
(naruto fanfic) The beast of war

-[ note ] Im writing this so as to improve my abilities and knowledge as a writer so any Criticism and tips are welcome hope u enjoy this fanfic takes place around the same time as the during the thrid great ninja war do u think our mc will survive? follow our mc as he walks the path of a ninja and explores his brand new world will he learn cool ninjutsu and stop madara and the akatsui? find out as u read this story

Smile_computer · Anime & Comics
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After the first day at the academy I decided to leave some clones to train while I'm at the academy since for the current me the academy is a complete waste of time.

Especially durring the war times where i need strength more then anything .

I plan on graduating after an month or two

And make chunin an year lat...


Soaked with water I glared at obito who was holding another balloon filled with water

* YOU BASTART COMEE HERE * i shouted baring my fangs and claws.

Running away obito and kayomi spend there lunch time playing cat and mouse.

Damn obito cause of u I couldn't eat anyting and now im starving

Noticing my glare obito just sticks out his tongue * damn bastart * I said while gritting me teeth If I wasn't starving to death I would drown you with water bullets

Noticing my struggles Rin would hand me a candy bar whispering

* its not much but it will get you through the day * with Shaking hands I took it saying

* You're an angel * with anime tears running down my face.

After class akuma came to pick me up but before going I gave my thanks to Rin for the candy bar making sure i would repay her someday, taking a thinking pose Rin said

* then why don't u try and get along with obito? *

To which i snarled baring my fangs my eyes glowing

* i'll try but that guy started it first *

Tomorrow in class I half expected obito to arrogantly ask for an apology but what greeted me was obito sincerely apologizing instead * Im sorry I acted mean to you for no reason although u started it * but the words died in his throat as Rin gave off a eerie vibe

Not wanting Rins wrath i Accepted obitos apologize and asked him for forgiveness too.

Later the day durring lunch.

* you know you're not a bad guy * obito said as we were eating our lunch under the shade of a tree

* what makes u think i was a bad guy in the first place? *

Laughing obito answered * the claws and fangs are something but that glowing red eyes of your's * he said fake shivering to emphasize his point

Rin came in the conversation aswell

* you're a inuzuka right? Why dont u have the red mark like the others ? *

Touching my cheek I answered,

* well my glowing red eyes and lack of marks are a mystery for me too *

* ever since I could remember I was markless with glowing eyes even the clan head new nothing about it * I answered honestly

Getting curious obito asked * does it give u special abilitys like the sharingan? *

* Kinda I think it makes my eyesight better but I dont really have anything to compare with so no? * I said while finishing my lunch

Puffing his chest out obito said * well of course u can only do that nothing beats the power of the sharingan * you could hear the pride he had in his clan

* but you can't use the sharingan so why bother brag about it * I replied lazily

Hearing that obitos pride in his clan would drop as he and kayomi argues back and forth

Laughing at there arguments Rin would try to comedown them down Before it gets to serious.