
(On Hold) The Not So Perfect Being In The Omniverse

A powerful being has enough of his boredom so he planned to roam the multiverse and enjoy his life. He would kill you and take what is yours if you make an enemy out of him though you would get benefits if you chose to be his ally. Ray Morningstar which is his name would travel the vast multiverse while loving and playing with the plot. ______________________________________________ NOTE:- Mc actions are influenced by me so if you think that he has done something stupid then that means I was the one who made him do that. Though I don't think that I would do something stupid but just in case so I'm writing this note. ______________________________________________ There would be no use of clones be in a fight or sex. I hate that shit. ______________________________________________ Read tags before reading it and uploading one chapter a day. Current World- One Piece Fast-Paced Romance ______________________________________________ Note: I'm writing this because of boredom and this idea was in my head for some time. I would appreciate your criticism however spamming wouldn't be appreciated. If you don't like this fanfiction then okay leave here a review and read other fanfics of great authors. Please don't comment on every chapter that you don't like, etc.

BitchPleased · Anime & Comics
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35 Chs

Chapter 12.

Be warned there is drama in this chapter. So don't get mad.

Thanks, everyone who corrects my mistakes and points them out. It helps me a lot.

Tell me anything about which you feel that I could improve anything in this fanfiction.

Don't use words like Damn, fuck, sex in comments as it gets deleted by webnovel.


In the backyard of the mansion, Ray and

Nojiko was standing in opposite directions at a considerable amount of distance between them. They had a smile on their faces as they went into their fighting stance.

'I just hope no one gets hurt especially you Nojiko' Kaya was thinking about this while her face showed a worried expression for them. She was standing towards the entrance gate as Ray had told her that they would need some space for them to spar.

Ray had already cast a barrier as he knows that Nojiko would go all out against him and he was happy about it because if she decided to hold back, she would have been annihilated by him completely. He has lifted the gravity earlier around her body so she would not complain that she couldn't control her body and strength.

"Be ready hubby I am going all out"

Nojiko shouted from her location while looking at her beloved with a smile. She was excited to test and show her new strength to her hubby.

"Do your best, Nojiko"

Ray calmly replied to her as he doesn't take this spar seriously. This was a test for his lovely wife to gauge her current strength so he could understand how much training, he has to increase for her to grow even more powerful.

Nojiko smiled vanished from her face only to replaced by a serious expression signifying that she was serious about it even if it's a friendly spar.

She took a step forward only to appeared in front of him, raising her punch towards his face only for him to duck. Seeing her punched getting missed she rotated her body, giving him a kick on his left shoulder though he was already gone from the place.

Nojiko looked around hastily as she could be knocked out any soon if she could not find her opponent in a battle. Her eyes darted everywhere only to find him standing behind her with a bored look on his face. He raised his hand before striking her on the shoulder, knocking her out instantly.

The ground underneath them also formed a crater as the force was too strong for it to handle. Ray caught his unconscious wife in his hand as he jumped outside from the crater.

"Nojiko! Is she alright Ray?"

Kaya with a worried face came towards them hurriedly. She was anxious about the condition of Nojiko as she has seen the force which was created by the strike of Ray and what it did with the surface of the backyard of theirs.

"She is all right, Kaya. you shouldn't worry about it too much as she is fine"

Ray spoke calmly while putting the body of Nojiko on the chair gently. He had healed her the moment she fell unconscious. She would wake up in a couple of moments.

Ray started to rub the back of Kaya as she was getting even more nervous. She needs to handle this kind of circumstances in future so she should start from now. It was the best time for him to train her mentally and physically otherwise she might fall behind the others who would join his crew.

After some time Nojiko finally woke up from her sleep while rubbing her sleep. The healing of Ray had removed any kind of fatigues she might have before. That's why she felt that she has woken from a nice long sleep.

"Ah! Nojiko you are fine"

Kaya spoke happily while looking over her body for any possible wounds even when she knew that Ray has healed her. Ray shook his head at the worries she was showing even when he has told her not to worry.

"I'm completely fine, Kaya so you don't need to worry this much"

Nojiko spoke smiling while calming her down. She looked at the expression of Ray who had a somewhat disappointed look on his face for some reason. She was confused at this before she looked back at Kaya. She realised what was wrong there.

"I thought he didn't hold back as you went unconscious"

Kaya spoke anxiously while looking at the face of Nojiko who was giving her a sweet smile. Kaya was calming herself down as she saw Nojiko was doing completely fine.

They started to talk to each other happily though it was more of Kaya who was speaking happily while Nojiko had a forced smile on her face. She wanted to talk to Ray as he always gives her points after the spar where she could improve herself.

After some moments Nojiko noticed something unusual. She was sure that something was missing from this place before she suddenly looked towards the place where her hubby was standing. There was no one at the place which made her confused as he never leaves her alone like this. For him it doesn't matter even if she is with someone else, he would wait for her.

She tried to look around though he was not around. Her heart started to beat faster as she was getting worried. She tried to recall their conversation before her eyes widened. She scolded herself mentally as she didn't notice it before.

'How could I have overlooked it?'

Nojiko stood up from her place hurriedly which confused Kaya who was sitting with her. Nojiko noticed that everything has returned to normal as the crater was gone from its place while the barrier was off. Some time Ray makes barriers that could be seen from normal eyes.

"What happened to you Nojiko?"

Kaya asked with visible confusion on her face as to Nojiko was trying to look around for something. She has noticed that Ray was missing from the place however she thought that he would have gone somewhere to do something as he always does.

"Huh? It's nothing for you to worry about?"

Nojiko spoke calmly to her though one could see the anger in her eyes. Her tone was also very unusual as she always talks with a smile to Kaya.

"You are acting strange Nojiko?"

Kaya spoke nervously as she sensed the anger in her voice. Her eyes which were frowning didn't help her either. She was just confused on why she would act like this?

"I'm trying to find my husband. Does it count as strange?

Nojiko replied almost shouting though she controlled herself before walking away from the place to find her beloved who has gone somewhere without even telling her.'Are you angry at us hubby?'

'Why she is acting so strange? She needs to relax when Ray is not around her'

Kaya thought confident as she believed that Nojiko needs to enjoy her life. She was just following him around all day without talking to anyone in the mansion. She looked at her who was about to reach the entrance gate so she shouted.

" Nojiko you need to relax when he is not around"

Nojiko was about to reach the entrance gate of the backyard when she heard Kaya shout. She was getting angry too easily however Ray was her weak spot and if someone would speak badly about him then she would show them the wrath of her even if the person is related to her. She would not let them speak anything which might put a bad light on him.

She looked behind her with viable anger on her face which scared Kaya who was about to say something else. Nojiko replied to her in anger.

"I'm trying to find my husband so please don't bother me right now"

Kaya hearing her didn't know what to say as she has never seen her like this. Kaya couldn't believe that her sister would talk to her in this way. She spoke again with confidence though her whole body was trembling.

"He must have gone to do his work like he always does. Why are you getting angry over it?"

"I told you, not to disturb me then why are you bothering me again?

Nojiko asked in an annoyed tone to her who was still not leaving her. She wanted to find him fast as she believed he might be very angry right now.

" I'm just saying that he might have gone to do something important. Why are you getting at me for no reason, to begin with?"

Kaya spoke with an annoyed voice towards her sister figure. She doesn't understand the anger which is shown by Nojiko for no reason at all.

Nojiko seeing that the conversation would not go anywhere decided to calm herself down before doing anything. After taking some deep breaths she finally felt calm before she answered the question of Kaya.

"Hubby would never go anywhere without informing me if I'm also at the same place. As for your question, it's because of you that he has gone somewhere"

Kaya hearing her explanation became wide-eyed as she didn't think that he would leave them because of her words. She doesn't even remember if she has spoken anything offending to him. She looked into her eyes before she spoke.

"I haven't even spoken anything offending to him so how can you even blame me for his disappearance!"

"You have spoken something disheartening to him already even if you haven't realised it. That's why I'm blaming you for this"

Nojiko spoke to Kaya in an authoritative tone to which she nodded. Though Kaya still didn't believe that she has spoken anything bad.

"It seems that you still don't believe in me. Key me give you a hint. My hubby would never harm me seriously even when we spar. He would rather destroy any town than harming me ever in his life"

Nojiko spoke again proudly while mentioning her hubby love for her. She knew that she is special to him more than anything else. Not even the wives who would come in future can take her position from his heart.

Kaya looked at her weirdly as she was showing a strange smile though she could tell that Nojiko was proud of something. She is also jealous as she could tell that Nojiko has a special place in his heart. She asked again.

"How are you even sure that he would not harm you?"

"There's a difference between me and you Kaya. Even though he loves you that doesn't mean you are in the same position as me in our relationship"

Nojiko spoke proudly while smirking a little because it was true no matter what everyone says. Even Ray knows this and he doesn't have any problem regarding this as he loves her more than anyone.

"Even though he would get many wives however I still would be on top no matter what that girl has. I'm only training so I could join him in the future to have some fun as he says in his way"

Nojiko spoke again to her though this time she was calm as if she was stating the facts which were true as well. No one was gonna change this thing even he gets a country of beautiful women.

Nojiko after giving her speech to her went outside the backyard through the door as she still needs to find him. She doesn't want to see him angry as it goes against his playful personality. She likes him more when he jokes. She knows where he would have gone so she also decided to go towards that place ignoring everything around her completely.

Kaya who still in the backyard started to think about the things which Nojiko had told her right now. She doesn't want to believe that she has spoken something offensive towards her love.

After some time of playing the conversation in her mind, she finally came across the line which might have offended him. Ray had told her before that he would love everyone one of his wives seriously and would never let anyone harm them so how could she have said something so stupid.

"AHH! I'm such a stupid girl. How can he hurt his wife even if it was a friendly spar? Of course, he would hold back every time so why did I tell him that he might have not held back"

Kaya shouted angrily in the backyard. She was feeling very stupid right now considering when he has even told her before. If his wife was believing him so much then why didn't she as well? Does not she also love him very dearly?

She sat on the chair again thinking about the stupid lines she had spoken to Nojiko earlier. She has seen how much he loves his wife who also loves him back with that same affection. He always seems to care about her, always showing his love towards her no matter the place of people who look at them. For him to hear that he might have not held back against his lovely wife that also from the mouth of his second lover, it must be disheartening. He must be angry at her right now. She suddenly shouted again in frustration.

"Ahh..! Stupid Kaya!!"


Ray was in his ship kitchen, making some sweets for him and his wife to enjoy in their alone time. He always likes to have his wife by his side as it gives him some kind of comfort even when he has never felt any distress before in his life.

It was his love for her that might be the reason why he always wants her to be with him. He has seen changes in himself from the time he came to this world to get rid of his boredom.

He appreciated her character when he was watching the Anime of One Piece though it could be said that it was just a small appreciation as she didn't get much screen time.

If he would have landed somewhere else then it might be possible that he would have loved someone. Though he is happy that he landed in this village where he started to love her slowly but surely. Now he loves her more than anything and anyone who might join him in the future.

He would love all of his wives however he doesn't think that it would come in the same amount as he loves her. He is not saying that they would not be able to reach her position in a relationship, he is sure that he would find many wives who would take the same position as Nojiko by their efforts of showing love towards him.

Well leave that aside it would happen in future he should pay more attention to the sweet cookies he is baking bright now. This recipe was a must as it would help him in future to conquer many girls who might show him a princess type of attitudes.

He also needs to leave this village as he has different places to travel to while enjoying himself alongside his lovely wife. They would have as much fun they could before the two years time skip as he doesn't think he would be able to live in this world for a long time.

He would make as much chaos he can so when he would return it would not be the same One Piece that he had seen before. After all, he just wants to enjoy himself so that would be a great idea.

"I also need to make my other girls strong so they would be able to handle anything thrown at them from this world"

Ray muttered to himself while baking the sweet cookies for his lovely wife. He was all set to make this works a playground for himself.

The only problem he was facing right now was the girls here. They have always lived in a calm place where there were no battles or wars which made them weak mentally as they have not experienced something like this before.

Even though all of these girls had some type of bad past where they have witnessed the killing of someone however it only made them mentally unstable. Instead of developing some kind of motivation from this, they only developed some kind of syndrome. In Grand Line, the girls who have experienced this, have learnt from it and developed their character according to the atmosphere.

Nojiko has seen her mother died in front of her while saving her when no one from that village came forward to help them. Her sister tried to protect those villagers by sacrificing her whole life. Even after all of this, she was still a naive girl though he has changed her now.

Kaya a girl who has seen her parents died in front of her and she even knew the killer behind it. She was living her life in constant fear and yet she has become a kind girl who trusts anybody too easily. Kindness is good though trusting someone without even knowing anything about them is plain stupid in his eyes.

For him, Nami was the best girl from East Blue as she faced her problems head-on. Unlike anyone from here, she risked her life to save the villagers. She might be naive in believing in that stupid promise however she has the will to fulfil it even if it has taken her life.

"Hmm, the cookies are almost done"

Ray spoke to himself before taking out the cookies from the oven. He looked at the cookies which were brownish while they were emitting a sweet scent in the air which made him smile as they have baked perfectly.

He took the cookies in his hands gently as they might break even though they were very hot. He didn't feel anything from that kind of temperature before he put the cookies on a white plate line by line.

He turned off the kitchen equipment before taking the plate out with him while covering it with a barrier so it would remain hot till he reaches the mansion. He likes to walk in front of the forest as it makes him happy for some reason.

He was about to jump down from the ship when he noticed a figure running down from the island to his ship. He recognised the figure quite easily as it belonged to his lovely wife. He stood on the deck of the ship with a plate filled with fresh cookies in it.

Nojiko who was running from the mansion towards the ship finally spotted her hubby who seems to have a plate in his hand. She instantly licked her lips in the excitement of what he might have made for her. If she knew that he was cooking something here then she would have run with her full speed.

She finally reached the ship before she too a jump on it without even waiting for anything. The whole ship shook by the sudden jump of her which carried a lot of force. Though nothing happened inside the ship as it was made like this by Ray to handle that kind of force.

"Hubby what did you cook this time?"

Nojiko spoke smiling while her eyes had glittering stars in them. She could smell the scent which was on the whole ship and it was coming from that plate which her beloved was holding.

Ray chuckled at her excitement over the cookies he had made still she looked very cute right now. He dispersed the barrier around the plate before he started to walk towards the chair with her following behind him closely though her eyes were on the plate the whole time.

Ray sat on the chair while Nojiko made herself comfortable on his lap without speaking anything. She was facing him directly while her legs were going down from his thighs to space in the chair where someone shorts his arms.

"So why did you come here? I was about to return to the mansion"

Ray said smiling while his left hand was wrapped around her waist while his right hand was caressing her cheeks lovingly. The plate was on the place where people put their arms to rest though he had used space power so it won't fall from its place.

Nojiko hearing him immediately went into her serious wife mode as she got distracted by the fragrance of the thing which was placed on the plate. With a calm voice, she spoke.

"I thought you got angry because of what she had spoken about you"

Ray chuckled at her serious expression which looked cute to him as she was trying not to look towards the plate though it was falling obviously. He spoke with a little smile on his face.

"I would not get angry at such small things my dear wife.

" But you left us there without saying anything to me hubby"

Nojiko spoke instantly to him while her eyes were on the plate. She couldn't wait to try these round things.

"I left you there to prepare these cookies for you"

Ray replied to her with a grin on his face before he took a cookie from the plate towards her mouth who instantly took the whole thing in her mouth whole munching slowly as it was still hot for her.

"Munch..!Munch..! It's tasty hubby, Munch..!"

Nojiko spoke with her mouth full of the cookie as it was taking her whole mouth to eat it because of the hotness. She was enjoying it very much.

"I'm glad you liked it"

Ray spoke with a smile while giving her another cookie to eat which she accepted easily. Ray also took a cookie from the plate to check the taste and it was great.

They both spent their time eating the cookies without speaking anything through their hands were not idle in the time. Ray's hand was rubbing her cheeks while she was messaging his shoulders.

"So why were you running so fast? And you had an angry expression as well"

Ray asked her after finishing the cookies of his while he wiped his lips. Nojiko flinched a little at the question which confused him a little.

"Kaya was stopping me from finding you so that's why I was angry"

Nojiko spoke averting her gaze from his face as she knew he would say something to her which might be true.

"Hmm, tell me the whole details otherwise you would have to be punished"

Ray asked her with a smile as he knows that she might have done some things overboard when he was not around her. He knows how much anger she can show to someone if something bad is said about him.

Nojiko with a nervous chuckle started to tell him about the whole conversion that took place after he left them alone. The more she was telling him the more he was getting irritated at the stupid conversation.

He couldn't believe that they would fight over a silly reason, to begin with. He was trying to make them closer as sisters so they would not fight over him and yet they did the same when he was not around them.

"So you were trying to act like an Alpha housewife?"

Ray spoke with a teasing smile on his face while gazing at her eyes. He didn't think she had this kind of thing in her head.

"No, I'm not trying. It was my anger at that time that made me utter those things"

Nojiko spoke hurriedly to him as she doesn't want him to take this seriously. She might have ruined the things which he wanted to create.

"Still, you were pretty harsh on her"

Ray spoke calmly as he knows that it was anger and pride fault though he wouldn't blame her for this. Kaya should have already known how much his wife likes to stay with him.

"I know hubby. Should I apologise to her?"

Nojiko asked him as he always takes the best decision for her. She believes him wholeheartedly as she has seen her actions for her.

"You don't need to apologise though you would have to make up for the harsh words"

Ray spoke calmly as he does not think that she should apologise as she has not done anything. It was the ignorance and naivety of Kaya because of which this whole thing occurred.

"Still I have to punish you for this as you should have calm in this situation"

Ray spoke to her calmly to which she nodded seriously as it was her fault as well. Ray raised his hand towards her before he snapped the fingers.

Nojiko who was sitting on his lap suddenly felt a very powerful force on her body. Her whole body shook from it before she caught Ray body so she would not fall. With some difficulty, she finally looked at his face.

"I have increased the gravity around you by 4 times as punishment for you"

Ray spoke in a strict tone towards her who nodded without speaking anything. Ray has done this so she would not forget that her actions could be an annoyance to him. Even though he doesn't care about the consequences of doing anything however it is different when it involves another lover of his.

Nojiko didn't say anything about the harsh punishment of her as she knows that it would take her at least half an hour before she would get used to it. It would only help her to become even stronger than before and she knew that he was aware of it that's why he gave her this punishment.

"Let's go back to the mansion"

Ray spoke in a neutral tone towards her who stood up shaking from her position. She was about to fall when he caught her in his arms.

"Hmm, Your training would start from the mansion"

He spoke calmly while carrying her in a princess manner as if he was doing a favour to her. She had to hold back her giggle over his dramatic actions. She wrapped her arms over his neck while snuggling in his chest comfortably.

Ray looked at her for some seconds before he started to walk towards the mansion while carrying her without any trouble. He was smiling internally at her actions as she was trying to make his face closer to him by pulling his neck towards her body though it didn't work and now she was pouting.

'I just love her so much to even bring harm to her is just impossible for me though I can punish her as my heart wants'

Ray thought to himself while a smile formed on his face which was noticed by Nojiko who also smiled jovially.


Kaya was walking outside of the mansion entrance while her hands were behind her. She was frowning while her eyes seem lost as if she was not even looking at something. She was in deep thoughts about the conversation she had with her sister like Nojiko.

After Nojiko was gone from the mansion, she started to think about everything she said and it came to her that she was acting stupid. A wife world is supposed to her husband and yet she was trying to tell her to enjoy when he is not around.

She didn't know what came to her mind which made her spoke those things to her. Even she would be angry if someone would try to tell her the same thing. Her ignorance of the atmosphere around Nojiko made her act like an idiot.

She also thought about the thing which she spoke to Nojiko without caring about the feelings of Ray. She was worried for one person because of which she made the other person hurt. She would not repeat this mistake ever.

While thinking about all of this she heard some footsteps of a single person who was coming towards the mansion. She looked towards the source and found the person she wanted to talk to.

"I wish to speak to you Nojiko/Kaya!"

They both replied simultaneously before laughing together while Ray stood there with a small smile, carrying Nojiko in his arms.

"I apologize for the things that I had said earlier"

Kaya apologised in a guilty tone while bowing a little which made Nojiko embarrassed before she also stood up.

"I also apologise for the things which I had spoken earlier"

Nojiko also spoke while bowing a little towards Kaya who came forward towards them. Kaya looked towards the face of Ray who was standing there with a calm look.

"I also apologise to you Ray if I had spoken something disheartening to you"

Kaya spoke with a regretful look on her face to which he just waved at her which made her even more nervous as he was not speaking anything to her.

"It's alright Kaya I don't feel offended though I need to punish you as I have punished her as well"

Ray spoke smiling while pointing towards Nojiko who just gave her a nervous laugh. Kaya looked unsure before she nodded to him. She didn't want her first time as a punishment.

When she was thinking this a pressure fell on her body before her whole body shook. She had to use all of her willpower so she would not fall in front of those two. She gritted her teeth as she was feeling the pressure before she looked towards them.

"I got this punishment as well that's why I was in his arms as I could not walk"

Nojiko said with a smile while walking towards the mansion only to stop as she felt that she would fall at any moment. She looked towards those two before she went near Kaya.

She wrapped her right arm around her shoulder and motioned Kaya to do the same. By doing this they both were supporting each other body without falling over.

"Let's go like this"

They started to walk towards the mansion with trembling bodies though they didn't fall to the ground. They were chatting with each other happily while entering the mansion while they didn't even look at him.

"I needed to train Kaya so it was the right opportunity for me. Nojiko I hope you would from now on watch on which to release your anger."

"This whole week I would train them so they wouldn't remain by the standard of Grand Line first half. I also need to find Nami as I don't where I'm in the timeline. I don't know even know if Luffy has even found Zoro though I hope you are doing good Nami"

Ray muttered to himself before walking inside the mansion slowly. He was not worried about Nami that much as he knows that she is very capable of taking care of herself.


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