
***Out of Control***

|A (GAY) Harry Potter Fanfiction| ***This is my first fanfiction, so please be kind. I appreciate constructive criticism and advice.*** A few changes can influence your whole life. Harry don’t know how bad his life could have been, had he not received that letter from Gringotts. After Harry’s third year at Hogwarts, he gets a letter from Gringotts, asking him to come and meet his account manager. Harry leaves Privet Drive, with his aunt and cousin, intending to never return. Harry learns of betrayal and hidden loyalty. With three father-figures, one less best friend, and two loves, how will his future years go? |For some reason I can't add tags, and the tags I did add have disappered somehow, so here is some "Tags", I guess. #Gaylove #HarryxFredxGeorge #MollyBashing #GinnyBashing #HermioneBashing #DumbledoreBashing #ICan'tWriteShortThings #ImpliedMpreg #GoodPetuniaAndDudley. I think that is all... don't know|

Tyra_Pastel · Book&Literature
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38 Chs

chapter 5

"You, Lord Potter, are going to follow me to the ritual room, where you will be cleansed of all this filth." Together with the title change and the stern voice there was no arguing with Sharptooth. He was a goblin on a mission.

Harry, with Sirius and Remus at his sides, followed Sharptooth to the ritual room. The room was big and had a circle in the middle of it in runes. "Lay down in the middle of the circle, Mr. Potter-Black. Everything is going to be fine. We will put you in a magical sleep and do a cleansing ritual to rid you of all potions, spells, and compulsions affecting you." Sharptooth said as more goblins came into the room. "Your godfathers can stay in the room, but they have to stay behind the protective ward around the ritual circle."

Harry lay down in the middle of the circle, and the goblins took up places along the circles edge. Sirius and Remus were standing close to the door watching as the goblins began chanting in Gobbledegook. Harry began immediately to drift off to sleep. He heard the goblin continue to chant before everything went dark.

Harry regains his awareness fast, but he didn't open his eye, and he showed no outward sign of being awake. He was lying on a soft surface, most likely a bed he thinks. When he has confirmed he is the only one in the room, most likely a hospital room (from the smell), Harry opened his eyes. He was right, he is in a hospital room, but not any like the ones he has been to before – the hospital wing at Hogwarts-, this one has stone walls. Still in Gringotts, then.

Harry raised his hand up to his nest of hair, only to glide his fingers through soft waves. Harry sat up and without thinking conjured a mirror, his hair was no longer a nest of unruly mess but waves falling down over his ears. His cheekbones were higher and more aristocratic, like Sirius', and his eyes had specks of amber, like Remus', in the green. Harry stared at himself in the mirror. There was something about a glamour in that test, wasn't there?

Suddenly the door open and a female goblin comes in, with Remus, Sirius, and Sharptooth behind her.

"Harry!" Remus and Sirius were at Harry's bedside immediately when they see he is awake, and Harry is suddenly very aware of a headache.

"I'm fine" He managed to say before the female goblin, most likely a healer, interrupted.

"No, you most certainly are not. You are severely malnourished, you have far to brittle bones, and I had to re-set them in some places because they healed wrong the first time." As she said this, she turned around to Sharptooth.

Sirius and Remus were looking at each other, having both turned pale while the healer spoke. The sadness in their eyes conveyed more than words could.

"And you, Shar! You should have brought the child to me as soon as you saw him, not to some ritual room to undergo an extremely taxing ritual!" She was almost yelling by the end of her accusations.

"Eir dear, I didn't have a choice! He had numerus of potions, spells, and compulsions on him! Even a soul shard!" Sharptooth shot back at her.

"Umm… Can you guys not fight right now? My head kinda hurts, and you fighting about where I should have gone first is not helping… and what do you mean soul shard?" Harry said, rubbing his forehead with his head. When his hand was no longer blocking the other in the room Harry saw that everyone was looking at him. "What…?"

"Harry, they were talking in Gobbledegook, the goblin language." Remus blatantly said.

Back in Sharptooth's office, now with the addition of Eirenic, the healer and also Sharptooth's wife, they all sat in silence. Finally breaking the silence Harry began, "Can we maybe look at the inheritance test again? We kind of didn't get to go through it because of the spontaneous cleansing ritual."

"Yes, of course. There are many things needing to be addressed in it." Sharptooth found the parchment between all the other sheets on the desk and handed it to Harry. Harry began reading it, Remus, and Sirius too began reading over his shoulders.


Harrison James Potter-Black

Age: 13 years, 10 months, and 19 days

Birthday: 31st of July 1980

Status: half-blood


James Flemont Potter (deceased)

Lilian Potter nee Evens (deceased)

Blood-adopted parents

Sirius Orion Black-Prince-Lupin

Severus Black-Prince-Lupin

Remus John Black-Prince-Lupin


Frank C. J. Longbottom (long-term patient at St- Mungos)

Alice Longbottom nee Fortescue (long-term patient at St- Mungos)

Lucius Abraxas Malfoy

Narcissa Violetta Malfoy nee Black

Creature heritage

Part sylph (paternal)

Soul mate(s):

Frederick Gideon Weasley-Prewett

George Fabian Weasley-Prewett

Magical abilities

Magic core (partly blocked, applied 1981)

Elemental magick (blocked, applied 1981)

Parselmouth (partly blocked, applied 1981)

All-speak (blocked, applied 1981)

Natural occlumency (blocked, applied 1981)

Metamorphmagus (blocked, applied 1981)

Eidetic memory (partly blocked, applied 1981)

Wandless magic (blocked, applied 1981)

Wordless magic (blocked, applied 1981)


Potter (paternal)

Vault(s): 684-687, 3 000 000 G, 50 000 S, 2000 K, heirlooms, books, and artifacts.

Peverell (paternal)

Vault(s): 642-643, 5 000 000 G, 4000 S, 800 K, heirlooms, books, and artifacts.

Gryffindor (paternal)

Vault(s): 013-014, 12 000 000 G, 7000 S, 200 K, heirlooms, books, and artifacts.

Hufflepuff (paternal)

Vault(s): 011-012, 13 000 000 G, 2000 S, 500 K, heirlooms, books, and artifacts.

Ravenclaw (maternal)

Vault(s): 015-016, 11 000 000 G, 5000 S, 900 K, heirlooms, books, and artifacts.

Slytherin (maternal, conquest)

Vault(s): 009-010, 12 000 000 G, 5 000 S, 2000 K, heirlooms, books, and artifacts.


Black (blood-adoption paternal)

Vault(s): 357-361, 4 000 000 G, 30 000 S, 7000 K, heirlooms, books, and artifacts.

Price (blood-adoption paternal)

Vault(s): 715-716, 800 000 G, 50 000 S, 7000 K, heirlooms, books, and artifacts.


Boy-Who-Lived (public)

Vault(s): 356 vaults bequeathed to the Boy-Who-Lived

Master of Death

Authentic owner of the Deathly Hallows


Potter Manor, unplottable

Potter Cottage, Godric's Hallow

Potter Townhouse, London

Peverel Manor, unplottable

Gryffindor Manor, unplottable

Hufflepuff Manor, unplottable

Ravenclaw Manor, unplottable

Slytherin Manor, unplottable

Hogwarts Castle, unplottable

Black Manor, unplottable

Black Townhouse, London

Prince Townhouse, unplottable

Potions, spells, and compulsions

Intelligence block (potion, applied 1981, 1986, 1991)

Soulmate bond block (potion, applied 1991, 1992, 1993)

Magical leach (spell, applied 1981, 1991, to Albus Dumbledore)

Permanent glamour (spell, applied 1981, 1986, 1991, by Albus Dumbledore)

Loyalty -to light, Albus Dumbledore, Molly Prewett, Ginevra Prewett, Ronald Weasley-Prewett, Hogwarts, Order of the Phenix, Hermione Granger- (compulsion, applied 1991, by Albus Dumbledore, partly broken)

Submissiveness -to Albus Dumbledore, Molly Prewett, Order of the Phoenix, Hermione Granger- (compulsion, applied 1991, by Albus Dumbledore, partly broken)

Hate -to dark, Slytherin, Severus Prince, Death Eater, outside nations- (compulsion, applied 1991, by Albus Dumbledore)

Dislike -Homosexual relationships, adults, authority figures (except Albus Dumbledore, and Molly Prewett)- (compulsion, applied 1991, 1993, by Albus Dumbledore)

Indifference -Weasley Twins, Hufflepuff, Ravenclaw, rules, Weasley-Prewett family (except Molly, Ronald, and Ginevra), learning, creatures- (compulsion, applied 1991, 1993, by Albus Dumbledore, partly broken)

Horcrux (soul shard, by Tom Riddle)

Immunity to all poisons (applied 1993, by Basilisk venom and Phenix tears)

Magical depression -curable- (applied 1993, 1994, by Dementors)


Marriage contract -to Ginevra Prewett- (signed by Albus Dumbledore, and Molly Prewett, 1986)


Fred and George are my soulmates…? Wow, Harry's face really wanted to morph into a goofy smile, why does them being my soulmates make me so happy? But wait both? Is that possible, allowed? These thoughts stopped the smile forming on Harry's face, but before he could ponder the questions more Harry was dragged out of his thoughts by Sirius' voice.

"Wow, there is so much to unpack here…" Sirius mumbled. Harry was inclined to agree with him, because really, that is too much…

"And I had all these potions, spells, and compulsions on me? They were all cleansed in the ritual, right? Even the soul shard, right?" Harry looked up at Sharptooth.

"Yes, they were all cleansed from your person, even the soul shard. You may feel strange for the coming days. You and others may also find you are acting differently than you did before. This is because before, you were under the effect of the potions, spells and compulsions, and was made to react like that." Sharptooth began explaining.

"Okay… Well, I think Remus and Sirius should take this test too." Harry said resolutely said, making eye contact with Sharptooth, before looking up to either side of him and making eye contact with Remus and Sirius too.

Sirius smiled down at Harry, and said "Yeah, we really should," at the as Remus asked "Why?" looking confused and unsure.

Harry turned to look at Remus, "Just do it, please. For me?" Harry made his eyes big and shiny and began pouting his lip a little. Harry could see that he already won when Remus' confused frown smoothen into a resigned upturn.

Before Remus could say anything though, Sirius all but shouted from behind Harry "Are you guilt-tripping Remus?! I am so proud of you!" grinning like a maniac. Harry couldn't fight the small smile from showing on his lips as he looked back at Sirius, asking him what he was talking about. It only made Sirius' grin widen.

Soon after two new inheritance tests were finished writing themselves. The names Remus John Black-Prince-Lupin and Sirius Orion Black-Prince-Lupin written on them and wasn't that strange to write. But according to Harry's test that was their legal names. It was beginning to become obvious that they had been obliviated.

Remus and Sirius both had many potions, spells, and compulsions. Sirius had less potions, spells, and compulsions than Remus, he said it was most likely because he didn't get any after going to Azkaban. They were also, as they suspected, obliviated. To hell and back would Harry say. Sirius also remembered things Remus didn't, making them think being in Azkaban had partly broken the oblivion charms on him

"Sir Sharptooth, I think we have two more cleansing rituals to do…" Harry looked at the goblin on the other side of the desk, who was now actually pinching the bridge of his nose.

"Yes, it does seem like that," with a deep sigh Sharptooth looked at his wife, "Could you take them to the ritual rooms, dear?" he said in Gobbledegook to Eirenic. "I still have much to discuss with Lord Potter."

"I can do that, but you are making dinner tonight," Eirenic said to Sharptooth before turning to Remus and Sirius, "Follow me to the ritual rooms. Lord Potter will be staying here to talk with Sharptooth." She then left out the door, not looking if Remus and Sirius followed after her.

When Remus and Sirius were out the door, Harry turned back to Sharptooth. "Do you want to start, Sir Sharptooth, or do you need to think about what to make for dinner?" Harry smirked at the grumbling goblin and was rewarded with a pouting goblin.

Sharptooth cleared his throat, "I do not need to think about dinner on the job. Let us start with the most pressing matter right now. The lord and heir rings." He looked at Harry before turning to one of the drawers and taking out six small boxes, before opening another drawer and taking out two more boxes.

Receiving the first box handed to him Harry opened it. inside was a beautiful signet ring. The engraving was of a stag standing among stars. Harry stared at the ring for a moment before looking up at Sharptooth. "Which finger do I put it on?" he asked.

"The left index finger," was the answer. So, Harry glided the ring onto his left index finger. Suddenly the feeling of belonging and warmth spread through is entire body, and a breeze ruffled his hair. "When you put on the next ring, put it on the middle finger, you can have all the rings merge when you have accepted all the lord rings."

The next ring, the Peverel ring, with the engraving of a circle inside a triangle with a vertical line going through both, glided right onto his middle finger, accompanied by the feeling of power. The Potter and Peverel rings merged into one ring on his left index finger. The next four rings were placed on the index (Gryffindor), middle (Hufflepuff), ring (Ravenclaw), and pinky (Slytherin) finger on the right hand, and Harry willed them to merge into one ring on his right pinky finger. The engraving was now the Hogwarts crest.

"That was all the lord rings, now you can take the heir rings." Sharptooth said as he sat the two last boxes in front of Harry. The heir rings were much simpler rings in comparison to the lord rings. Two silver bands with different stones engraved. They easily glided onto Harry's left middle finger and merged into one ring.

"Now that you have all of your lord- and heirship rings, we can continue onto vaults, properties, and tasks as a lord and heir." They talked for what felt like hours, and most likely it was hours. About vaults and values, properties, and house-elves, I have house-elves…? Everything Harry needed to know as a lord was at least mentioned, and Sharptooth recommended many books Harry had to read to gain a deeper understanding.

"One thing though, what about my creature heritage? And soul mates? I have two," Harry looked at Sharptooth with confusion, "What's that about?" Harry asked.

"For your first question first. You, Lord Potter, are part Sylph. Sylphs are a type of fae, air elemental, to be specific. It is rare, but not unheard of, but on occasion a Sylph might have a child with a human. You are a descendant of one such union. The heritage doesn't change much, you just have access to a different branch of magic," Sharptooth began explaining, "And about soul mates, what do you know about the term?"

"Well, muggles have the same term. They usually talk about being made for each other, or something like that…" Harry thought back to the time Aunt Petunia were head over heels in love with this romance novel where the main characters were soul mates.

"Well, that is almost what it is. In the magical world soul mates are people bound by magic to each other. In your case you have two, I believe that is the case because they are magical twins." Sharptooth said, answering Harry's next question, placated Harry's worry. "Of course, magic will never force people together, so never fear that your soulmates will force themselves to be with you," Sharptooth said, clearing up a concern Harry otherwise would have had.