly forgetting about the previous incidents.

*The framework is based on Anime*

'Sweet! then can i get Rinnegan and ten tails!?

Arthur asked excitedly

*You can but will require 10 billion points*

"Fair enough" Arthur replies 'So what can i get? '

*Before that we have to adjust host's mental state first cause with your mindset, you won't be able to survive in this place*

Arthur remembers his previous encounter and shivers a bit and replies with a nod.

*Affirmative, the process will be a gradual one and the mindset will be integrated slowly as to not impact the host negatively *

*Opening system shop*

a blue window pop up and a list of different abilities were shown in the window.

The ones that caught Arthur eyes instantly were 'Za worldo, kamui, Wood style and limitless' but sadly the points requires were outrageous

'How much points do i have? ' Arthur asked while praying 'Please be atleast a few thousands'

*120* the system poured down a bucket of cold water on arthur's head.

feeling a bit dejected he asked "What can i get for 120? "

The system provided a list but the only thing which caught Arthur's eyes were the one tomoe sharingan.

" I will have these " Arthur directed his hands towards the sharingan and thought 'One day I will upgrade them to Eternal Mangekyo when I have enough points'

*Confirming purchase, congratulations for your first purchase 🎉*

'This system is like a salesmen' Arthur smiles a bit.

He felt his body warming up and a slight sting in his eyes.

*The host has activated chakra to accommodate the sharingan*

"So this is what chakra feels like" Arthur clenched his hands while feeling the new energy flowing through his body

He closed his eyes, feeling the chakra entering his eyes, he slowly opened them again.

"This... " Arthur was astonished

he could see through the dark night with much more clarity, he could see the ground full of tiny organisms, he could even see the viens of a tree leave 10s of meters away but the most important thing was that he could see the numerous lights of different colors moving around the forest.

"Are those all monsters" Arthur looked at his hands glowing with the same light, silently gulping.

*Host the system requires an update to provide new features, I have to go into hibernation*

"Wait! you can't just leave me here! I have so much to ask and I have no knowledge about this world! " Arthur protested

*The system interface will still be there so you can ask questions regarding the world to the encyclopedia and you can check the system manual to know more about the system shop*

"Who gave me this system and why was I transmigrated here!? " Arthur asked impatiently.

* I can only answer your questions after the update as I can't stop the process of hibernation.. * the system replied in its robotic voice before going into hibernation.

"Damn.. " Arthur was a bit frustrated.

He turned his eyes towards the forest and he could see a light consuming another light and gaining more brightness.

"This place isn't safe at all" Arthur replies with calmness that he himself found it weird.

'My legs aren't shaking like before, is this what the system meant about changing my mindset? '

'let's hide first' using his sharingan, he found a tree with no lights around it and started to climb it. He didn't know tree climbing chakra control but he still climbed it effortlessly with his chakra enhanced body.

After finding a good branch to rest on, he immediately opened his system and read the user manual, the manual contained instructions about how he can access the system shop, how he can earn points through doing missions and he also leaned two new abilities of the system and that is a mini map which can display upto 25 meters of the terrains around him which he can also achieve just from his sharingan so the mini map was pretty useless but the other functions were very useful for him, a status screen and an inventory!


Player: Arthur

skills : One Tomoe sharingan ( inherited)

chakra: mid genin

level : Genin

Battle strength: Novice Genin

'I am pretty weak right now'

Then he checked the encyclopedia and learned that this was a cultivation world with 9 cultivation realms(Read the 2nd chap) . He also learned that he was in the outer edges of The dark wing forest.

'What is this' Arthur touched the button with Monsterdex written on it

He saw a list of numerous black avatars and 3 photos of familiar figures

'Is this like a pokedex?' he clicked the familiar wolf avatar.

A mechanical voice responded "Grey wolves, a monster with wind attribute qi, generally of the body forging and foundation establishment realm, body forging grey wolves travel in packs whereas foundation establishment realm grey wolves tend to travel alone, newly promoted foundation establishment realm grey wolves tend to play with their prey as a means of celebration"

'Fckin monsters' Arthur cursed after seeing the 2 pictures of grey wolves and swear to kill any grey wolves that he finds in this forest provided that he becomes strong enough to kill them

After venting his anger for a bit, he clicked on the next familiar figure, although his mental state was stronger than before, he still gulped nervously after seeing that eery figure.

"Nightwalkers, rare monsters generally of the foundation establishment realm to golden core realm with darkness affinity, they tend to hide in the shadows and track thier prey, they are very picky with their food and tend to hunt only foundation establishment realm preys but once they target their prey, they will follow and haunt them until they killed their prey. "

Hearing that statement, a chill ran through Arthur's back and he instantly activated his sharingan to scan his surrounding fearing that the nightwalker was following him but luckily it wasn't or so he thought. A long night awaits Arthur.