
Heart to Heart

Alyx sat alone in a forest, his head rested on his knees as he wiped his teary eyes.

"All I wanted was to help... Why... Why is it different...?" Alyx sniffled.

Leonidus had been in the forest for a few days since he saved Bakugo and was told those fateful words by his Father. At the Midoriya residence, there was a knock at his door, Izuku got up to answer it for his Mother. He opened the door and there stood Katsuki.

"K-Kacchan? You're okay!" Izuku beamed.

Bakugo pushed Izuku away as he tried to hug him, "Don't touch me. Listen, I... You need to come with me, now."

"Is it about Alyx? If so, give me a minute to get ready!" Izuku replied.

Inko peered into the doorway, "Oh, Katsuki! It's a relief that you're okay! It must've been awful being held up by those villains!"

"Yeah, but it was only for like a few hours, nothing I couldn't handle." Bakugo smirked.

Izuku quickly grabbed his phone and put his shoes on before heading out the door with Bakugo. They walked down the street towards a park trail that was near Izuku's home, Izuku was a bit confused as to where they were going.

"Kacchan, where are we going exactly?" Midoriya wondered.

"We're going to see Alyx, that's what we're doing, he texted me his location a couple days ago." Bakugo told him.

Izuku slightly gasped, "T-Then come on! We've got no time to waste!"

The two quickly walked off the trail and into the park's dense woods. Katsuki eventually lost signal, he sighed as he put his phone away.

"We're close... Hey, Leonidus! Where the hell are you?" Katsuki called out.

They pushed past some bushes and shrubbery before seeing Leonidus sitting on top of a large boulder. The two climbed up the boulder and sat down next to him.

"Hey guys..." Alyx sniffled.

"How long have you been here, Alyx?" Izuku asked.

"I dunno, maybe a few days? I think? I'm not sure anymore." Leonidus lamented.

Bakugo looked over at Alyx, "What he said was wrong, but he didn't mean it. He was angry, scared, your Dad just didn't want to lose you. That doesn't discredit the harshness of what he said to you. I'd assume he's wanting to apologize but hasn't been able to since then."

"Kacchan's right, you need to head home so he can apologize to you, Alyx. All of us were worried sick that you got yourself killed." Izuku spoke gently.

"But I don't want to. He's... H-He's probably already told Mr. Aizawa that I saved you and Mr. Aizawa said I'd get expelled if I stepped in! That'll just make things worse!" Leonidus bawled.

"I don't think so," Bakugo disagreed, "He's most likely been told everything that's happened and is just as worried as your parents. He looks emotionless, but that fuck's got a heart or something under there. He even sent out a search party to look for you, I'm surprised they hadn't checked here yet."

Alyx wiped his eyes and rested his chin on his knees, taking in what Bakugo said to him. He let out a deep breath as he looked at the ground.

"Okay, I'll go home..." He muttered.

[30 Minutes Later...]

Izuku knocked on the Leonidus' residence's door, Marie opened it, she saw the Alyx standing in the middle of Katsuki and Midoriya. She hugged her son as tightly as she could as tears streamed down her face.

"Thank you... Thank you both so much..." Marie sobbed.

"Can we come in, please?" Izuku asked politely.

Marie nodded her head and they walked inside. Darren stood at the top of the stairs, he dropped his phone and slowly walked down the stairs. Marie moved out of his way as he stepped forward towards his son, he embraced him, Darren rested his head on Alyx's.

"I'm so sorry, I should've never said that to you, I should've controlled my anger. I'm so, so, so sorry, my son. I don't know what drove me to say that, but I hope you can forgive me, please. There's not a single ounce of justification that can make what I said acceptable." Darren apologized.

Alyx hugged his Father back, "It's okay Dad... I forgive you..."

"Alright, enough of this shit, I'm heading back home." Bakugo thought aloud.

"Kacchan! Hang on a sec!" Izuku argued.

He pulled Bakugo back by the collar of his shirt, Bakugo smacked the back of Izuku's head as he adjusted his shirt.

"So... Mr. Leonidus, is... Is Alyx expelled from U.A.?" Izuku fretted.

"Expelled? What for?" Darren questioned.

Bakugo and Izuku subconsciously let out a sigh of relief. Alyx stepped away from his Father and wiped his eyes.

"I thought you would've told Mr. Aizawa about what I did?" Alyx admitted.

"I did, but I told him everything that happened." Darren nodded.


Several days earlier, Shota knocked on the Leonidus' residence's door after the first report of Alyx being missing. Darren opened the door quickly to see Shota standing there.

"Excited to see me or something?" Shota inquired.

"Aizawa... What can I do for you?" Darren replied.

"I'm wondering why my students are getting kidnapped and going missing, have any ideas?" Aizawa remarked.

Darren looked to the side then sighed, "Come in, it's a bit of a story."

Leonidus let Aizawa into the house, the two sat down in the living room, Darren clasped his hands together as he leaned forward.

"So, we went to scout out where Katsuki was being held, when we found the building we were supposed to fly back together. Once I touched down at Endeavor's Agency, he was gone, he didn't even leave the area with me to begin with. Alyx infiltrated the base and saved Katsuki himself without harming anyone. I was just... I was just so angry and frustrated that I lost control, I said something I shouldn't of. Then... We haven't seen him since." Darren confessed.

[Present Day]

"...He never mentioned anything about expelling you, Shota immediately set up a search party to try and find you, Alyx." Darren finished.

Annie rushed through the door, pushing past everyone and hugged Alyx as tight as she could. Kariya came downstairs from his room and made his way towards the kitchen, he stopped and looked over at Alyx.

"Oh, hey." He waved.

"Hey." Alyx waved back.

"𝘛𝘩𝘢𝘵 𝘸𝘢𝘴... 𝘕𝘰𝘵 𝘸𝘩𝘢𝘵 𝘐 𝘸𝘢𝘴 𝘦𝘹𝘱𝘦𝘤𝘵𝘪𝘯𝘨." Izuku thought.

Alyx looked over at Izuku and Bakugo, "Can I hang out with you guys for a little while? Please?"

"Oh, are you sure? I think it would be best if you stayed here." Izuku replied.

"No, it's fine, if you need time to yourself then take it. We'll be right here when you get home." Marie approved.

Alyx walked over towards Bakugo and Izuku, "I should probably shower first though, that might be ideal."

[Several Minutes Later...]

After cleaning up, Leonidus left with Izuku and Katsuki, they walked down the busy Musutafu streets as they looked for something to eat. Leonidus unfortunately made eye contact with someone familiar.

"Oh fuck..." Alyx muttered.

"Huh? What's wrong?" Izuku spoke up.

"AAAAALYX!!" Rei shouted.

Rei ran through the crowd and hugged Alyx, nuzzling his chest with her face.

"I missed you so so so so so so so so so much! I thought my big handsome baby was hurt!" She cried.

"Thank you, Rei... I, uh, I missed you too." Alyx replied.

Rei shot her head up, "You did?!"

"Don't let it get into your head, please. I've had a long few days." Leonidus sighed.

"So, whatcha up to? Oh, you guys are from his class, right? Are you guys hangin' out?" She asked.

"Yeah, that's right! I'm Izuku Midoriya, it's nice to meet you! And you're from the other hero class? Class 1-B?" Izuku introduced himself.

Katsuki put his hands in his pocket, "Bakugo."

"It's nice to meet you two! Anyways, where were we?" Rei smiled.

She wrapped her arms around Alyx's as the four walked into a restaurant. Izuku sat next to Rei and Bakugo sat next to Leonidus. A waitress came over and took their order.

"I'll just have a water, thanks." Alyx told her.

"You don't want anything to eat?" Izuku questioned.

"No, I'm okay." Alyx replied.

Rei ordered for herself and ordered something for Alyx anyway, as the waitress left, Izuku could tell that Leonidus was still troubled by something. Bakugo's phone began to ring, he pulled it out and rolled his eyes.

"Fucking hell, the hag's calling me, I gotta take this call." Bakugo grumbled.

He got up from his seat and walked outside of the restaurant. Izuku took the opportunity to speak to Alyx.

"Are you feeling alright?" He wondered.

"...I guess. It's just that I can't get what my Dad said out of my head. I know he apologized but it's just playing on repeat in my mind." Alyx admitted.

"Huh? What did he say?" Rei puzzled.

Leonidus rested his cheek on his palm, "He got angry after I saved Bakugo from the League, he called me a problem child, that's when I ran away."

"Your Dad... Said that to you?" Rei restated.

Rei thought back to her childhood, her Father was riddled with debt, not to mention going through a divorce.

"If you weren't such a damn nuisance... That annoying voice of yours... That's why your Mother left!" Her Father denounced.

She opened her eyes to the present and looked up at Alyx. Rei gave him a vibe that he wouldn't have expected from her.

"You shouldn't let things like that get to you, you should let it make you stronger, so that way you can prove them wrong." Rei imparted.

Izuku looked at Rei and smiled, "Yeah, that's the best thing you can do! Take those words and turn them into a source of strength."

Katsuki returned to the table, he looked rather startled, he sat back down slowly.

"All Might is... Fighting All For One..." Katsuki informed them.

[Several Days Later...]

News of All Might's retirement shook the country of Japan, the incident at the Kamino Ward had begun to shape the outlook of the League of Villains' Leader, Tomura Shigaraki. U.A. had proposed an idea to transform it's school into a boarding school. All Might and Shota Aizawa were tasked to do home visits to tell the students' parents about the decision. They arrived at Leonidus' home, Darren called Alyx downstairs, he sluggishly walked downstairs with insane bedhead.

"Good morning, sunshine!" All Might joked.

"Oh... All Might, Mr. Aizawa, what are you doing here? Did something happen?" Alyx yawned.

"We're here to talk about something with you and your parents. Sit down, would you?" Mr. Aizawa responded.

Alyx nodded at him and sat down in between his parents. He rubbed his eyes as he tried to sit up straight.

"Sorry, it takes him a minute to wake up, gotta get that Overdrive flowing!" Darren chuckled.

Aizawa shook his head and slightly smirked, "Now that everyone's here, we can get to the point. We at U.A. wanted to get your permission to house Leonidus. We've constructed a dormitory on campus so that way we'll have an easier time making sure that they're all safe and secure."

"Of course, as long as he's safe and healthy, that's all we care about. You have our permission." My Mother agreed.

"That was rather easy, we've been having some parents disagree until we talked further. Alright, that's wonderful! We'll be getting some people to move in his stuff soon. We'll call and let you know beforehand, of course." All Might smiled.

All Might & Aizawa stood up from their seats, they shook the Leonidus' hands before leaving their home. They returned to their car, as they drove off, All Might looked outside of the window.

"Quite the peculiar boy, I'm glad he's doing okay after what all transpired, I figured him and his Father would make up after a while." All Might remarked.

"Agreed, he's a lot stronger mentally than what most give him credit for, he definitely heals a lot faster than most people." Aizawa nodded.

[One Hour Later...]

Alyx Leonidus took a trip to Tartarus to visit the Laura, he stood there and waited as guards escorted him to her holding cell.

"How's she holding up? Have any of you found anything out yet?" Alyx asked.

"Nothing yet, Leonidus, we still can't figure out how to reverse the transformation. She's been able to speak certain words and is rather friendly to us, this is the only time I can say I'm glad to be around a Nomu." A guard told him.

They entered the room, he walked over to the chamber door, instead of being held back he was able to open the door. Alyx walked inside, Laura turned around to see Leonidus standing there.

"You're a lot taller now, you know?" Alyx joked.

Laura walked over to him, her footsteps shook the room, she held her hand out and Alyx placed it on hers.

"Alyx..." Laura's voice echoed.

"Yeah, it's me." Leonidus spoke gently.

She placed her hand on the left side of his face, "Hurt... You...?"

"I'm okay, it's just a scar. I'm grateful you saved me back then, Laura. I owe you the world. That's why I'm going to make things right again." Leonidus reassured her.

"A-Ah... Fe... W-W-Wa... Oh..." Laura uttered.

"Hm? What are you trying to say? Ah, Fe, Wa, Oh... Wait, All For One?" Leonidus connected the dots.

Laura's face turned to that of fear as she whimpered, Alyx turned around towards the door, he left the chamber and exited the room.

"All For One. Where is he?" Alyx demanded.

"We can't let you go through, it's only for classified individuals only, you aren't a Pro-" The Guard responded.

Leonidus pulled the guard's tie, "Listen, I don't give a damn if I'm not 'classified personnel' or a Pro, you're going to show me where All For One's kept. Got it?"

"Y-Yes sir, Leonidus!" The Guard gulped.

He led Leonidus to All For One's containment cell, All For One looked up and smiled as he seen Alyx enter the room.

"Oh? Darren's son? This is quite the surprise! How can I be of... Assistance?" All For One grinned.

"What did you do to her?" Alyx scowled.

"I don't know what you mean, Leonidus, you're going to have to be more specific." All For One answered.

Alyx slammed his hand against the glass, "What did you do to Laura?! If you're going to give me some bullshit answer, I'll rip you limb from limb!"

"Ho ho! I never thought you'd have such a side like this, you definitely aren't like your Father! You wish to know what happened to her? Very well, your Grandmother offered her assistance to my cause, in exchange to use Doctor Garaki's laboratory to create a Nomu of her own." All For One confessed.

"But how? She... Laura died in my arms and turned to ash, I-I don't understand..." Alyx pondered.

"It seems as if you don't know everything that occurred in Vegas, I can assume, yes? You're trying to grasp a situation that you don't even understand." All For One smiled.

Leonidus looked down at the ground as he clenched his fists.

"...But I can help you." All For One continued.

Alyx gasped as he quickly looked up at All For One, "That's right, I can help you, Alyx. How about we make a deal? Your Father upset you, right? Those words he said were vaguely familiar, I wonder who might've told him that..."

"N-No... You're just trying to get into my head." Alyx muttered.

"Am I? How would I know your Father's name? Daniela's never told me that in person, neither has any of her disciples, so do tell me how...? I'm assuming your silence means you know what I'm saying is true, and you know what you need to do in order for me to help you." All For One insinuated.

Leonidus walked out of the room, "𝒀𝒐𝒖 𝒏𝒆𝒆𝒅 𝒕𝒐 𝒌𝒊𝒍𝒍 𝒕𝒉𝒂𝒕 𝒕𝒓𝒂𝒊𝒕𝒐𝒓 𝒐𝒇 𝒂 𝑭𝒂𝒕𝒉𝒆𝒓, 𝑨𝒍𝒚𝒙 𝑳𝒆𝒐𝒏𝒊𝒅𝒖𝒔!"

[The Next Day...]

Class 1-A stood in front of the newly constructed dorms, Heights Alliance. Aizawa walked out of the dorms towards the students as they waited for him.

"Welcome to your new home. You'll be getting ready for your Provisional Hero Licenses soon, also, as you all can tell that Bakugo is safe and sound. Pro Heroes managed to rescue him from the League of Villains while they were scouting about potential targets. Now, allow me to show you around the dorms." Aizawa greeted.

Shota escorted his students into the dorms. Afterwards, the students all get settled into the dorms, they all were sitting in the common room conversing with one another.

"Gee, Alyx sure is... Different. He went missing and now he's barely said a word to us." Mina noted.

"Y-You don't think he's working with the League now, do you?" Hagakure fretted.

"No, he saved my ass from the League, that'd be a dumbass thing to assume." Bakugo chimed in.

Everyone looked at him, "He saved you? I thought Mr. Aizawa said that Pros saved you?"

"That was just a damn cover up. His Dad said some shit to him afterwards, that's why he ran away in the first place. But now, I don't know what Leonidus' fuckin' deal is." He continued.

In Leonidus' dorm room, he had papers strewn about his room, all with writing on them. He was trying to figure out if All For One was telling the truth, and if so... What did this mean about his Father?

"How... Tell me how... Dad... All For One... How are they connected?" Alyx murmured.

Izuku went upstairs to his room, he knocked on his door, "Alyx? Kirishima's ordering dinner for all of us, what do you want?"

He got no response from inside, he opened the door and saw that Alyx's room was a mess. Midoriya walked into the dark room and placed his hand on Leonidus' shoulder.

"You need to tell me what's wrong, please." Izuku demanded.

"All For One... H-He knows my Father's name, I don't know how, but he told me to... He knows my Father's name! Right, Boshi?" Alyx rambled.

He looked to his right and saw that nobody was there, Izuku grabbed Alyx's shoulders after smacking him across the face.

"Listen to me damn it! Whatever All For One told you was a fucking lie, I can't let you destroy yourself like this. He's a manipulative maniac, he knows your Dad because of you, don't you think they do their research? He wanted you to kill your Dad, that's what you were going to say? If you did that, not only would you be put in Tartarus, but All For One wouldn't be easily stopped." Izuku told him.

"I... Holy shit... What am I doing?" Leonidus began to realize.

"Come on, I'll help you clean this stuff up." Izuku spoke softly.

Izuku helped Leonidus clean up the papers around his room. Elsewhere, the League of Villains overlooked a small town in Nambu.

"Soooo, what we doin' out here, Shiggy?" Himiko Toga asked.

"We're doing Father a bit of a favor, that's what. Rumor has it that annoying brat Leonidus' Dad is back in action. He figured we should send him a bit of a message, so to speak. This town holds something special to him, his daughter's preschool, which is where she's at right now. One spark... And we'll lead him to us." Tomura informed them.

"Heh... So, you're saying set fire to the place and bring him to us? I like that idea." Dabi smiled.

The League walked down a forest trail into the small town, they found the preschool, Dabi's hand lit up with flames.

"Don't over do it either, we aren't trying to kill anyone, only attract his attention." Tomura warned.

"Yeah, I heard you already." Dabi sighed.

His flames shattered a window and set a backroom ablaze! Children screamed out with terror as fire crept into the room. The League ran around to the front of the building, Tomura walked in front of the group as the children and teachers ran out from the building.

"Three... Two... One..." He muttered.

A thunderous boom came from behind them, the League of Villains turned around, Darren Leonidus stood before them just as Tomura suspected.

"Ah, Darren, it's a pleasure to finally meet you." Shigaraki grinned.

"Whatever you're doing, I'm putting an end to it, just be lucky my daughter wasn't in there today. I would've killed all of you without hesitation." Darren scowled.

An epic showdown was about to begin! But who would come out on top? Would the League prove itself to be stronger than Darren?

If you'd like to support me, feel free to leave me a power stone, review or comment on what I should do to improve the story or even just a suggestion as to what you'd want to see next!

Also, I've got an Instagram page dedicated to posting about the story and other things! It's the same username as the one I have here: @TheOverdriveHero

Again, I can't thank you all enough for reading my story! I hope you all enjoy! (Also, if you'd like to send me any fan art or ideas, you can message me on my Instagram as well! :) )

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