
(naruto fanfic) The beast of war

-[ note ] Im writing this so as to improve my abilities and knowledge as a writer so any Criticism and tips are welcome hope u enjoy this fanfic takes place around the same time as the during the thrid great ninja war do u think our mc will survive? follow our mc as he walks the path of a ninja and explores his brand new world will he learn cool ninjutsu and stop madara and the akatsui? find out as u read this story

Smile_computer · Anime & Comics
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meeting the third hokage

Sounds of an fight can be heard as Akuma and kayomi can be seen in battle deep within the forest of death.

" Lightning Release : Lightning slash "

Kayomi says as he releases a powerfull Lightning slash nearly missing akuma, Counter attacking with two large fire balls he launches them at kayomi blocking his view.

Thinking quickly kayomi puts up an water wall, soon the sound of water boiling can be heard as the fire hits the water wall forming a large cloud of steam. Losing sight of akuma kayomi Focuses on his shape senses to track Akuma's movement's through the fog, suddenly a large fire ball comes flying at him, while dodging Kayomi throws kunais with paper tags at the Direction were the fire ball came from,

After the kunais land he performs the tiger seal to which lighting would begin to jump from kunai to kunai creating an cage of lighting.

" its over akuma i have won " kayomi says overconfident, but just then from behind him akuma ready's a another fire ball inside his mouth.

Wolf !! Wolf !!.

Putting his hands up kayomi surrenders

" damn i almost had you there didn't I? " kayomi says while patting Akuma's head.

An few weeks have past since he has graduated, he manly spent it training or hanging out with akuma perfecting his jutsus even more he can now perform all the jutsu he nows with one or without any hand signs.

" we should had back to the orphanage buddy its getting late ".

As we were about to leave the training grounds a anbu wearing an blank mask appears from the shadows, taking out a scroll

He says " inuzuka kayomi is Requested by the third hokage for an private meeting " closing the scroll the anbu says " and I am here to escort you "

Nodding i said " I assume u wouldn't know why he has summond me right? "


Sighs " lead the way anbu-san "

While one my way to there i couldn't help but think why would the third hokage would wanna meet me? Am i in trouble hope not. Well I can just ask him when I get there plus it the third hokage if i remember correctly he is just a old spineless office man I can handle it i said trying to comedown my nerves

Awhile later kayomi reaches the tower and is led towards the hokage office.

the Secretary Knocking asks the hokage

" lord third Kayomi inuzuka has come to meet with you "

from inside an rough yet Commanding voice Sounds " let him in "

Going in I saw the god of shinobi Hiruzen Sarutobi not some spinless old bag of bones but a true heartless killer.

Of course he has such an aura stupid kayomi people don't call him the professor for nothing.

" its nice to meet you kayomi inuzuka please have an seat " he said with an grandfatherly smile.

" It's a honor to meat the hokage famed god of shinobi " I said while taking the sit offered.

" Hahaha that's in the past now Im just a bag of bones " he said while laughing.

Laughing along i asked him

" for what reason have you summond me lord third? "

Taking an puff from his pipe he answers.

" I have heard of your achievements graduating from the academy only after a month is unheard of " Hiruzen says taking a another puff from his pipe smiling he says

" and for that great achievement i wanna reward you Kayomi ".

" If so hokage-sama please let me give these three items i request " I said while bowing

" No nees to be so serious kayomi and is this 3 items you need? " he said while Chuckling.

sorry guys I know i was gone for a while but im backkkkk

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