
*DISCONTINUED*Ancient Tree Spirit [BL]

His whole life, Leo was made fun of. For his feminine appearance and big green eyes. Leo was always considered to be a weird kid. He would often talk to birds and rabbits in the forest. When he was young, he lived in a cabin in the forest with his grandpa and he would often play there after school. He lived there alone with his grandpa. Leo was found as a baby and the old hunter took him in and raised him, so Leo never meet his biological parents. Nevertheless, he loved his grandpa with all his heart. He taught Leo many survival skills and how to live off the land. Leo was taught how to determine if something was poisonous, what to and not to eat, and how to track animals. Even though his grandfather was a hunter, Leo absolutely hated it when he would hunt since he was friends with the creatures of the forest. Leo would cry and beg his grandpa to not hunt the animals, so eventually the man gave in and stopped hunting. He eventually took up wood working and carpentry and made a living off of it. Leo loved the forest and all it's creatures and everyday he would go into the forest to his special place. There was a patch of forest where there weren't any trees and there was a rock that sat in the middle of the circle. He would sit on the rock and all the animals including deers, rabbits, and birds would all go to him. Later on, he found that he was able to understand what they would say. He would always talk to them, but soon, that happiness was all ruined. When Leo turned eleven, his grandfather got very sick and without enough money to buy medicine, he eventually died. Leo cried at his grandfather's grave for many days. Eventually he was put into the care of Sarah and Dave who gladly adopted the boy. They took him in as their own and Leo lived a happy life, but after the death of his grandfather, he couldn't face himself to go back into the forest. In result, there old cabin was deserted and the forest was deemed haunted by the old hunter. Leo lived his life like any ordinary kid, but still was bullied from his peers. They would tease him and call him cursed. They said mean things to him everyday at school. He would often be called cursed, a freak, or a monster when he would talk to the animals so he never did it again for he wad afraid. The animals eventually stopped gathering around him and he never talked to them again. Later on he became the personal assistant of a man named Mr.Coleman who was the CEO of a major company. Who knows what's in store for Leo and his new boss. Hopefully love will unfold.

IWannaSleep123 · LGBT+
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26 Chs

First Day

Monday came and Leo got ready for work. He woke up at five o'clock and got out of bed. He made his bed and made his way to the kitchen to make himself breakfast. Leo made himself avocado toast and drank some orange juice.

"That was good, but I should be heading to work soon." Leo said aloud while looking at his clock.

He put on his casual business clothes and made his way to his new job building. Thankfully the building was within walking distance to his apartment. He casually walked there and made it to the building at six-thirty. He checked in at the front scanner. They scanned his work ID and he was able to enter. Once he was done, he met up with Ms.Amber who was sitting at the front desk.

"Hello Ms.Amber, I came early to get a better understanding of what I must do and how to get around the place. Can you please help me out?" Leo asked politely.

"Of course, I'll get someone to fill my spot. Come with me, I'll show you around and we can talk while we walk." Ms.Amber replied calmly while getting up from her chair. She called for someone else to fill her spot and they were off.

She gave Leo a tour of the building while pointing out important locations. "This is the CEO office abd right across the hall, you will find where we store coffee and food as well as all the necessary appliances."

Ms.Amber gave Leo a tour and they finished right as the CEO entered the building. As he passed everyone, they all said there hellos, so naturally, Leo copied their greeting. "Hello sir." Leo said with a kind, respectful smile.

The man acknowledged him and said, "Come with me to my office. I need you to do something for me."

"Yes sir," Leo said. He tagged along behind him. He looked small standing near the man. He was only five foot six and looked like a child compared to the CEO who looked about six foot three.

Eventually, they made it to the CEO's office and he sat down. Leo waited patiently by the door for his assignment since he didn't want to intrude. He waited calmly as he watched the tall man sit down in his chair.

He looked towards Leo and said, "Go take these files to the finance department then ask for copies of the flyers for the concerts and other major events."

"Yes sir," Leo said calmly walked towards him and grabbed the files from his hand. Right when he was about to turn and leave. The man grabbed his hand and said charmingly with a grin, "And by the way, you don't have to be so formal for me. Call me Mr.Coleman."

Leo was confused since he had only started the job while others who have worked there way longer still call him sir. He said nervously, "O-ok I will Mr.Coleman."

He chuckled and said, "Now hurry along and get the papers."

"Ok, I will."

Leo left the room and went down to the third floor to the finance department. He handed one of the other employees the file and asked for the files on the events. They gladly gave him the files and he went back to Mr.Coleman's office on the sixth floor. He knocked and opened the door. Before he went in, Leo said quietly, "I have the files you asked for Mr.Coleman."

Mr.Coleman looked up, "Thank you, you may bring them in and set them on the table. Next, go to the break room and make me a cup of coffee."

"Alright Mr.Coleman," Leo said while setting the files on his desk. He walked out of the room and once he got out he sighed. 'He seems nice, but he has a suffocating aura. Serving him is gonna be a pain. Even so I must endure it.'

Leo walked across the hall to the break room and brewed some coffee based on the tip he heard from Ms.Amber the other day. He brewed two cups of dark roast coffee, then added three tablespoons of french vanilla creamer. Once he was done, he walked back to the office with the steaming coffee in his hand. Leo opened the door then walked in. The coffee made the whole room smell sweet. He walked over to the desk and gently placed the coffee down on the table. Once he did, Mr.Coleman looked up towards him and grabbed the coffee cup. He sipped the hot liquid and was pleased. He slightly moaned as he drank the sweet and bitter coffee.

He set the cup down and got up. He grabbed many files, binders, and papers. He handed them to Leo and said, "You can use the table over there and organize all the records by department and date it was issued. Put each one in its own sheet protector unless if it's a stack, then put them all in one."

"Okay," he said. Leo was a bit overwhelmed by the large stack of papers, but took them and began organizing. He looked at all the things he must organize and he came up with a plan, 'I'll organize the ones in the binders first. Then, I'll take the ones that are loose and I'll place them in sheet protectors, then by department, then by date, then organize them into the binders.'

With this plan in mind, Leo began organizing. He was very deep in thought and didn't realize the admiring stare from across the room. Mr.Coleman watched him while grinning and sipping his coffee. 'He's a hard worker. That's so adorable.' he thought.

Leo continued to organize the papers and he noticed that none of the binders had labels which caused things to be filed and placed in the wrong spots. He went onto his computer and printed out a piece or paper with the name of the department on the front which he slid into the plastic sleeve on the covers of each binder. He reorganized the files that were misplaced and put them in there correct place. Once he finished, everything was neatly organized correctly and in a systematic order. He walked over to Mr.Coleman and said, "Mr.Coleman, I finished organizing everything. Where would you like me to place them?"

He looked at the organized binders on the table, "You're done already, well just place them on the left side of the third row of the shelf. Then, get me something for lunch."

Leo was surprised at how fast the day had already passed. He said politely, "Alright, Mr.Coleman." He walked off to set the binders on their shelves then once he was done, he went to the break room to grab him a turkey provolone sandwich.

Once he entered he saw Ms.Amber drinking tea and on her computer. She looked up and as she saw Leo, she smiled and said, "Hello Leo, how's your first day going?"

"Hi Ms.Amber, it's going pretty well. How about you?"

She leaned back smiling, "Well, other than all the work and filing. It's been pretty good." She paused for a moment before saying, "Hey, why don't we ask the CEO if you can help me out?"

"Okay, but you must ask since I don't wanna seem like I'm running off." Leo said as he chuckled.

"Alright deal."

Leo grabbed the sandwich and the two went to the office. Leo entered first and said, "Mr.Coleman, Ms.Amber would like to see you."

Ms.Amber walked in and said, "Hey Coleman, I have a request."

By the way she asked, Leo knew that she was someone Mr.Coleman trusted or was friends with since everyone else called him sir.

"Hey Stephanie, what is it?" he asked while smiling.

"We have a lot of filing and data to go through in my department. I was wondering if you could lend Leo to us to help."

He looked over at Leo, then Stephanie and said, "Sure, just get me something to eat for lunch."

Leo walked up to the desk and said, "I brought you a turkey provolone sandwich from the break room for you."

Mr.Coleman slightly smiled at Leo, "Thank you, you may accompany Ms.Amber and help her with her work."

"Alright, Mr.Coleman," Leo said before leaving with Ms.Amber.


Thank you for reading, I hope you enjoyed

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