

Author: 13th_Night
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Read ‘***********’ Online for Free, written by the author 13th_Night, This book is a Fantasy Novel, covering Fiction, Light Novel, Internet Novel, and the synopsis is: +++++



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"Fight if you want your papa to suffer!" A man nicknamed the Cruel Mafia shouted, everyone in the house trembled in fear. He was staring intently at a girl who was lying limply helplessly because he was beating her with a whip. That girl is Tatiana Fredicson, she has to give up marriage with her lover—Rangga Wijaya, aground. Because of the cunning game of a Cruel Mafia named Nevelas Vernon. He tricked Tatiana's father—Charles Fredicson, into going into deep debt for a business expansion that could cost the company a fortune. After experiencing setbacks and unable to pay debts, Nevelas came to offer a one-sided agreement. Agreements that must be agreed by force. The content of the agreement is that Charles must make his only child as collateral. Tatiana's suffering did not stop there, she was forced to give up her chastity before marrying. Inadvertently, in a drunken state, Nevelas touched her viciously. After marriage, it was not happiness that she got, but the humiliation and suffering she continued to receive. Trials after trials hit their married life, starting from the enemies of Nevelas who always gave terror. Then Nevelas's sister—Emily Vernon, who was acutely depressed. Even though, full of sharp thorns in life, she is always loyal to accompany the Mafia. Until one day, she was fed up with her husband's harsh treatment. She prefers to leave Nevelas who is still being rude. After his wife left, he realized that really needed Tatiana's presence. Will they be in a relationship again? Or one of them choose someone who can give happiness every time?

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