
(naruto fanfic) The beast of war

-[ note ] Im writing this so as to improve my abilities and knowledge as a writer so any Criticism and tips are welcome hope u enjoy this fanfic takes place around the same time as the during the thrid great ninja war do u think our mc will survive? follow our mc as he walks the path of a ninja and explores his brand new world will he learn cool ninjutsu and stop madara and the akatsui? find out as u read this story

Smile_computer · Anime & Comics
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Reverse summoning

In a training ground kayomi is seen intensely studying a scroll.

" to think the third hokage would give me the notes of the second hokage is crazy " kayomi said while smiling to himself, within the notes there was the flying thunder god technique aswell as impure reincarnation technique, I wanted to ask for the scroll it self but i dont think he would give it to a 6 year old. nonetheless with the notes I can use it to create my very own flying thunder god technique.

Sealing the notes he looks at the scroll containing all the fuinjutsu relics that the Uzumaki used and created along with some notes and teachings of them.

Kayomi planned on reserve engineering them as to learn more about the Uzumaki art of fuinjutsu as they are masters at it.

" well that's Enough organization time to learn some jutsu " kayomi said standing up he walked towards the middle of the training ground.

" now how did jiraiya perform the reverse summoning? " striking a thinking pose kayomi thought for awhile before just deciding to perform it normally and see what happens. " Here goes nothing summoning: Technique " he shouted as a puff of smoke appease in which he disappears.

Later kayomi wakes up to be surrounded by giant wolfs and werewolfs alike with some preparing wind and lightning jutsus ready to fire them at him at a moments Notice.

" what ever i did is it to late to say sorry? " he said as one of them speaks up.

" you intruder have no right to say sorry after stepping on our sacred grounds " the werewolf with silver fur said while pointing his claw at me. " I promise I don't bring any harm

I just performed the summoning technique and i was here " I said while lifting my arms up

" how did you manage to obtain our summoning contract and even formed an contract with one of us " an another werewolf said he had brown fur with a scar on his left eye

" What do you mean summoning contract? I Just told you all I did was perform the regular summoning technique and i ended up here " kayomi said while trying to get up. They began to whisper amongst themselves.

The one with silver fur comes up to me putting his hand on my shoulder he asks

" Can you testify that what you just told was not a lie " the one with sliver fur said looking at me intensely

Nodding my head i answered " yes The only one i made an contract with was my best friend akuma " i answered truthfully

Sigh " my senses tell that what he has said his the truth " said the Werewolf with silver fur

Nodding the one with brown fur said " we will bring you to our queen there you will go through the trials you need to join the pack "

Although confused I followed nonetheless.

what will happen to our fav mc? will he be eaten? or gain new powerful allies stay tuned and find out

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