
(SFOW) Me myself and I

What would you do if the ability to hate someone was taken from you? Would you be more peaceful, more rational, more reliant on other emotions? And what would you do if all of your emotions where taken and instead there are now some Jiminy crickets inside your head arguing on what you should do? This is what happened to Soray! Follow Soray on his journey to become the savior of humanity and one of the most feared people in the history in this "Story from the Old World" As you will probably notice very quickly I am not a professional writer and English isn't my main language but I hope I still can make an enjoyable story. If you have any questions feel free to ask.

Lybosnatel · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
6 Chs

A peaceful place WIP

Soray was sitting in an old church of fear. The god of fear had the most presence in his home area, as it was mostly used for farming, hunting, and forestry. Despite of the gods name his goal was mostly to take away fear, therefore he gifted his called the means to survive. 

"Good, if everyone is finally here, we can start with the presentation." A priest of fear was standing at a pedestal and started to speak after the church building filled up. 

Soray was sitting in between other people from his and the surrounding villages. Everyone that was or will be old enough to be called adult in the current year was sitting in the church. Even though the villages in the area were not too big, the mass of people that entered where making the place feel cramped. 

Soray sighed and thought 'Most of them came with their family, as if today was the main attraction. ' 

"I ask for silence." The priest threw back his green hood and revealed his elderly face before continuing to talk. 

"As you know, we were created by the seven gods with a purpose. For some of you this purpose already seems clear, as your pre-gear and magic abilities give a hint, to what you are supposed to do. But for others, the gift of the gods could seem like a joke or a cryptic message. 

Tomorrow your purpose, your calling will be clear to you. You will go into the cathedral, commute with the gods through the crystal orb and be awakened as a fully-fledged soulful." A small commotion started as parents whispered to their kids about the calling. 

"Please, calm down. You can tell stories at home." The priest waited till the noises died down. "Today I will try to answer questions and refresh your knowledge about the calling ceremony. 

First the basics. Who are our seven gods? You should already know this but we had cases of people asking after the calling who their calling god was." the priest pulled out a book from under his robes, opened a marked page and started reading.

"The seven gods of emotions were created by the Great God to carry out his will in his competition against the Old Mana. Bound by ancient law the Great God was not allowed to interfere with our world directly and so the seven gods were created to rule in his stead. The gods created souls and living husks for souls and so the soulfull were created to rule over the world. The Old Mana gave the world the gift of magic and created beasts and monsters to stop the advance of the soulfull. With time the lines between soulful and mana blurred and the seven gods started using mana in their creations. They gifted their soulfull control over mana and the 'gear'. Once a soulful reached its adult age it is granted its purpose in the calling ceremony."

The priest talked in a monotonous voice seemingly without breathing. He obviously was not happy to be here and continued for another half an hour. 

The priest explained that the Seven gods where represented the emotions of: joy, anger, love, despair, madness, sadness, and fear. Most of the time the gods thrive from doing more god for the world, so trying to take fear or give love. Also, the gear and corresponding magic the gods give are connected to the calling of an individual. A farmer may be able to produce a watering can out of thin air as his gear and have magic that helps plants grow. 

After the lengthy flood of information, the priest closed his book and looked at the crowd. "You may now ask questions."

The questions asked ranged from basics, that should have been thought at school to more elaborate questions about how the gods have picked out the calling. The priest tried his best to answer all questions and refused repeat himself on topics already elaborated. 


A while into the QA session someone asked about champions, a topic that piqued even Sorays interest. Every God-Change in the first year one of the seven gods will pick a soulfull to be its champion. Champions are bestowed with more power than normally and are tasked to sway the world to the side of their god. Out of the population of the whole world only one soulfull gets chosen, and in the roughly 200 God-Changes before not one champion was able to sway the whole world. 

The priest started talking: "Well, this is a special Year, so there is the possibility of someone becoming a champion and gathering a party, but I would not count on it. As you all should be aware, we are not the whole populus of this world, so just the chance to be called as a champion is very slim. 

On the other hand, I would doubt that anyone of you really wants to become a champion. It is most likely, that the new champion will be tasked to rid the world of the great calamity."


3 God-Changes beforehand a champion of despair, now known as the Lich-king, was called. He tried to overtake the lands with brute force and blood shed, but he failed in the end and even though he lived long enough for the next champion to be created he died to the hands of the champion of sadness. The problem was that half a God-Change later the presumably dead champion rose again. The original champion of this time already died in an accident and the now undead champion walked on the world again, this time with an undead army following him. The next champion, the champion of joy died to the hands of the Lich-king in a fight in the castle of the Lich-king. Now 300 years after his calling the Lich-king is still alive, and he kills everyone in his way. His onslaught may have slowed, but no one knows what his true motive is, or how he survived longer than any soulfull ever before thus earning the name of the great calamity.


Someone in the small crowd raised his hand. 'how come, that some people still didn't understand all of it after 3 hours?' Soray asked himself, but after a glance who's hand it was Soray started to sigh. 'Of course He didn't understand all of it.'

Soray was referring to his self proclaimed nemesis Jonathan.

Soray and Jonathan both were created for the same village, but while Jonathan was raised by the village head Soray was raised by the towns forester, who died 3 years ago.

Jonathan definitely looked better than Soray, with his natural dark green hair and his charming green eyes. Jonathan was a tall human boy with well build muscles while Soray (also human) was a more thin and fragile person. He had natural ebony black hair and brown eyes and no other visual features that stood out except his rather cold look.

Jonathan had a very well formed pree gear: a bastard sword (1.5 hander) with a soothing aura around it. It had remarkable details for a pree gear but had one big flaw: it couldn't cut humans, well maybe it couldn't cut any soulfull, but there only live humans in the surrounding area, so Jonathan was never able to test it. Instead of cutting someone the sword just goes right through them and left nothing but a small itching pain in its way, just like someone stabbed you with a pin needle, just without the blood or the wound.

It's just in the counrary it seems that, even though it hurts a little, the sword heals wounds and Stopps bleedings, which really wasn't fitting for a weapon. 

Jonathan also had no talent for magic whatsoever. His gear came naturally enchanted wit the healing power of fear but Jonathan couldn't cast magic other than that. It didn't help that he was more brawns than brain, so he was really bad at understanding and remembering the theory of magic, or any other topic.

Soray on the other hand had no fancy pree gear, to be precise he didn't even need it in any way. His pree gear was a small stick with no other features. But Sorays ability with magic was a rare sight, even before he got his calling Soray already could condense mana water, which normally takes a fully developed magic ability and therefore is only doable after the calling ceremony.

This and the ability to learn, understand and remember better than average was enough to to make Soray one of the most popular Students of his Village group. Everybody "liked" him, because he was nice enough to help wit many topics even though he has a gloomy appearance.

Jonathan really hated this, mostly because Soray wasn't able to help him with his problems in school and also because he wanted all the attention for himself.

Jonathan:"And what will happen when I become the champion?"

To become a champion in this time would mean that you probably have to fight and defeat the Lich-king to survive.

After the old man's finally stopped talking and everybody was dismissed Soray went back to his village and just wanted to train a bit more magic. He planned to leave the area as soon as he got his calling, because a mage like him would definitely have the possibility to earn lots of money and retire early in a big city.

On the way back Soray suddenly felt a needle in his back

Soray:"Jonathan, piss of!"

As a reaction to Sorays friendly de escalation attempt he got punched into his back by a huge fist and stumbled on the ground.

Big:"How dare you to speak back to the future champion of fear?!"

This was Big, one of two loyal followers of Jonathan. He had a unpleasant face and barely fit into any normal door because of his massive statur. His gear was something like a sickle and he probebly will be called to be a farmer.

His original name also isn't Big, but no one cares to remember his name, because simply calling him Big was more accurate than any name.

The other idiot following Jonathan was Dimb (Jes Dimb with an I) he was smaller, and thinner but not less athletic than Jonathan himself. His gear was a bow nothing more to say about them.

Soray:"Why the fuck do you think you will ever be the Champion... Why do you even want to be the champion. Didn't you listen? There still is the Li..."

Soray wasn't able to finish his sentence before Big kicked him in the stomach.

Big:"What did I just say to you..." Big turns around to Jonathan "really, what did I just say?"

Jonathan:"I am destined to become the champion and when I finally am, then I will take all your friends and family away from you and..."

Soray:" Jea Jea, you said this often enough in the last couple of years, or are you to dense to remember?" Soray stood up and held his hurting belly "And there still is the Lich-king that will most likely kill you, because you can't even hurt someone with your puny little bastard sword."

Jonathan:"What did you just call me?"

Soray:"It's your sword you imbecile." 

Jonathan:"imbe what?"

Soray took Jonathan's confusion to run away from the group. He took a shortcut through the forest, ran home and closed the door behind him.

'I really would like to see you getting killed by the Lich-king, if it would mean seeing you never again.'

Have some idea about my story? Comment it and let me know.

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