

Once an assassin. starting a new life.. upgrading genes... Slaying the Gods and Demons. Disclaimer: I don't own the Super Gene so ect.. I also don't own the cover Qidan does. TAGS: Reincarnation , Army Building , Gene , Action. and also a mild-romance

SeigHeart · Others
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12 Chs

New Friends






"Hey fatty, what's your plan in the future?would you continue the steps of your father by inheriting your family's company?." Tianji asked.

He quite like this fatty he was not arrogant and he also looks reliable, if this fatty want to pursue the path of Hunter he will definitely help him.

Having some reliable friends has it's pros, they will also help him expanding his sources.

His organization need a lot of resources to prosper, he doesn't like relying on his father he want to make his own organization a powerhouse that will be respected, feared and admired.

"Nahh..I think I would just follow my father, I'm the only son, I could just buy carcass of creatures to fill my gene,but, still if I have sibling preferably younger brother I would really like to experience fighting strong opponents, saving beautie in distress." Fatty said, he waved his hands while talking.

Tianji looked at his friend, they almost have the same situation he was just a little luckier because his parents support him and he have his little sister.

He suddenly remembered something and smiled mysteriously.

"Hay fatty looks like I can help you by having a sibling(s), I accidentally stumbled a herbal medicine recipe , the ingredients are quite rare but it can guarantee that if they will consume before they intercourse your mother will definitely be pregnant after a week."

"What!!? There was such kind of godly medicine ? Come on your joking right?." Fatty said with an unbelievable expression.

"Of course I'm not joking actually I planned on making one for my parents, I also wish that they could give me an little brother, I know that my little sister will definitely not inherit the company she treats me as her idol and she will definitely follow the path of becoming Evolver."

Tianji understand why Fatty Yuan didn't immediately believe him, when he found the recipe in his last life he also thought it was unbelievable to make the chances of being pregnant by 100% by just consuming the medicine.

But he tried to give it in a couple who cannot make baby and he shockingly found out that after a week the woman become pregnant.

Sometimes he always imagine what ancient era of earth looks like, because based on the relics and inheritance he aquired it looks like the ancient earth era has supernaturals and cultivators.

Maybe Dragons, Demon and God's exists that era.



"Really!? Big bro..boss..give me one, if you give me one I will follow you to depth of the ocean and I'm even willing to swim in the purgatory if you will." Fatty Yuan excitedly shook the sleeves of Tianji.

"Damn it … remove your face near me I'm not gay..if you give me the ingredients needed I will brew one for you, I think with your company network you will easily found all the ingredients needed, and when you collected all the herbs just visit me in our home, I only need a few minutes in brewing medicine." Tianji said.

"Yeah yeah.. after this I will talk to my parents and pass your message..hehe boss take care of me in advance.." fatty Yuan slyly smile.

As they were talking they were approached by pair of young man and girl.

"You must be Shi Tianji right? My name is Liang-Jian Zhi and this is my sister Liang-Si Yao

Its our pleasure to meet you."

Jianzhi extended his hand and introduce him and his sister.

The Liang Siblings have natural white hair and blue eyes, Jianzhi have a natural comforting aura and his eyes are clear as crystal, Si Yao on the other hand has a dimples when she smile and from time to time her eyes would flash a mischievous light,but what he first noticed on her was that her legs.

Liang-Si Yao did not have Ji Yanran's devilish legs, but her legs were still long and slender, conforming to the golden ratio.  Her snow white legs were long and slender, and they were well proportioned with her round butt. She had a very fiery style to her.

"Nice to meet you too, by the way this fatty here is Chu Yuan but you can call him Fatty Yuan,the two of you must be bored right now right,come join us we're talking about our plans in the future."

After a few chats Fatty Yuan and Tianji found out that The Liang Sibling's father is a fleet general,and his parents and Liang Siblings parents were once a crew mate when they were young.

Tianji began to feel these 3 people in front of him is worth to be befriend.

Tianji got an unique ability when he broken through the first realm of soul cultivation, the function of the ability is to distinguish wether the person he's talking is trustworthy or an enemy.

He also aquired a short of cultivator's sixth sense.

So when the Liang Siblings approach them he didn't reject them and let them join their chat.

The four of them exchanged contacts and bid their farewell when they saw that the banquet will soon end.

Liang-Si Yao particularly reluctantly agreed and from time to time she would sneak a peek on Tianji.

Tianji of course noticed her occasionally looking at him,he was not dense and he knew that this new friend of him somewhat interested on him.

He had to admit that Liang-Si Yao is beautiful and bewitching but his liking was just like what he feels for Ji Yanran, that was Appreciation.


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