
(On Hold) The Not So Perfect Being In The Omniverse

A powerful being has enough of his boredom so he planned to roam the multiverse and enjoy his life. He would kill you and take what is yours if you make an enemy out of him though you would get benefits if you chose to be his ally. Ray Morningstar which is his name would travel the vast multiverse while loving and playing with the plot. ______________________________________________ NOTE:- Mc actions are influenced by me so if you think that he has done something stupid then that means I was the one who made him do that. Though I don't think that I would do something stupid but just in case so I'm writing this note. ______________________________________________ There would be no use of clones be in a fight or sex. I hate that shit. ______________________________________________ Read tags before reading it and uploading one chapter a day. Current World- One Piece Fast-Paced Romance ______________________________________________ Note: I'm writing this because of boredom and this idea was in my head for some time. I would appreciate your criticism however spamming wouldn't be appreciated. If you don't like this fanfiction then okay leave here a review and read other fanfics of great authors. Please don't comment on every chapter that you don't like, etc.

BitchPleased · Anime & Comics
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35 Chs

Chapter 11.

Why the hell people keep calling me when I don't even know them?. Don't they have anything better to do?

The police are not even doing anything in this. It's so frustrating to deal with.

A short chapter as some problem has occurred. So I could not write more as my mind is still filled with that thoughts. It's getting on my nerves.



In the sky, high above the clouds, several islands were floating though they seem to be suspended in the air without any kind of external support. There were more than 10 islands that were in the sky with their flora and ecosystem complete different to each other.

Every island has a unique type of ecosystem that could be seen from the sky. Some islands were covered by snow completely while the other islands were filled with forest. There were even mountains as well as rivers on some islands.

There were different kinds of animals on the islands which very strange as they were bigger with other kinds of organs within their body. They seem to be very aggressive as some of them were fighting with other kinds of animals.

There were some humans there on the island who seems to be residents of these islands though they were very different as they have feathers under their arms with which they were flying in the sky.

Though the islands were rotating around a single big island which seems to be very different from the rest. As it was very big compared to others while it was also in the middle of them.

On that giant island, a lot of pirates could be seen roaming the island while talking with each other. They were goons who were sent to check around the island even though they knew nothing could reach here still their captain doesn't take any chance.

In the main base of the island, two people could be seen looking over an animal who was in a giant glass jar along with some kind of liquid. The animal was unconscious however he was taking the liquid in his body from his mouth.

His body which was of a gorilla was changing slowly while the organs were forming outside of his body. His body suddenly got bigger while feathers started to come out from his back before their size increases to a good extent.

"Doctor Indigo is it finally ready?"

A man asked with a frown on his face while walking in the laboratory. He was checking the animal which was inside the jar from time to time while having a big grin on his face.

"Yes, Shiki it's finally ready to be used in battles without having too many side effects on them though they might die after this"

The doctor replied with a strange smile on his face while looming over the other man who was now dancing with a gorilla.

Indigo is a very tall man with a clown appearance. He has indigo hair, with two particularly large tufts at the side of the head, and his face is white, with purple lines near his eyes, presumably some sort of make-up. He is pot bellied, with thin limbs, and a muscular torso, making his body resemble a volumetric flask.

On his forehead, he has a pair of purple round-shaped eyeglasses. He wears a polka-dotted low polka-dotted indigo scarf and indigo-striped shoes that make a farting noise every time he takes a step.

He also wears indigo overalls that exposes his chest, with two lines of buttons on the front and a lab coat over them. On his hands, there is a pair of brown gloves. It seems that in his twenty years, he did not change much in appearance, aside from his scarf being orange with a lined pattern, and he did not wear glasses on top of his forehead.

Indigo also joined the dancing crew with a face full of happiness after it took them 20 years to prepare this. They had suffered when their captain was placed into the Impel Down for attacking the Marineford alone. He had destroyed half of the marineford with his battle with Garp and Sengoku who finally managed to capture him.

He was one of the legendary figures before the age of pirates along with Whitebeard, Garp, Sengoku and Roger. He was a member of Rocks pirates before the crew disbanded to form their crew. Except for Shanks, all the current Emperors were his crewmates.

He wanted to rule the world by himself that's why he even offered Roger to become his right hand because he got the information that Roger knew about the ancient weapon. He was sure that with his knowledge and Roger ancient weapon they would be able to rule the world without any obstacles.

Though he was rejected by Roger because of being not free in other commands. A big battle happened between both of them though half of the Shiki legions were demolished. He told himself that if the weather was good that time he might have won as his powers doesn't work properly in a storm.

When he found out about the execution of Roger in East Blue, he was very pissed as he believes that Roger deserved a better execution place, not in the weakest sea. This is the reason why he attacked Marineford in the first place.

He was the first known prisoner who escaped the Impel Down while cutting his legs. Even though he cut his legs however he didn't act like he was in pain. He shrugged it off like nothing even when he pushed his sword into his legs.

He is a massive pirate dressed in traditional Japanese clothes consisting of an orange trimmed, red and a black kimono robe tied together with a dark green sash, and a golden chain around his waist; he also wears a yellow striped tattered haori coat draped over his shoulders. He has golden mane-like hair, reaching down to the ground, and on the top of his head is part of a steering wheel that got lodged into his head after the battle with Roger.

As for his facial features, he sports a golden bushy tuft of hair for a beard at the bottom of his chin and a black goatee with pointed edges surrounding his mouth. His eyebrows are dark and pointed as well, and he has some purple spots on the left side of his face right around his right eye that indicates his age.

"It's nothing to worry about as I was the one who was feeding them since they were born so it's natural for them to die for my grand dream"

Shiki spoke laughing while dancing with both of them who were also enjoying the dance.

"It's true right, scarlet?

Shiki asked the gorilla who was dancing with them happily. These two people were his family since he hid from the world 20 years ago. The gorilla nodded happily while showing his white teeth.

Scarlet is a large gorilla with purple-red fur, towering over the other members of Shiki's crew. He has a large torso and massive arms almost reaching down to the ground, with big hands.

His legs, in comparison, are quite little. He has big fangs, and his eyes are usually hidden by a pair of round-shaped glasses. Scarlet wears a pink jacket, with large buttons on the front and what appears to be a light blue beads necklace hanging from a pocket on his chest.

He has green, polka-dotted Bermudas, and a flamboyant light blue hat with the same pattern. Around his neck, there is a white scarf.

They started to increase their movement and now they were using different types of moves with each other while laughing. After some time of laughing, they were interrupted by a knock on the door of the laboratory which made Shiki frown as he does not like someone interrupting his time with his family. He shouted with a barely hidden anger in his voice.

" What is it?"

"Captain I just came here to tell you that I would be leaving for my village"

A pirate voice resounded from the other side of the door.

Hearing his response, veins started to form on the head of Shiki as he couldn't believe someone would disturb him for this stupid thing. He could not tell whether that guy was a moron or naive. He shouted again with a sudden laugh.

"Come inside for a second!"

Scarlet and Indigo who was watching this scene were also excited to see the drama. They have gotten used to it without any trouble. They have killed people here for their amusement so this was not a big deal for them.

The door opened and a human with feathers came inside. The moment he saw his captain he bowed to him as a sign of respect because he knew how much power his captain had and he could kill him like a bug.

When he bowed down, Shiki took out a pistol from one of the pockets before shooting him on the head directly which killed the guy instantly as his head exploded into pieces due to the firing power the gun held. He started laughing like a manic while dancing again by himself.


The other two people inside the laboratory also startled to laugh with him as they found it very funny. They joined their hands together before dancing again while circling the dead body.

"Clap, Clap, Clap, Clap, Clap"

Everyone stopped dancing when they suddenly heard the sound of clapping inside the room as it shouldn't be possible because no one was here except these three and the three were together right now.

They turned their head towards the source of the sound only to see a handsome young man sitting on the chair which was for doctor Indigo. The young man was way more handsome than any they had seen in their lifetime. Shiki though was not mad for some reason instead he chose to ask the young man.

"Who might be you youngster?"

Ray who had come here some time ago, smiled at the there idiots who were dancing like monkeys who had taken weed for the first time. Though he still replied to them.

"Should not you introduce yourself first old man?"

A tick marked appeared on top of Shiki as he heard the youngster call him old. The other two members were barely controlling their laughter which irritated him a lot as they were supposed to take his side. He took a deep breath before a smirk formed on his face.

"You have come here on your own so you should already know about me"

Ray smiled widen at the response of the old man.'He has not gone senile yet, it seems'. He stood up from his seat and started to walk towards the trio, confusing them greatly.

Standing in front of the trio he showed a grin before speaking. He was very excited talking playing with this old man.

"My name is Ray, a passerby"

Shiki hearing the response of the youngster smirked as he doesn't believe that a passerby would show himself to him, considering his reputation in the outside world. His name still strikes fear in anyone who hears it. He would play with the game of this youngster.

"How can we help you, youngster?"

Ray did not speak for some time before a smirk formed on his face. He looked into the eyes of Shiki straight before speaking to him.

"I'm in urgent need of money as a future crewmate of mine loves it very much"

Shiki looked surprised at the response because he thought that he might receive some different reply though he didn't bother with it that much. He smiled at Ray before speaking.

"Everyone loves money so it's not surprising. Still, how could we help you in that regard?"

Ray looked in deep thought before he replied with a grin on his face.

"This island must have a lot of money right?"

The moment he spoke about island money, Shiki in his anger released his King's Haki which immediately showed its effects as it broke down the glass around the laboratory. Though the doctor Indigo and Scarlet were not affected as Shiki has directed his haki towards his front side.

Ray who was hit by the haki didn't even feel anything as it was nothing to him. King's haki makes someone presence even more powerful however for Ray an ant would always be an ant no matter the size. He waved his right hand casually which erased the Conqueror haki from the room.

"How can you disperse my Haki so easily?"

Shiki suddenly felt his Conqueror haki not having any effect on the boy and as well as the room made his heartbeat fast. As he knows that no one can disperse his haki so easily as he is one of the strongest users of Conqueror haki.

Ray seeing his fearful look laughed. Only he knows that how much he had missed his fun last week when he didn't do anything. He was not letting this moment go so easily. He smirked a little before he spoke.

"You are just an ant Shiki. You don't even know his much big this world is."

Shiki hearing his response activated his devil fruit before floating in the sky though he could not go any higher as there was a roof on his head. He spoke arrogantly towards Ray. Both of Shiki crewmates had taken a step back as they know their boss is getting serious.

"Did you see this? It's my devil fruit that can make any non-living thing fly. Now prepare for" - He was punched on the face in the middle of his speech by Ray who was looking at him with a bored look on his face.'I thought that I might be able to enjoy it longer however it seems I was expecting more from him. How disappointing!'

Ray looked at the body of that old man which was now in the wall because of the punch of his. He was very much disappointed in one of the legends of the old era. The old man was knocked out by him even when the old man has used his haki to coat his body when it was falling towards the wall.

He looked at the two remaining members of the crew before he waved his hand killing them immediately. He was not merciful enough to let anyone go alive who has crossed his path.

He used telekinesis power on the old man body to lift it before using his senses to find out the location of the treasury. He immediately found the place and flew towards it without anyone noticing him.

The treasure room was quite big as he had expected from a pirate of his calibre and he didn't disappoint him in this regard as he got at least 900 million berries though there was nothing valuable here except for some statues of the old man.

After collecting the money in his dimension, he flew towards the sky before stopping in a place from where he could see all the islands fully. He looked at them with emotionless eyes before he raised his right hand, whispering in a slow voice.

"Burn to nothingness"

The moment he spoke the line, every island started to burn in the blue fire. He looked at the burning islands from which he could hear the voices of people shouting in pain and as well the animals who have all gone mad.

After burning for some more time the fire finally started to disappear. Nothing was left in the places where those islands were some time ago. He didn't even show any emotion during this whole time.'You all brought this to yourselves when you decided to join him in his ambitions'.

After erasing those islands, he looked towards the body of that old man before he started to burn the lower body. Only the head remained of the old man which he threw in his dimension.

He looked at his hand which had a strange fruit with differed spirals on it. He looked at this before he whispered.

"Fuwa-Fuwa no mi"

"Let's go to the ship as I have many things to do there"

Ray spoke calmly before he flew down towards the location where his ship was. He got good loot here though he was not able to enjoy it here. He shook his head wondering how much bounty would he get from the head of this old man.


Ray landed on his ship which had now become a dating place for his wife Nojiko and his girlfriend Kaya. He had taken both of them to his ship for dinner and as well as for the date. They both had enjoyed their date very much as he saw the look on their face. Then again he was using food to win the heart of his girlfriend which was working very nice.

He looked towards the rooms which were empty right now though in future he would have many people on his ship. He has to renovate the ship again so that the future crewmembers of his could stay on this ship.

He jumped from the ship to the shore before he raised his right hand in the air and snapped the fingers. The ship started to glow in brightness before the night disappeared from the view.

"So I have added new things which would help my wives to relax even more and would give them enough things so they would not get bored. Well I would be on the ship as well so no one's gonna get bored"

Ray whispered to himself as he thought about the future of this ship where all of his wives gonna live. He smiled a little as after this ship would have many members then he would not feel bored because everyone would have different personalities.

"Let's see what I have changed in the ship now"

He spoke to himself before jumping on the ship again. He went inside the ship to check the things which he filled in the ship for his future wives. He was going to check that all the needed rooms are done.

"Let's see, a library room for one of mine assassin future wife who loves reading new books and wants to learn about history.

" Check"

"A room for my treasures which would be loved by one of mine future wife who loves money more than anything right now"


"A clinic for one of mine future wife who wishes to become the best doctor in the world"


After checking everything important he nodded his head as he has done a great job in doing this. He would have to wait now because he was not sure whether to make rooms for them where they would sleep. He knows that they might even stay in the rooms which he had created earlier because of their obsession with those.

He had made his bed even bigger than before as he knows that they would spend their nighttime with him in his room regardless of whether they do something or not. They would after all want to spend their quality time with him the most.

He stored all of the money he had in the treasure room as it was made for this sole reason. He looked at the money for a few moments before he started to walk towards the deck of the ship.

He stood on the deck while his hair was shaking from the wind that was flowing with some coolness in it. He was liking the cool breeze which was brushing against his body. He was looking in the sky when he noticed a white bird with a pouch with it. A smirk formed on his face before he whistled to get the attention of that bird.

The white bird seeing the guy calling him immediately went towards him before nudging his head in the palms of Ray who was chuckling at the antiques of him. He spoke to the bird with a smile on his face.

"Could you do some work for me, little guy?"

The bird immediately nodded like a human before making his expression serious while standing proudly in the arms of Ray who was very amused because of the behaviour of this bird.

"Could you take this bag to the Marine headquarters? And don't show it to someone else, not even your boss alright!"

Ray spoke smiling while giving him a bag. He put the bag in the pouch of the bird who nodded seriously while saluting him with his wings.


Ray laughed at the sudden action of the bird before he pulled out candy from his pocket and gave it to the bird who instantly ate it whole without waiting for anything. Ray patted his head before gesturing him to go.

The bird nodded before flying in the sky towards the Grand Line where he would deliver the package which was given by Ray. He saw the bird figure disappearing before he started to walk towards the mansion where his wife and girlfriend were staying right now.

"I wonder how would they react to my gift and with this gift the world would try to find me"

Ray spoke laughing at the chaos he would create in this world. The bigshots of this world think that no one would be able to surpass them right now. He would give them many surprises.


"The pirates around the Grand Line are making troubles for us again"

Sengoku spoke frowning as he read many reports regarding the sudden rise of pirates in the first half of Grand Line.

" Ara, Ara! It was Roger fault who started this age of pirates"

Kuzan spoke laid back voice still one could see the anger he has for pirates in his voice. The pirates are constantly making trouble for the civilians. They get many cases of rapes and death of many civilians regularly which is very disheartening.

"Roger should have been killed before he could speak. This would have shown the scums what our True Justice is"

Sakazuki spoke cruelly as he believes only that True Justice is what matters. He hates those scums from his heart and would kill them without any second thought.

Garp was about to speak when they detected a white bird outside the window of the office. The bird was constantly flapping bus wings so that they would open the window. Garp opened the window as he was near it. The bird threw a bag on Garp who easily caught it before the bird started to fly away.

"What is it, Garp?"

Sengoku asked curiously as he has never seen these birds deliver anything other than the newspapers before. The other three Admirals were also looking curiously at the bag.

Garp shrugged his shoulders to them as he was also curious about the thing which was in the bag. He opened the bag slowly only to find a letter before he took out the letter outside. He again looked into the bag though this time his eyes went wide which confused others as he doesn't get shocked easily. With a shaking voice, he mumbled.

"How can it be?"

The others looked even more curious now though Sengoku had a bad feeling about this. Still, he asked his best friend.

"What is in the bag, Garp?"

Hearing the question of his friend, Garp calmed down instantly though he could still not believe his eyes. Without saying anything, he passed the bag to Sengoku who took it before looking inside it. His expression changed suddenly as his face showed confusion and fear. The bag dropped to the ground while Sengoku clutched his head.

Kuzan who was looking at them from the beginning finally decided to speak as he was getting very curious about the contents that were in the bag. With a serious face, he asked.

"What is inside the bag, Fleet Admiral?"

Sengoku calmed himself down before he took the bag again in his hand. He opened the bag before taking out the head of a human and placing it on the table of his. Surprisingly there was no blood or a foul smell from the head.

The Admirals had a shocked look on their faces as they knew the terror this man had caused. One of the legends of the Old Era. He was ruthless and cunning to the point that other pirates didn't want to get in trouble with him. They shook their heads to come out from their shock before they all muttered at the same time.

"The Golden Lion Shiki"

"To think someone was able to kill him like this"

Kizaru spoke in a lazy voice though his eyes were very serious at this moment. Shiki was a legendary pirate who had fought the pirate king and their Fleet Admiral as well.

"At least a scum perished no matter who did this though even he has to die"

Sakazuki spoke cruelly while looking at the head of the scum pirate with indifference in his eyes as if the head doesn't even belong to a human being.

The others didn't say anything when they heard him. Though even they agreed that it was good for Shiki to die like this. He was a very dangerous man with his ambition to rule the world.

"I would have to call the Elders regarding this"

Sengoku spoke to them who just nodded at him. He was about to pick the Den-Den Mushi when the head which was there exploded into small pieces. Everyone eyes widened at this as the blood was falling.

Kuzan immediately used his ice powers to freeze it which worked great as the blood along with flesh didn't fall on anything. Sengoku took a deep breath as he was the nearest person to it and the blood would have fallen on him if Kuzan didn't use his powers.

"Who would have done this thing? Don't they know they are messing with the strongest force of the Marines?"

Sengoku angrily shouted in the office. They all have to agree with him after all they were the strongest people in Marine yet someone tried to do this.

"Someone wants to play with Marines huh?"

Garp spoke in a serious voice which was very rare for him to do. He was angry because it hurt his pride as a hero of the Marines. No one can make fun of the Marines at least not in front of him.

"We have to show those people fear. They must be afraid of Absolute Justice which would punish them"

Sakazuki spoke in anger as the heat started to radiate from his body though he calmed down as he knew was in the Fleet Admiral office.

"Garp there was a letter in the bag right? Pass it to me!"

Sengoku spoke to Garp who was thinking about something. Hearing him, Garp looked towards his left side where he put the paper before he gave it to Sengoku.

Sengoku took the letter in his hand before reading it loudly so everyone present in the office could hear what was written on the letter. He started to read while everyone listens carefully.

"Dear Marines,

It's my pleasure that the strongest forces of Marines are reading my letter so carefully. I sent this letter with my gift to you all and I hope you have seen the gift first before reading this.

The old man was very pathetic to say in words. He was not even strong enough to entertain me. It might because he had gone old. I wonder how those two old men had to join hands to capture this senile old man.

I just wanted to say that I would be having a lot of fun, playing with the strongest people in the world. Those Emperors, 5 Elders, Warlords along with you all. I can't wait for this to begin.

I want to have the bounty of this old man otherwise I might hunt down someone maybe a Mad Dog.

Put the money in the bag.

Thanks for reading this".

"How dare he speak like this?"

Sakazuki angrily shouted while his arms started to turn in Magma. The temperature of the office started to rise to a high degree before Kuzan used his powers to calm down the heat.

"He would die by my hands"

Sakazuki shouted angrily again before leaving the office to cool down his anger. The others didn't comment on this as they were also angry at the unknown person who sent this.

"Let me talk to the Elders about it"

Sengoku spoke sighing at this before calling the Elders. The other people didn't anything instead they went into deep thinking.


"Nojiko let's have a spar right now"

Ray spoke smiling to Nojiko who was with Kaya in her room. They were reading some books as he was not around so they got bored.

"Very well Hubby"

Nojiko replied to her husband with a big grin on her face. She always likes to spar with him as he taught her between their spars. She learns more in the spars rather than training alone. It's helping her relax as well.

"Nojiko, would you be fine?"

Kaya asked worried as she knows Ray is very powerful compared to her. Nojiko might even get hurt if he doesn't hold back entirely. They both gave her a thumbs up indicating nothing bad is going to happen.

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