

Harry Potter has found a way to travel the multiverse (this is just for fun I know it’s crap)

Because_Fanfic · TV
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8 Chs

The start

When Clark was about to be a freshman he and Lana were dating he won her over this time because the meteor rocks didn't effect him he also wasn't a stalker like last time when I was a freshman I got a boyfriend

My parents and brother weren't shocked because I told them I was gay in junior high when the town found out they weren't really bothered either a few boys called me names and tried to attack me once but I beat them up they did it in front of a security camera so I didn't get in trouble

His name was Bret I didn't tell him my secret because I knew he was just a high school boyfriend it was going nowhere he just liked me because we were the only openly gay kids in town and I have a big dick

We we're both only in it for the sex he loved taking my cock it was 12 inches and as thick as a can and I haven't stoped growing yet I never bottom I only did that a few times and only for Neville not that I didn't like bottoming I just would only do that for a husband

On Clark's first day as a freshman he woke up late when he made it downstairs he opened the fridge and drank our milk straight from the bottle ma and him had some banter about manners

Before me and Clark left for the school bus Clark asked ma and pa to sigh his permission slip to join the football team I argued on his behalf he has perfect control of his powers with my training

They eventually agreed when I mentioned trust I argued that we should trust Clark since he has perfected his control and has never hurt anybody with them I left a few minutes before Clark

I made it to the bus just as it was going to pull away I walked to sit next to Chloe and Pete I never really liked Pete but me and Chloe got along great we made bets on if Clark would make it on time me and Chloe had 10 dollars on him missing the bus and Pete had 10 on him making it

Needless to say me and Chloe won our bet I let Chloe keep the 10 dollars when we got off the bus Clark came running over to us Chloe asked how he got here so quick

He said he took a short cut then Chloe asked through what a black hole which caused me to laugh which made Clark glare at me

"Come on little brother don't glare at me I did get ma and pa to sign your permission slip to join the football team"I said

Clark's glare lessened after that and he mumbled thanks big brother which made my whole face light up Chloe said something about it looking like I won the lottery which made Clark blush

He only says that when he is really grateful or if he is feeling bad it always makes my week Clark and I are really close we are always there for each other no matter what

While Chloe Pete and Clark are talking about the wired things that happen in Smallville I see Bret I call him over when he gets to me I pull him into a kiss okay maybe it involved tongue but we are horny teenagers

With my heightened senses I hear Chloe mutter all the good ones are either taken or gay which makes me pull back and look to her if you want a kiss I'm more than happy to fulfil your desires

I'm gay but over 50 billion years I've tried sex with women and it wasn't that bad I could never be in a relationship with a woman but I can find them attractive I walk up to Chloe slowly leaving her time to pull away

When she doesn't I give her a kiss she won't forget after a minute I pull back and chuckle when I see Chloe's face she looks blissed out I whisper in her ear your beginning to drool 🤤 that snaps her out of it

She wipes her chin and says wow when I turn around I see Clark blushing Pete looks ready to kill me and Bret just looks amused he says that was hot maybe we should invite her to my house sometime

That's were we have sex his parents are never home so we have the house to ourselves it's probably for the best Bret is quite vocal (I'm just ignoring ages because this is make believe 😒)

I make a show out of checking Chloe out then say yes we should the I give her a wink then I turn around and link mine and Bret's arm's and we walk towards the school entrance we start talking about our date for the weekend

I'm taking him to Metropolis to shop he likes to look good and I like him looking good so it's a win win I have plenty of money from stocks and I started my own company I used my shape shifting to transform into my original appearance

My parents and Clark were the only people that knew and they were very encouraging I thought they would freak out when I showed them that I could shape shift but they didn't

My company is called Kent international I know not very original but it works we sell things like military body armour, prosthetic limbs, tech to clean pollution, seeds that grow in most conditions, computers, phones, tech that vaporises trash it just sends it to a empty dimension that has infinite space, we are also making clean energy, medicine, and lots more

Needless to say our family are billionaires my parents were very proud when I showed them some of my inventions I come up with a lot of our company's inventions but not all we were years ahead of other company's

After school I headed to the torch because I help Chloe write the newspaper after half an hour I get a call from my parents saying that Clark has just saved Lex Luthor from drowning

I immediately tell Chloe that I have to go home then leave I turn my self invisible then teleport to the bridge when I get there I make sure I can't be seen then turn visible then I use telepathy to make everyone here except Clark and pa believe I come with my pa in the truck

When I see Clark I run over to him even tho I know he is fine I still cast diagnoses spells at him they come back clear I then physically check him when I do t find any injuries I ask him which paramedic checked him

When he pointed the paramedic out I went over to ask about Clark they seemed surprised that I knew medical terms I have been a doctor before I have studied most forms of surgery and medicine so I made sure they ran all the proper tests

They did after 10 minutes of talking to the paramedic I walked back over to pa and Clark and tell them they say that your fine and I made sure they were competent so your peachy I then ask what happened

Clark soon told me about Lex Luthor and his wreck I say "well he's lucky you were there if he doesn't clean up his act then the next time something like this happens will be the last"

I knew lex was behind me I can see souls and it's not like seeing with eyes it's like I can see 360 degrees all around me for about half a mile further if I concentrate

Lex walks towards us and says "it won't happen again and I just want to thank you Clark for saving me"

I say "well see"

Then I tell Clark we're going home and your going to bed he groans I tell him you'll go willingly or I'll drag you there and sit on you until tomorrow Clark whines Harry I just put on my smug face and he mutters fine

When we're walking to the truck I use a repairing spell on the roof of Lex's car then I use telekinesis to open the door so it looks like Clark got him out of there by the door I then use another repairing charm to repair the Clark shaped dent in the car

After that I use telepathy on Lex to make him believe that he missed Clark then Clark jumped in after him I have to protect Clark and I'll do anything to do that even if I have to get rid of Lex permanently

When we got home I made sure Clark stayed in bed even tho I knew he was fine then I went and did my chores I have super speed but I prefer to do my chores normally so I spent the rest of my day doing chores and mentally writing my article for the torch