
(SFOW) Me myself and I

What would you do if the ability to hate someone was taken from you? Would you be more peaceful, more rational, more reliant on other emotions? And what would you do if all of your emotions where taken and instead there are now some Jiminy crickets inside your head arguing on what you should do? This is what happened to Soray! Follow Soray on his journey to become the savior of humanity and one of the most feared people in the history in this "Story from the Old World" As you will probably notice very quickly I am not a professional writer and English isn't my main language but I hope I still can make an enjoyable story. If you have any questions feel free to ask.

Lybosnatel · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
6 Chs

The end of me

Soray was there early and examined the cathedral.

It was a massive tower that reached as far in the sky as one could look and was made out of a smooth white textureles bricks. Every kid was told the story of how the God's planted the pillars of pure mana in the human realm to communicate with them, but Soray didnt think that this tower was made out of mana at all.

Everybody could, at least to some point, absorb mana from the surrounding area. A tower made out of pure mana would crumble really fast because of someone summoning his gear nearby. Soray tried his luck and tried to cumulate a drop of mana in his hand. He was surprised to see, that there was no mana near the tower walls, instead all the mana that he tried to ripp from the walls, was drawn closer to it, reinforcing the wall in some way.

'That definitely is no mana' thought Soray and looked at his watch, the only thing his caretaker could gift him with.

'Only half an hour left, there should probably be more than me in front of the entrance.' he thought and returned, around the tower, to the massive entrance portal.

Soray could see 5 people of his village with their "parents" and, as far as he could remember, everybody from the neighboing village's. The only few that where missing, where Big, Dimb and Jonathan.

'He will probably make a flashy entrance' Soray thought, while the High priest of this Cathedral came out of the massive entrance.

Priest "Is everybody here? If so we will..."

Before the priest could finish his sentence a loud deep voice was heard, it belonged to Big.

Big "Bow, for your hero has arrived!"

The soulfull waiting to be called made some place, as most of them didn't know who would come after this introduction.

With a ugly grin in his face Jonathan entered the plaza in front of the cathedral and went right to the front, pushing everybody away that stood in his path.

Priest "Well... As I wanted to say before, If everybody arrived, we will start the preparations for the calling ceremony. Everybody, please write your name and calling of your parents on a paper and..."

Jonathan "Jonathan, Village chief. Future..."

Priest "SILENCE! " the priest screamed directly at Jonathan.

Priest "As I already tried to say TWICE, everybody will write his name and the calling of their parent on one of these papers." papers and pencils where passed around by servants of the priest. "Afterwards you put them into this box. Please be reasonable and don't TRY to put in multiple names, you only get one calling and it doesn't matter when you enter, there won't be an up or downside to it.

Afterwards I will pull your names one by one and this will be your entering number, for those waiting there will be free food and drinks, but with this many it shouldn't take more than two hours."

After everybody wrote on the papers and put them in the box the priest started to draw the names one by one and asign numbers. Soray was the last one with number 34 and Jonathan was somewhere around 10. This meant for Soray, that as soon as Jonathan has gone, he could relax and just accept his calling pack up and leave this hole of a place.

The first then people went fairly fast, some came out crying some where overjoyed and most of them showed of their full gear to their friends. It was nothing fancy, some weapons, some gardening tools, one even had a small sheet in in his hand which had a calculator, a mirror, a camera and many more things build into it, but then came Jonathan's turn.

Jonathan was in there longer than the others.

'He probably is screaming at his good for letting him down' Soray thought.

Even Big and Dimb started to look concerned, what if their idol would not be the one.

After half an hour the doors of the Cathedral finally opened and one could hear the laughter of a mad man.

"Bow before me!" Jonathan said as he left the cathedral. "I am the great champion of fear." he said more agitated and summoned his gear.

His sword now had skulls as the handle bar, a finly crafted grip and an handlenob which looked like a big green diamond. The edge of the sword was flickering ghostly and looked sharper than ever.

"That can't be!" said the priest as he rushed to Jonathan's side and examined the bastard sword.

'Has he gone mad after he didn't get his will? ' Soray thought.

The priest pulled Jonathan into the cathedral for a few minutes and shortly after came out with him.

Priest "This is definitely the gear worthy of an champion... The God's have confirmed it. He is the champion of fear."

Jonathan "Of course I am, why should I lie?"

Soray had some mixed feelings.' On one hand, I'm fucked because he now is allowed to watch my calling and bug me even more, on the other I will probably never see him again in my entire life after this day... FUCK. It still doesn't make any sense that someone as dumb as him should be the hero.' Soray couldn't decide on one side.

After a short break, where the priest talked with Jonathan and his father the ceremony was continued, with the small difference, that Jonathan was allowed to watch the ceremonies of the remaining people and was allowed to make some of them his followers.

This part of the ceremony went a lot quicker than before. There where more crying soulfull, Big and Dimb where made into followers and nothing else really happened until Sorays turn.

Soray entered the cathedral through its big gate and was astonished about what he saw. Even though it looks like a big tower from the outside, it's inside looked like a long hallway with a massive room on its end. As Soray went down the hallway, he could see many lit torches on walls of the same material as outside, and banners with colors of every color of the God's.

As Soray finally entered the big room, he saw that it was a perfectly round room with no roof and a pedestal with a with and cloudy looking ball on top of it in the middle of the room.

"This must be the crystal ball" Soray said out loud and went closer to it.

"Hey fuck face, missed me?"

Before Soray could react to this familiar voice he felt something sharp in his back, as he looked to his belly, he could see a green blade coming out of him.

Soray sunk to his knees as the pain took over.

Soray thought:'This can't be, his sword doesn't do shit. Even if he is a champion, his gears main property should stay the same.'

The blade was pulled back out and Soray tried to stop the bleeding wound, but to his surprise there was none.

Jonathan: "Did you really think that I would miss the calling of our most precious magician?"

Soray looked around his shoulder and could see Jonathan with a smug grin on his face and his awakened gear in his hand.

Soray: "How?"

Soray wanted to ask more, but was cut of right after he opened his mouth. Jonathan cut through Soray shoulder with a mighty swing but again left no wounds. Soray on the other hand only could see a swift green flash that should have severed his arm. Even though it was still attached, Soray could feel the cut clearly.

A pain that was Undescribable went through Sorays body, but again he didn't see any blood.

Jonathan: "Well as the hero of this story, I will be nice enough to tell you what happened here, you see: I as the champion was ordered to destroy the lich king with my own hands, and since he seems to not care about losing his soul, I was bestowed this mighty weapon to sever the soul from his dying body.

This Sword can't detech the soul of a living, since their body still is strong but this doesn't mean, that it won't try to. "

"Bastard!" Soray mutterred silently and was rewarded with another stab from Jonathan.

Even though Soray now new that he couldn't die his instincts tried to save him from the madman in front of him.

As soon as he could see an opening Soray started to sprint away from Jonathan, right to the crystal ball. 'Maybe my calling could save me?' he thought and ran as fast as he could.

Sadly Sorays body wasn't made for running and he was in emense pain, so he tripped right in front of the ball.

What he didn't see, was that Jonathan had thrown his weapon with pin point precision and pierced Soray at the moment he was tripping.

Soray was pierced once again through the back and the tip of the sword hit the crystal orb.

Soray touched the orb at the same time and hoped to get help from the God's, but the only thing he heard was a unfamiliar voice.

Voice: "No, not from me, wait here and I will ge..." every thing went dark for Soray, his head started to hurt as if someone was drilling a hole into him and he could hear Jonathan screaming about something.

Then it all was silent.

Have some idea about my story? Comment it and let me know.

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