
(Reincarnated as Toji in Chainsaw Man:Paused)

The strongest sorcerer assassin became a hunter's hunter. (This is not the original Toji)

Chester_LV · Anime & Comics
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35 Chs

Hunter of Hunters II


Makima's day had been a normal one for her, giving orders to her dogs and doing paperwork while sinking into her past.

Although she generally had no remorse for what she had done, including massacring families and more, there were certain thoughts that haunted her, especially since her childhood with the boy she had once loved.

Unusually, she had a rather strange dream, as it seemed she had fallen asleep, something that had only happened once before when she started working in Public Safety.

But what surprised her was the dream she had.

(Makima's Dream)

On a beach with somewhat cloudy views, since the normally blue sky was covered by rain clouds that completely obscured it. A well-shaped woman dressed in a black dress that reached her calves, pale reddish hair with quite attractive curves and smooth skin, gazed at the sea with indifference.

Her yellow eyes with multiple black rings in them scanned the waves of the sea as they reached her feet and receded in a rhythm that could calm even the strongest and most energetic of warriors.

With a soft sigh, Makima turned to her left side and saw nothing but an endless beach, turning to her right, the same.

She was alone, as she had always been and always would be.

Sighing softly again, Makima simply looked up at the sky, seeing those black clouds that covered the entire sky.

Closing her eyes, Makima took the time to relax and focus on the sound of the waves.

After some time, letting the sound of the sea waves fill her mind, she sighed again when her senses picked up on something.

Opening her eyes, she felt a familiar scent, a scent she loved and would do anything to experience again, a scent she would kill to feel for herself once more.

Turning to her right, her eyes widened upon seeing a man with black hair and bangs, tall and muscular, dressed in a black yukata and black sandals, standing on the sand, arms crossed in front of his broad and muscular chest.

Makima simply looked at the man to her right, who was gazing at the sea tranquilly, and the sea breeze gently moved his long black hair.

The wind ruffled his hair once more, obscuring his eyes from view when she saw him.

A scar near his mouth that started at his upper lip and ended at his lower lip.

Her eyes widened, and her mind went blank when she recognized that scar on the man's face.

"Toji..." was all Makima managed to say before tears welled up in her eyes.

"It's been a while, Makima," was what the man said with a deep voice that sent shivers down her spine before pulling out a knife and swiftly thrusting it through Makima's neck, not giving her time to react.

The last thing Makima saw was the sight of the man she had once loved before her eyes closed completely, sending her back to the real world.

(End of the dream)

It had been a few minutes, and Makima smiled without emotion as she caressed her own neck while a stray tear fell from her right eye.

"Toji... you're alive," Makima said softly, her voice gentle and somewhat broken.

She never showed her emotions, not even to her self-proclaimed younger sister, but Toji was the only one who had seen her as a human, as Makima, not the Control Devil, although that wasn't something he needed to know.

Getting up from her chair, she stood and looked out her window, which faced the street where those inferior beings called humans were, beings she despised.

Back to the battle between Aki and Kishibe against Toji in the old warehouse now destroyed by the battle.

With a mocking smile, Toji took a few more steps before stopping.

Currently, they were 20 meters apart. Aki was in a close combat stance, and Kishibe was expressionless, studying Toji's body and expression for weaknesses.

Toji had formed a plan in his mind to destabilize Aki and Kishibe.

Aki was currently a rookie, and by killing someone he seemed to have a close relationship with based on his reaction, Toji could tell that he could make him snap if he applied some pressure. But what concerned him was Kishibe.

Although he surpassed Kishibe physically by a million times, it wasn't prudent to attack someone with years of experience on his shoulders. He needed to stay calm and observe Kishibe.

Kishibe, who was looking at the man in front of him with an analytical expression, realized that the man in front of him was not only intelligent and strong enough to eliminate several members of Public Safety in the blink of an eye but also deep down he knew that he couldn't defeat him, just like with Makima.

Sighing and with the goal of gaining information and seeking reinforcements, Kishibe began to speak.

"Aki, I'll take care of him. Make sure to escape and call for reinforcements," Kishibe said expressionlessly as he took a few steps forward.

Aki directed his gaze at Kishibe with a mixture of anger and sadness.

"If we fight together, we can defeat him, and we can-" Aki began, his voice filled with anger, rage, and sadness, but he didn't finish as he sensed the aura of the two men in front of him and understood.

He couldn't stay or he would just be a hindrance to Kishibe.

Aki clenched his fists and looked at Toji, who was standing in front of him with a mocking smile, observing the unfolding events.

"Well, this is pathetic," Toji said with an apparently disappointed look and a mocking smile that grew on his face.

Aki, upon hearing the words of the man in front of him, felt his anger surging within him but managed to control it with all his willpower.

Without further ado, Aki turned and shot off in the direction of the city at a speed that, by Toji's standards, was decent but still slow.

Kishibe, the veteran demon hunter, sighed as he felt Aki's presence move away from the scene and refocused on the opponent in front of him.

Kishibe, the veteran demon hunter, took a step forward with determination, while Toji maintained his mocking smile on his face. Both were about twenty meters apart, their eyes fixed on each other, in a battle of glares.

Without warning, Toji lunged forward with incredible speed. His muscular legs propelled him forward while he grinned savagely, closing the distance between him and Kishibe in the blink of an eye. In his hand, he held his Inverted Celestial Halberd, ready for combat.

Kishibe reacted quickly, drawing his katana with a flash of steel. His experience and sharp reflexes were evident as he parried Toji's initial strike with his sword. The sound of metal against metal resonated in the destroyed warehouse behind them and the surrounding area as the ground beneath them cracked.

The two engaged in a frenzied duel, their movements a deadly dance. Toji was fast and powerful, combined with his savagery, he could be described as a beast, and quickly overwhelmed Kishibe, who did not expect such capabilities from a human. His blows were devastating, but Kishibe was a master of technique. His movements were fluid and precise, gracefully deflecting Toji's attacks and counterattacking with precise strikes, but he knew it wouldn't last long.

With a swift movement of his halberd, he launched a vertical slash at Kishibe, who barely managed to block Toji's attacks, although his efforts left his hands trembling. As monstrous as Kishibe's resilience was, he knew it wouldn't last long against this "Savage" opponent. Toji's strength, speed, and tenacity were increasing, leaving Kishibe's in the dust.

At that moment, Kishibe felt his sword shattered under the force of a powerful cut, causing his hands to tremble for the first time in years. Throwing his now-broken katana at Toji's face, Toji effortlessly dodged the incoming blade and unleashed a slash at Kishibe's chest. It was a feint, but Kishibe couldn't anticipate it.

Barely dodging the slash, the initially confident Kishibe, who seemed to have the upper hand, threw a kick at Toji's face. Toji received the kick without much trouble, surprising and worrying Kishibe. However, Toji easily dodged an attack from his Celestial Halberd that came from below, directly at his leg.

Stepping back a few meters from Toji, Kishibe drew a pistol from his suit and fired at Toji at point-blank range, disregarding where the shots landed, just wanting to injure him.

In a second, Toji reappeared in front of Kishibe, and in another second, he stabbed the hunter multiple times at supersonic speed, hitting his torso and legs, then delivered a powerful kick that sent him flying toward the nearest four-story building, causing a loud crash in the area.

With a satisfied look on his face and a wild smile, he felt something wet and warm drip down his cheek. Knowing what it was, he wiped the blood from his cheek, where a small cut had appeared, and smiled savagely.

Kishibe was quite surprised to see how the mysterious assassin managed to stab him at an absurd speed and kick him with monstrous force.

In the building where Kishibe was buried under some debris, he looked out onto the street in front of him as blood seeped through his clothes and wounds.

Rising from the ground, even though his injuries were deep, he knew the assassin wouldn't kill him for now.

Toji approached where Kishibe lay, now holding a pistol in his hand, as his Celestial Halberd was nowhere to be seen.

Toji aimed the gun at Kishibe's body, specifically at his legs.

"Damn it." Rising from the ground with his last ounce of strength and lunging at the assassin with a knife, he slashed at him multiple times, causing Toji to confidently evade his attacks without worrying about them.

At one point, Kishibe retreated from his attack and returned to the destroyed building to plan something.

However, Toji shot his legs with enviable precision, causing Kishibe to fall to the ground.

Toji simply began to walk, and before Kishibe could think any further, he kicked him in the face, knocking him out cold.

With a disappointed look on his face, Toji spat on the face of the unconscious senior hunter.

Turning to leave, he smiled wildly, imagining how to deal with Aki and humiliate him even further.

"Now let's hunt the Fox." With a wild look and smile on his face, Toji began to run at high speed to pursue his next prey.

(Thanks for the support and the Power Stones)

End of Ch.