
(Reincarnated as Toji in Chainsaw Man:Paused)

The strongest sorcerer assassin became a hunter's hunter. (This is not the original Toji)

Chester_LV · Anime & Comics
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35 Chs

Main Plan

(Day before the mission)

In an elegant office adorned with high-end furnishings such as the finest quality wooden tables, marble figurine decorations with the highest level of polish, and a gleaming floor, three figures were present.

The first figure was a man with blue hair and indifferent eyes, wearing a smug smile as he looked at the two figures in front of him, both of whom were familiar to him.

A young girl with yellow hair and a black sweater with short shorts stood next to a middle-aged man dressed in black, his disheveled hair sticking out from his head.

"I've called you here for a special mission," said the man seated in front of the two figures, who were glaring at him with anger and annoyance.

The girl shot him an annoyed look before speaking. "And where's the musclehead?" This was what the girl, despite her seemingly angry expression, secretly felt terrified about this man. She simply found it impossible for a human to be so powerful.

The man in front of her chuckled as he observed the two figures before him and cast a bored glance at the man who had remained silent until now.

"I hope your humiliation has taught you something, Katana," the man said with an indifferent smile, earning an angry and hateful look from Katana.

"Annoying piece of trash... Hiroshi, tell us what you want from us now. I'm not in the mood for games," said Katana to the man identified as Hiroshi.

Hiroshi, who maintained a flat and emotionless smile, simply smiled, but it wasn't his typical smile; it was a twisted one.

"You've surely noticed that someone like Toji possesses a lot of power, but that power comes at a price. Many governments and organizations, upon learning that there's someone stronger than Kishibe who isn't under his control, consider it a threat. Some want to hire him, and they won't hesitate to reach out to him," Hiroshi declared with a twisted smile as he looked at Katana and the girl in front of him, who immediately shivered at that statement.

Hiroshi knew that if Toji continued to work for the highest bidder, knowing his rivals and Toji's personality, he wouldn't hesitate to eliminate them—not only them but any existing organization as well.

"What if they hire him to kill me? Or what if they hire him to kill you, Katana? You know he could do it, and after his display of power, many are seeking him out, while others want him dead," Hiroshi said with an even more twisted smile.

"He's a danger to everyone, not just me, but also you," he declared to his listeners once again with an even more twisted smile.

Noting his intentions, the yellow-haired girl smiled dangerously and looked at the man in front of her with hatred and anger, knowing that someone like Toji, a human with such abilities, could be against her future plans, such as winning over Chainsaw Man's heart, and he could even fall under Makima's control. Plus, she couldn't let that humiliation pass.

Hiroshi smiled back at her in the same way. "Very simple. You'll take care of that," Hiroshi said with an even more twisted smile.

Katana and his companion immediately tensed up in clear shock. 'Is this guy asking us to kill that monster?' they both thought because, as arrogant as they were, they knew who they could mess with and who they couldn't. Although Katana, due to his pride, wouldn't back down.

Noticing their confusion, Hiroshi smiled at them emotionlessly, abandoning his twisted grin.

"Here's the plan," Hiroshi said.

"You'll bring Toji to the mission location, and then you two will make your escape for the reward," Hiroshi said simply.

"What?!" both of them exclaimed, surprised by the senseless simplicity of his plan.

"The thing is, who'll be waiting for you there," Hiroshi said with a wild smile before continuing, unaware of their confusion after their initial shock.

"You see, I've leaked information to the Chinese government, which they've likely passed on to the Assassins' Association, the Japanese Public Security, and an ancient shadow organization," Hiroshi said simply.

"An ambush..." Katana said cautiously to Hiroshi, as nobody guaranteed them that they weren't Hiroshi's target in his machinations.

Sighing to themselves and locking eyes with each other, both Katana Man and his comrade-in-arms reached an unspoken agreement.

"I'll give you the rest in your-," Hiroshi began before he was abruptly cut off by Katana Man's indifferent and menacing voice.

"If this is a trap, your sister will die," Katana declared with a cold, calculating voice as he stared into Hiroshi's eyes, who only tensed slightly but maintained his indifferent façade.

"I assure you, it's not a trap. Just follow the plan...," Hiroshi said with a slight annoyance in his voice, something that surprised and pleased Katana, as he knew he had touched a nerve in this macabre man.

Extending two folders to the individuals in front of him, Hiroshi merely smiled faintly.

"The weapon caches are in the same location," Hiroshi said with an emotionless smile to his listeners.

Katana Man and his companion, Sawatari, grabbed the folders and turned to leave, but just as they were about to exit the room, they heard Hiroshi's voice behind them.

"If he doesn't die from that, make sure to deliver the finishing blow...," Hiroshi declared with a twisted smile.

Katana and his comrade Sawatari simply opened the door and left the luxurious office. As they walked away, both of them wore murderous smiles, with the image of the human they most wanted to eliminate firmly etched in their minds.

Back in Hiroshi's office, he simply leaned back in his chair, wearing a pensive expression.

He had already gathered the pieces of the game. With this, he planned several things:

1. He knew that Toji wasn't weak and would put up a fight. If that happened, he would weaken both the Japanese Public Security, the Chinese Assassins' Association, which had been harassing members of his religion in that country, and probably eliminate the organization hired to kill Toji.

2. Toji had served his purpose, and to avoid his potential problems, such as being hired by other rivals or individuals who wanted to eliminate his religion, he knew he had to get rid of him before he became a bigger problem.

3. He would divert suspicion and attention away from his religion and place it on Sawatari, Katana Man, and Toji. Even if it was temporary, it would give him a respite, both for himself and his members.

If this went as he wanted, he would have a clear path to carry out his plan.

Destroying Public Security, with Kishibe in that comatose state, Aki injured and traumatized, and Makima probably in China with the annoying Angel demon, it would only be a matter of time before not only his religion but other terrorist groups that despised Public Security would generate chaos throughout Japan.

Smiling to himself, he was certain that everything would go well.

(Japan, Public Security, Unknown Location)

In a wooden room with a large wooden table, five individuals sat, most if not all of them dressed in suits, exuding an aura of indifference. Behind them, five large windows illuminated their figures.

In front of them stood Makima, who maintained a confident posture, with her hands behind her lower back and a stoic demeanor. She observed the men in front of her without displaying any emotion.

"Do you know what you have to do, right?" one of the men said to Makima, who simply nodded in confirmation of the man's words.

"Dismiss yourself," another man ordered Makima, who promptly complied and left the room, closing the door behind her. She knew that the executives were not pleased with what had happened to Kishibe and Aki. According to their informants, the assassin was heading to China for an unknown target, but the only orders they gave her were simple: "Capture him or kill him." She was convinced that the latter wouldn't happen, but she had to be prepared for anything. So, she had to go to China under the radar and without drawing attention, but not before preparing some things to ensure that nothing went wrong in her absence, as she knew that there were some sinister minds in Japan waiting for her to leave Tokyo to disrupt her plan.

Sighing, Makima got into a black SUV, where a Devil Hunter served as her chauffeur.

"I hope it goes well," Makima thought, diverting her thoughts to her beloved Toji in an attempt to imagine their reunion.

End Of Ch.

Refresh the chapter if it is poorly written

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